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Everything posted by D-Lux

  1. Two packages showed up at my door today. This doubled as a double-troll on my brother who has been waiting for a package for a while now, only to be let down twice. Message 1: The message on the other was pretty poor but please enjoy what is a useful gift and more. Everyone uses batteries, this is a fact, so now you can be D-Lux and crap. ~Santa Message 2: To: D-Lux Enjoy this second part! From: Santa Though poetry is not his strong suit, Cyril did come through as a cool secret santa. I got an 8 pack of AA rechargeable batteries and a 12 channel battery charger. Believe it or not, I wish for rechargeable batteries more than I go out and buy them (the ratio is something along the lines of more_than_once : less_than_once). Practical, useful, and saves me money. Thanks dude!
  2. Oops! I had posted a few pages back about receiving my gift, but much to my surprise it was from my OUS SS and not my OCR SS. Still waiting to see what my OCR SS got me!
  3. Whoops! This post was about the gift I received for the OUS SS exchange, and not this one! I have not purchased my SS gift yet, but my recipient can expect theirs to arrive sometime right before or after xmas.
  4. For non-gaming ideas, I'm a big fan of practicality over prettiness (typical male). I built myself a sweet gaming computer last year, but despite being an almost daily gamer, the only PC game I've played that launched after 2007 is Starcraft II (and not that much of it, to be honest). I also have a Wii that's been collecting dust since forever ago. I just haven't pulled the trigger on new games this year, and I don't know why. Wow, typing that out made me realize I should be ashamed of myself.
  5. Yes. 10yesses
  6. I've been unable to play ever since the crashing started.
  7. CaptainYahoo's Prop Hunt Event: The Full Server Edition This Saturday 9/24/11 at 8PM EST red.ocrtf2.com BE THERE or not. I'm a forum post, not a cop.
  8. I'm baaaaaaaack (from vacation). So sad to see Prop Hunt go.
  9. I am making an effort to get the Prop Hunt server to fill up at least once every night. Prop Hunt is downright hilarious if you do it right.
  10. What if I make tonight an Admin Abuse event night?
  11. IMO, and as the mod who unarguably receives the most backlash for discipline on this topic, you toe the line quite carefully. I'll leave it at that.
  12. Coming to a micspam near you:
  13. Uematsu truly is a man worthy of the praise he's been given. This is a once in a lifetime chance for any video game music fan.
  14. Just quoting some commands for which I already have plans.
  15. Announcing an event: OCRTF2 Presents: @dmin @buse, hosted by CaptainYahoo on the RED server, of course (red.ocrtf2.com:27015) Friday, May 13th at 9PM EST Beacons, name changes, and ragequits, oh my! If you dare set foot in the RED server starting at 9PM EST this coming Friday, you'll be in for a world of frustration as the admin abuse will be at an all time high (but it's cool, because that's the whole point). Myself, and any other admins who wish to join, will be changing objective-based TF2 from win the round to survive the wrath of your TF2 overlords! What can I expect? A lot of craziness that you will undoubtedly be a part of. There will also be themed events for certain maps through the evening. I will be researching how far I can stretch the "rules" to make this an enjoyable, laid-back night for everyone. Abuse? Heh. Spies will be announced and/or beaconed frequently. Gravity will change at a moment's notice. Your entire team will be frozen in place. A lot of nerdraging from the pubbies, and much, much more. What's the point? RED needs more events and I like shiny buttons. why are you ruining the game all I want to do is just play you are terrible and you shouldn't be an admin OK. Anyone with questions or suggestions can drop me a PM here to catch me on Steam this week. And because I have to say it: wrath with be expelled at random, and no person should feel like they are specifically being targeted. Have fun, damnit!
  16. You should play ROSE Online instead.
  17. To clarify my good friend's post, the only available reservation for the weekend at the time did not include Thursday night, so we are now looking to crash on someone's floor in the MAG hotel for the night on Thursday night. Also, we have floor space available for Friday & Saturday nights in the MAG hotel if people are looking to split room cost. Send me a PM and I'll get back to you.
  18. Once again, sorry for the tardiness in sending your package, MaxFrost. I really hope you dig those movies (because I do). Edit: And yeah, I had to correct typos in my note right before I taped up the box. Damn OCD.
  19. After an extra delay due to the untimely snowstorm, I was able to pick up boxes from the post office yesterday. I will pack up my SS stuff and get it in the mail tomorrow.
  20. Dude, I signed a razor and mailed it to you. How excited are you knowing that you get to meet me?
  21. And now I have to be that guy. The guy that double posts with an apologetic tone to his gift victim to say that I haven't shipped mine out yet, and thus, it will not arrive before Christmas. I have a large family that takes up large chunks of time during the holidays, so while the gift-sending is not complete, the gift-preparing almost is. I've got other SSs I'm doing that are in the same boat, so please don't fret. I should be sending everything out the beginning of next week. Just know that I'm putting as much effort as I can to make this the most embarrassing box that has ever shown up at your door.
  22. After not much sleep last night and a long day at work, I come home and see a box with the rest of the mail. Wait .. A BOX??? SECRET SANTA!! (sorry for blurry pictures) Yep, that's a box with my name on it. It's rather heavy too. You probably can't tell from the picture. Anyway, I grab my trusty swiss army knife and assault the tape's weak points with the blade. Suddenly, flaps flip open and a blinding light escapes the box. The light seems to be coming from this note. "Dear Steven, Merry Christmas! I hope you like music. There's a lot here. These are some promotional CDs that mean a lot to me. Some are included as a joke. I also threw in my own band CDs for Rainwound, In Staid Grace, and my acoustic debut. Some other things to have. *shrug* Peace out, Brandon Strader" There's also a guitar pick taped on with "Heavily used -->" on it. Once the note is removed, the blinding light turns into a swirling dark vortex of mayhem and evil and corruption and .. CDs like WOAH. I like music, but damn son. Number of bands I recognize? 1. Looks like most of it is of the thrash metal variety, and coming from Brandon, I'm not surprised. I suddenly get flashbacks of helping the music director sift through new mail at my college radio station all over again. Good times. I'll spare naming all the bands, but that's not all! Check out that sweet plastic pig. Or Star Wars: The Clone Wars comic book. Or The Art of Dead Space: Designing a Nightmare (that black book in the bottom right). This is too much, man. I'm reeling. Thanks to Brandon Strader for this awesome box of ear candy. I picked Coldseed out randomly to play while I typed this post, and I'm loving it. P.S. What's the 7x6 block-art under the guitar pick? Some subliminal message you both hoped and didn't hope I'd find? WHAT DOES IT MEAN?!?!
  23. Count me in. If someone's stuck on an idea, get me any (non-MMO) game that's come out within the last 4 years or so. I just built myself a brand new computer to replace the $15-at-a-garage-sale econocomp I've been using for WAY too long. I mean, I haven't even played Oblivion yet which has been sitting next to me ready to play since 2007.
  24. And we're looking for people that we know to split room cost. PM me if interested.
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