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Everything posted by DarkDjinn

  1. They do, both yearly and month to month.
  2. Here's an updated version of this song. I tried to update it (using some of the feedback from AngelCityOutlaw, thanks ) to make it give off more of the "creepy" vibe. It's not intended to induce a jump scare, just supposed to sound kind of mysterious and spooky. https://soundcloud.com/brad-charles/behind-you-in-the-mirror2
  3. Thanks for the tip. That was one of several the school suggested, but I was looking for cheaper just because it's an unexpected expense and didn't want to spend $100. I ended up ordering the IKMultimedia Stealthplug CS. $35, will be here today. I'll post later about how well it works. Super unfortunate that I can't seem to use my UX1 anymore though. I've had that thing for 7-8 years now.
  4. First of all, thanks for checking it out! Now to address some things... Yes, that choir sucks. Honestly, shouldn't have posted this in its current state. I get so excited when I finish something that I like that I just want to share it with everyone right away. I'm so bad at using EWQL Symphonic Choirs, but haven't gotten a chance to use it too much. I need to work on that particular thing some more. As for what you were expecting to hear, that's fine, but it's not what I was going for. The title might imply something to you, but there's something behind the title, involving Unsolved Mysteries. When I was a kid, my parents would watch that show, and I remember there being an episode where someone saw a ghost behind themselves in the mirror, and I was terrified (keeping in mind that this was 20-ish years ago so I was like 7-. From then on I always felt super creeped out when I heard the Unsolved Mysteries theme. To ME...what I've created gives me a similar feeling (starting with the main part where the drums come in). So it makes perfect sense to me, but I can see how it is misleading out of context. Thanks again for listening! Might update this soon and you can see what you think then.
  5. So I started a guitar class through Berklee Online today. Terrible time to find out my Line 6 Toneport UX1 is not working anymore. No support for Mac OS Yosemite yet apparently either. I need to get a replacement that will work with my setup, fast. I have assignments due Friday. Looking for any cheap suggestions ($100 or under, but much less would be great as long as it works). I found the IKMultimedia Stealthplug CS for about $35 on Amazon, but it has mixed reviews. Suggestions?
  6. Finished this today. It's called Behind You In The Mirror. Inspired by spooky TV themes like Unsolved Mysteries, American Horror Story - and also by westerns. It was supposed to be a western sounding song but it developed very differently. I really like the final product though. Check it out! https://soundcloud.com/brad-charles/behind-you-in-the-mirror Made using EWQLSO Platinum, EWQL Symphonic Choirs, Shreddage II, Superior Drummer 2.0, QL RA. I think I listed everything
  7. I'm sure it's a work-in-progress Edit: this IS amazing! It wasn't showing up on my end earlier, so I thought maybe you forgot to include the picture. Wasn't trying to be rude, just a little snarky
  8. I'm at the point where I've listened to it so many times that I can't even tell what to do with it anymore. I know there are some humanization issues throughout, but in some areas I actually slowed it way down and played a few of the fast runs so it would sound more natural. What would you say are the, let's say, top 3 main offenders? One big one I might go ahead and suggest myself is the solo trumpet and the two trumpets. I worry about focusing so much on humanizing the notes that it's going to end up sounding sloppy though.
  9. Updated 3/28/15: Posting this here for Mod Review. https://www.dropbox.com/s/r56wutktlidyukn/Fester%27s%20Quest%20Overworld%20Remix%20-%203_28_15%2C%207.46%20AM.m4a?dl=0
  10. Update: 03/05/2015 -Too many updates to list here. Many, many overall changes and improvements. Still some work to do with the brass humanization. Trying to gain more feedback, but also hoping to drum up some interest for a collab on an instrumental solo. Maybe guitar, maybe sax, not sure yet. https://soundcloud.com/brad-charles/festers-quest-remix-wip
  11. Update 2/28/15: https://www.dropbox.com/s/amszqzegwiehgjf/Fester%27s%20Quest%20Overworld%20Remix%20-%202_28_15%2C%2010.16%20PM.m4a?dl=0 -Finished the basic structure of the song -Humanized some elements (esp. quick string runs) by playing some of the parts by hand -Upgraded my library from EWQLSO Gold to the Platinum edition ----- Here are some issues I know exist: 1. A few of the transitions don't sound as smooth/natural as they should 2. Still need to work on humanization of some parts, especially pretty much all of the brass parts 3. The drum kit I added in the groove section stands out because it's from Superior Drummer instead of EWQLSO 4. That groove section seems wayyyy too long (I promise it isn't, some solos are going there eventually - speaking of which, any sax players want to throw something down? I was thinking like a sax/xylophone call/answer kind of solo section) 5. Piano in the groove section is sloppy and too loud - I played it by hand and I'm not a piano player ----- If anyone has any suggestions as to how to fix the issues I named, or if you see any other issues, please let me know. I'm feeling good about this mix, but I want it to be great
  12. Thanks timaeus. I'm mostly getting feedback these days that says I need to work on the humanization aspect, so that's what I've been focusing on. One helpful tip I got from Neifion was to slow it down and play some of the parts myself, and I've been doing that on another piece I'm working on. It seems to be working well so far. I appreciate the feedback!
  13. Yeah that does sound like the simplest solution. I didn't know that . I'll try it out, thanks!
  14. Yeah it's so annoying! I thought the "upgrade" from Garageband to Logic would be great, but I dislike that feature greatly.
  15. evktalo - Thanks for the kind words. The percussion is repetitive because it's a very busy piece and I didn't want to add any distractors from the rest of the orchestra. Do you have any suggestions for breaking up the repetition without making it too much movement in the percussion? Dj Mokram - I do have a plan for what's coming next, but I agree - not much source material to work with. I like doing remixes of those kinds of songs because it's more challenging and gives me more freedom. I've got another related source I'm thinking about bringing into this mix and I think it's going to blend quite nicely. I definitely need to work on the humanization of those samples - I haven't done anything other than little velocity adjustments here and there. That part will probably mostly be done all together once I get the entire thing mapped out. Thanks for the feedback so far!
  16. Hi guys, been working on this one for a couple of days now. It's still in its very early stages, but the general idea is there. Looking for any feedback so far even as I make my own adjustments and keep working on the song. Note: this isn't even the "full" remix yet, but it's as far as I've gotten. It will be longer. Just trying to get feedback as I go. The Source: The remix (updated 28 June 2015) https://www.dropbox.com/s/zw826kg3o72anvx/Fester%27s%20Quest%20Overworld%20Remix%20updated%2028%20June%2015.mp3?dl=0
  17. This is now in progress, and coming along nicely
  18. This is admittedly not the best solution, but I use the Church Bells in ERA Medieval Legends for that. I say it's not a great solution because it's spending around $250 for the purpose of obtaining one sample. That being said, the rest of the samples are really cool stuff too
  19. I'll do it, for the good of the colony.
  20. New original song - work in progress. Made using East West Quantum Leap Symphonic Orchestra Gold and Quantum Leap RA. https://soundcloud.com/brad-charles/the-great-army-of-the-desert-king Looking for feedback mostly on the production aspect, but I'd like to know what you guys think of the composition itself too. Thanks in advance!
  21. I have already searched for the answer to this and can't seem to find it. I am trying to have a default MIDI note length in Logic Pro X. Currently, when I input into the piano roll, it will mimic the last note that I had selected (even if that note is no longer selected). I want to set it to input a quarter note by default, but I can't seem to figure out how to do that. I found topics on how to select the entire thing and use the MIDI Transform function to change all notes to the same length, but that doesn't help. This is super annoying when I input a note that is sustained for a couple of measures, then want to input a shorter note but it automatically puts in another really long note and I have to shorten it. Does anyone know how to do it? Thanks in advance!
  22. The speakers are just some Dell speakers. I couldn't find the model online just now, I guess they don't make them anymore. They have a subwoofer, that's about all the description I've got. I've had them for years, probably about 7-8 years. I'll invest in a pair of those headphones and give them a shot. I looked up a video on mixing just now, and I think I just need to get organized and get a system going. I usually kind of try to do everything at once, or as I'm going, instead of finishing the song and mixing at the end.
  23. Yeah, I'll have to do that. By the way, I PM'd you about another song So mixing headphones, you asked me earlier what kind I have. I use computer speakers, and then when I have "mixed" something, I go and listen to it through different sources (those speakers, my earbuds, both mine and my wife's car since the sound systems sound different) and compare. Definitely not a good way to do things. I actually splurged on a pair of headphones a few months back but didn't do a good job picking them out. They are Sony MDR10RDC headphones. They sound nice for listening to music, but for mixing, they have too much bass going on it seems.
  24. Well, about using the workshop - I post things there all the time and rarely ever get any feedback at all. For example... http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=49085 Mixing is definitely the most frustrating part of it because I have no idea what to do, or what sounds great. I can usually get to what sounds "ok", and at the very least I never have anything that sounds "bad".
  25. Updated this substantially: https://soundcloud.com/brad-charles/the-final-temple-version-2 1. Added in some new percussion in the beginning 2. Added glockenspiel in one part 3. Added an additional choir section 4. Updated a lot of the guitar stuff 5. Increased velocity of French horns throughout 6. Deleted the repeat; now only plays once
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