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Everything posted by DarkDjinn

  1. Oh the curse of the written word! Next time I'll be sure to include sufficient "lol"s and winking smilies lol
  2. Oh come on you guys, I'm just being silly. I was just watching the movie and thought it was interesting when I heard it and wanted to share.
  3. I don't even know who I can trust anymore Listen at 2:02, it's very brief. http://youtu.be/Ord1g3irQUM
  4. It would be cool if there was a renewed interest in this
  5. I am also using Mac products, so this is good news. I wanted to buy Logic anyway, and this gives me another reason to do so. Thanks for the input!
  6. I've always used Finale, but haven't used it heavily in a while. I hate trying to compose in the piano roll though. I'd like to get some opinions on good music notation software.What are you guys using?
  7. I think I figured out my own issue. I've got it working now. I've found out that if I've got a track that is an instance of PLAY, and I duplicate that track, and then try to make them both different instruments, only one of them works. But if I make a completely new track, it lets me have as many as I want. Just in case anyone else was having a similar issue.
  8. I wouldn't go so far as to say you're a crappy singer. But I've got a couple of tips that might help you. First, I would suggest singing with your own style, rather than imitating the singer of that song. I think it's really hard to accurately replicate someone else's singing style, but if you develop your own, no one can really tell you that you're doing it wrong Focus really hard on hitting the notes that you intend to hit and being consistent with the pitch - don't let it waver. And for styles like this (referring to the original song) where the guy is falling off of every note at the end of each phrase - that doesn't help when improving your singing. It's important to control your notes, and you can add in all the flair later. Three big areas that I think can make anyone a passable (or even good) singer are 1)Staying on pitch 2) singing powerfully and a distant 3)adding style. That's kind of off the top of my head. I'm no professional singer by any means but I consider myself to be good and I used to be really, really bad. Just practice! And recording yourself is also good. Just like anything else, the more you do it, the better you'll be. Good luck!
  9. I recently bought EastWest/Quantum Leap Symphonic Orchestra Gold and trying to learn my way around it still. I can't use Garageband to send different articulations to different tracks, so I tried using Reaper. Way over my head, can't figure that one out at all. So I went back to Garageband, just to try to learn EWQLSO a little better before I switch to a more advanced DAW. I have two instances of PLAY but only one of them is playing. I can't figure out why. Any ideas?
  10. This is what I'm talking about https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/logic-pro-x/id634148309?mt=12 The reviews on there make it seem like it's going to crash all the time. And they are referring to the most recent version as well. So what kind of "annoying bugs" do you experience?
  11. I want to purchase Logic but I'm reading that the newest version crashes a lot and makes it very hard to work with. Does anyone have experience with Logic that can tell me if this seems to be a common thing?
  12. I did some things with the panning that I thought would help it have an overall "wider" sound. I tried to pan it like an orchestra would be set up, I wasn't sure if that would actually help or not. I can't really hear exactly what you mean though - unless you're talking about the staccato cello going on in those parts. Thanks for listening!
  13. Here's a song I "finished" today. I wasn't actually done with it, and heard a few things that I wanted to go change...went to open it and the Garageband project file was corrupted. So I guess now it's "finished". Anyway, hope you guys enjoy it and I welcome your feedback. https://soundcloud.com/brad-charles/horn-of-battle Software Used: Garageband Miroslav Philharmonik ERA Medieval Legends EZDrummer (Metal Machine expansion)
  14. Well now that I know it's possible (whether or not it's possible in Garageband) then I know what to look for. Thanks for the heads up, and I hope I can figure it out.
  15. Thanks for replying DusK. I am using a version older than Garageband 11, but I don't know how old. I'll look into those things you said - I have put off upgrading for some reason but I can't remember why. There was some feature that I vaguely recall hearing wasn't included in the new version that I felt like I needed. And as far as the "single instrument per instance", that is exactly what I'm doing. I'm better with music than I am with software, silly me. So you can load 16 instruments into one instance then? I actually tried doing that in a different piece I was working on (I put regular violins and staccato violins together) and then couldn't figure out how to make it work. I'm showing my ignorance here, but hopefully you can school me on this so I don't keep banging my head against a wall. Andddd finally...the thing I don't like about Philharmonik is the lack of attack of most of the brass sounds. Some of them are pretty good, and others seem to be lacking. And I have a bad habit of comparing what I do have with what I don't have, and I've been eyeing EWQLSO for a while.
  16. These things are so cool. I watched that video a while back. I wish they weren't so dang expensive - I feel like I could play this thing pretty well (even without being a keys player). I feel like expression on this would be similar to the way it's done on guitar, from what I saw in the videos. Really awesome new instrument though.
  17. I was working on a piece this morning, and ran into a problem that I've never had before - crackling, when I added an instrument. So I'm using Garageband, and running 5 tracks of ERA Medieval Legends, 7 tracks of Miroslav Philharmonik, 1 of EZdrummer. When I added two more of Philharmonik (bringing the total number of tracks to 15) and it got to the part where those two instruments come in, the crackling started. It's not a volume issue that I can tell. I'm using an iMac mid-2011 with 14GB of RAM. I just added 8GB so this is depressing if my computer can't handle this many instruments at once, especially since Philharmonik isn't even that great. Any suggestions as to how I can fix this or at least figure out if "too many instruments" is indeed the issue?
  18. Finished this a couple of weeks ago. It's called City of Ruin. I was going for a dark sound and I achieved what I wanted - one of the few times something has turned out almost exactly the way I planned. However, I'd love to get any feedback on stuff that could be improved. Thanks in advance! http://www.soundcloud.com/brad-charles/city-of-ruin
  19. Soundsonline.com - most products 50% off, this week only! Too bad I just spent a couple hundred on ERA Medieval Legends, would have loved to pick up EWQLSO!
  20. This is great! What VSTs did you use for this?
  21. Hey everyone! Just picked up ERA Medieval Legends a few days ago and I am LOVING it. I wanted to make something using my new instruments so I started on this as a kind of demo, and then I ended up turning it into a full song. I welcome any feedback on this - especially regarding mixing. https://soundcloud.com/brad-charles/through-the-morning-mist
  22. Honestly, I can afford the Beyerdynamic DT880s (even though I would rather not spend that much since I have zero income from making music), but I read in some of the comments that it might end up being too quiet and that I would need to buy a headphone amp. Something else to research I suppose.
  23. I've searched the forums here and found a couple of suggestions for lower-end mixing headphones that fit how much I want to spend such as the AKG K240 (which are around $80) and also Sennheiser HD280 Pro (around $100). I'm looking for the same thing a lot of people are - durable, no sound coloring. Anybody have any suggestions for something in that price range? Thanks in advance!
  24. Thanks for listening man. My song is definitely lacking in dynamics at this point. I would almost go so far as to just call this a "concept". I haven't had any more time to work on it but I certainly agree with what you said. I'm trying to actually flesh it out and make it more into an actual song than just a boss battle track that would repeat, so there will probably be guitar/organ solos later and who knows what else? Anyway, thanks again for listening.
  25. Yup, he's probably gonna get pretty swole.
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