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Everything posted by Jonathan!

  1. Either is fine, thanks.
  2. 1. Supercoolmike 2. HylianLemon 3. Gario
  3. I would like to sign up as a novice please. I would be more than happy to work with Rexy if she is willing. I use reaper and am also in the gmt timezone. My main limitation right now is that I am currently competing in the AAC competition. The entry should be finished within the next few days, however. My most recent piece of work can be found here: https://soundcloud.com/jonathan-126/jonathan-breathless-scavenger-ftl-advanced-edition-lanius-2 Thanks
  4. Reviews! Ghetto Lee Lewis: I love this track. It's outside of my normal genres to listen to but it is so damn catchy (I spent an entire day at work with in my head). The production is pretty fantastic, really enjoyed the intro and the little piano sketch at the end. Out of interest, is 0:33 an intentional reference to Eminem's Lose Yourself? MushroomSword I also really enjoyed listening to this one. It has a very nintendo-ish quality to me, I can envisage Yoshi jumping over some clouds as I listen to it. It is well written, has a great arrangement and has some very solid performances in it. --------------------------- If anyone is planning on reviewing my track, would it be possible to use the version in the link below instead of the submitted version please? I have tried to mix it (tried being a very important word here ;D) and I rerecorded the guitar after having tuned it! (all the material in my submission was just my initial ideas from when I was arranging it and I never had the time to rerecord any of it) Thanks! (link to newer version : https://www.dropbox.com/s/jb1hwjy488hdv3w/Jonathan%21%20-%20Breathless%20Scavenger%20%28FTL%20Advanced%20Edition%20-%20Lanius%29%202.mp3?dl=0 )
  5. 1. Ghetto Lee Lewis 2. Mushroom Sword
  6. Does soundcloud do volume matching? I know that some services such as iTunes do this and it can reduce the perceived volume of a track. This will happen if your mix is highly compressed (there is a mastering engineer called ian Shepherd on YouTube who talks about this a lot) I am on my phone right now so can't look at the waveform / take a listen so this might be completely irrelevant to you. If this isn't the issue then Gario's suggestion is very good. Select your track in audacity and then use the amplify effect. Leaving it at its default settings will raise it to its maximum amplitude without clipping.
  7. Thanks for sharing!
  8. Now that the voting is complete, here is my review of each of the Bravo entries: Cyril - Very nicely arranged, I liked how you laid off in certain parts to build contrast. My favourite part was at 2:55 - soooo good. I wish you had ended it there though, it would have been the perfect ending for me. Garpocalypse - What I liked most about this is how you managed to let the original character of FTL shine through despite the genre switch. I also felt that this was very solid arrangement. I am envious of your electric rhythm guitar tone ;D Gercr - I liked the backing to your intro rather a lot, it is nice and moody. Something I like about your work is that you always sound like yourself, it's impressive. Nutitious Production was amazing and I love the long 75 second intro that takes its time to build. I liked the intro so much that it got you into my scoring based upon it alone. TheShaggyFreak I thought this was an interesting take and enjoyed a lot of the small details in this one (e.g. the short vocal samples). This is another entry with very strong production. ------------------------------- Here is the source breakdown for my entry in the Charlie bracket: 0:00 - 0:21 - Original melody over the chord progression / bassline taken from intro (not sure if this counts as source usage) 0.21 - 0.45 - Tune 1 with slight rhythmic alterations 0:45 - 0.53 - Original 0:53 - 1:14 - Tune 1 harmonised in thirds 1:14 - 1:25 - Tune 2 1:25 - 1:46 - Flute plays tune 1, piano is a cut down version of tune 2 1:46 - 2:08 - Tune 2 2:08 - 2:29 - Tune 3 2:29 - 2:50 - Tune 3 up a fourth 2:50 - 3:01 - Tune 4 3:01 - 3:28 - Flute solo 3:28 - 3:40 - Tune 4 Location of each of the tunes within the source (https://benprunty.bandcamp.com/track/lanius-battle): Intro: 0:00 - 0:41 (repeated from 3:48 - 4:20) Tune 1: 1:23 - 1:43, 2:45 - 3:27 Tune 2: 0:41 - 1:23, 2:45 - 3:05 Tune 3: 2:25 - 2:45 Tune 4: 2:04 - 2:25, 2:35 - 2:45
  9. 1. Garpocalypse 2. Nutritious 3. Cyril the wolf
  10. Thanks Hylian.
  11. It looks great shadow. Thanks for the changes.
  12. I am happy to swap if you'd like. The dates for B and C both work fine for me.
  13. Thank you Hylian!
  14. I would also like to join. If possible though, could I be assigned to either brackets B or C please? My schedule for the very start of January is pretty hectic.
  15. Previous post: Edit: Timaeus has let me know that I can't place a 'No vote' in the other post. Rather than voting in my own half of the bracket, I now withdraw both votes.
  16. Previous post: Edit: Timaeus has let me know that I can't place a 'No vote' in the other post. Rather than voting in my own half of the bracket, I now withdraw both votes.
  17. Submitted! The sources we chose were "The Starlit Wilds" for Shield Knight and "The Schemer" for Tinker Knight. Source breakdown 0:00 - 0:23 Tinker 0:23 - 0:38 Shield (strings) 0:58 - 1:05 Shield (strings) + Tinker (guitar) 1:05 - 1:38 Tinker (guitar) 1:38 - 1:47 Shield + Tinker 1:47 - 2:00 Tinker 2:00 - 2:03 Shield + Tinker 2:03 - 2:25 Tinker
  18. I wouldn't bash your track so hard - I actually really enjoyed it. It's just that Ivan's was really, really good. If I understand the rules correctly, you can still participate even after being knocked out by challenging another remixer. (AND the vote isn't even over yet)
  19. I can't claim to have *the* way to write guitar solos but hopefully my tips will help you out. Not all are applicable to every solo but you might be able to glean some ideas. - Listen to lots of solos that are similar to the style to which you want to write. Try to work out what elements of the solos appeal to you - guitar solos are very personal things. - Think about much more than the notes. Slides, bends, mutes, double stops and, in my opinion, especially vibrato are key components in a guitar solo. Also have a think about how it might be played on a real guitar as this often has a strong influence on how a solo is written (whether the guitarist is conscious of it or not). - Don't overlook the fact that your solo is essentially a mini piece in itself. Therefore, it should normally have some degree of structure and direction and shouldn't be just a random jumble of notes. - On the subject of random jumbles of notes: unless the genre requires otherwise, don't be afraid to put slower, more melodic passages in. Guitar solos don't need 100 notes a second to be good. Equally, remember that rhythm is a powerful tool when shaping your solos. - A recent technique I have started to use is making multiple takes of my (improvised) solos and then editing the best bits together. This probably isn't applicable in your case unless you are improvising on another instrument. - Be prepared to spend a lot of time on your solo. Sometimes I will improvise the solo that I want in a take or two but in other cases I will spend multiple hours refining each part of the solo to make it exactly how I want. I hope that somewhat helps. None of the rules are hard and fast so feel free to not observe all of them - as I mentioned at the start, guitar solos are very personal things.
  20. It seems like Jason is doing it solo in his doubles slot:
  21. Sounds great. I filled out the consent form when I first signed up and again last night but I don't show up on the spreadsheet. Did I do something wrong or has it just not been updated yet? Thanks.
  22. Cakewalk Dimension Pro 1.5 is currently being offered for £10 instead of the RRP of £210. I have no idea how good or bad it is - just leaving it here in case it helps anyone. http://www.hotukdeals.com/deals/cakewalk-dimension-pro-1-5-vst-synth-9-99-rrp-209-cakewalk-1984565
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