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Everything posted by Jonathan!

  1. Looking good!
  2. Awesome, thanks for the response. Time to listen to it a million times over while I finish my work =D
  3. Is there a minimum length for entries? Would, for example, 2 minutes be alright? I am only available from the middle of next week but would still be very interested in joining.
  4. This is a great idea. Would you also be able to integrate rainwave? (http://ocr.rainwave.cc/) There are no good apps on android to properly interact with it.
  5. From the specs, it doesn't seem to have usb so you will need an interface to plug into its midi ports. It is the compatibility of the interface with Windows 8 that is important, not really the keyboard. I am on Windows 8.1 pro and my cheap oem interface cable that I bought in 2008 works without the need for any drivers to be installed. (this is it here:http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/aw/d/B000XRI3CC/ref=redir_mdp_mobile?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_details_o04_s00_i00) If I have misread it and you do have usb built in then googling the name of the keyboard and Windows 8 will give you the answer. (I would but juggling tabs on mobile is a pain) HTH.
  6. This is awesome, I love it. - I like the voice sample mixed with the ambient sounds at the start, really nice - The use of instruments such as the ones at 0:28 / 0:41 is very effective. It immediately makes me think of The Last Samurai soundtrack - 0:46 is a cool idea but it feels really empty. I am not quite sure what the problem is - I fully agree with your point about the strings at 0:53 - The transition at 1:20 works rather well and the following section is great - The rest is pretty excellent, I really can't criticise. - The ending doesn't do the rest of the piece justice though that doesn't make it bad. - A very small thing: your strings and trumpet fade out at different rates at the end Sorry for the lack of any meaty feedback. It's difficult to be objective when you really enjoy something.
  7. This is pretty cool, I like it. My thoughts: - The opening / ending vocals seem to be a bit buried in the backing. I would have trouble understanding them out without reading them in the soundcloud description. - I really like the little synth bits such as 0:49, they really add to it - The echoey vocals that come after that are awesome too. Keep these exactly as they are. - I sort of got bored / slightly annoyed of the main riff half way through. Perhaps you could add something else in to mix it up? I don't know if this is a genre thing and is supposed to be that way though? - The voice layering at the end is great. The only problem is that they get very muddy and indistinct. I think that this is related to my first point Other than this, I pretty much agree with everything that Cash has said above me. I am looking forward to hearing the polished mix.
  8. Thanks to whoever made the change, it's much appreciated.
  9. Would you be able to change my name to 'Jonathan!' to match my soundcloud profile please? If the exclamation mark isn't allowed could I simply just have 'Jonathan'? These names don't seem to appear on the members list. Thanks!
  10. I actually really liked the DoD version - I wouldn't knock your keyboard playing that easily. Do you have any plans to extend this?
  11. I don't have any particularly useful feedback to give - I mostly just want to say that I really liked it. It was really well arranged and the instruments fit extremely well together. I should note, however, that I have never played Kingdom Hearts so am unfamiliar with the source. The production values were great too. I A/B'd it with the closest professional track that I could think of (the opening theme from Xenoblade) and I actually think that the sound quality of yours was much better. The only criticism that I could level at it is that towards the end it takes on a very Disney type sound which seems out of place with the rest of the piece. This is my personal taste though and if that's your thing then by all means keep it. Keep it up! The finished piece will be awesome HTH Jonathan
  12. This has some really cool riffs in it and I like the way that it is going. Couple of comments: - The drums that you use are really good, they add a really nice Sabbath feel to it - I am quite so-so on the rain effect. Especially at the start, it just sounds like a lot of recording hiss. I agree that it does add to the Black Sabbath feel but I do wonder if it is only because there is something else missing? (which leads me onto my my next point) - I feel like the bass intro is a bit long. Perhaps you could help it by doubling the part quietly on a guitar to help reinforce it? (listen to 'Hand of Doom' on Paranoid to see what I mean). Alternatively a bit more rhythm or maybe some effects (like 'N.I.B') could help out? Otherwise, maybe even just cutting one repetition could help? - The initial guitar part is great. Both in terms of tone and note choice it is really good. The second guitar that then comes on top of it is also really good. What I don't like is when the second guitar is left by itself for the next 20 seconds or so... it just doesn't seem to fit. It may sound better if you try to thicken that part of the arrangement up? - I really dislike that organ tone. The organ is doing some great things at this point so I wouldn't cut it but you need to find a new organ tone - I like where the ending is going and I think that it could be really awesome. The bass in particular is rather good. - You say that 'it already looks like the main part will have nothing at all to do with the intro'. That's alright! That only adds to the feel. Hope this helps!
  13. I have never played Xenogears so I am unfamiliar with the source but it all seems to fit together rather nicely. I particularly liked the parts with the uilleann pipes. I personally really like where the drums are in the mix as they add to the piece without getting in the way. The much more experienced guys in this thread seem to disagree so please don't take this newb's advice over theirs! This track has found itself a place in my music library
  14. This is pretty awesome - I really enjoyed it. I agree with the panning of the bass as it is a bit weird having it mostly in one ear. The actual baseline is awesome, particularly where it steps up at 1:45. It feels like that is exactly what the track needs at that point. And that vibe solo =D Something that didn't bother me the first time I listened but did on subsequent listens was the ride cymbal. It gets very repetitive towards the end and becomes a bit of an annoyance. I can't wait to hear the version with the horns.
  15. Thank you very much for posting this - it was an extremely useful read. Although I have been playing music for many years, I was pretty clueless about where to start with the whole remix thing. I apologise for necroing the thread but I think that this would really help others that are in my position (it took me a lot of searching to even find this).
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