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Everything posted by D-Lux

  1. Based on the feedback so far, admin meeting should be on Tuesday. Let's say server #2 at 7PM EST.
  2. FWIW, I find a verbal warning is enough to separate the pubs who care about following the rules from those who don't. After that, it's race to kick/ban them before they leave. I'd also like to request an admin meeting sometime soon. It's the only way to get us all on the same page.
  3. I bitch at you specifically for a few reasons. (A) Do not scramble teams (in att/def for example) before both sides get a chance to attack and defend. If both sides steamroll, then it's arguably fair, so no scramble is necessary. ( Do not scramble teams in the middle of a game. Just because BLU has captured the intel 3 times before RED gets it once does not mean teams are unbalanced. This annoys the hell out of me. © Don't use admin to switch maps in the middle of a game just because you feel like it. This pisses me off more than ( and you've NEVER given a good reason for it.
  4. I'd need more practice with the Ambassador before I'd feel comfortable using it (again). Only had it out for achievements which I got long ago, and haven't played much spy since then. As for health regen, I can't say I even thought "hey, I could get extra regen", so I don't know if there were any instances where it would have made a big difference on Granary. I know it would have helped on Gpit, but I don't like Gpit that much.
  5. It's the same reason I used the Ambassador during the team-captain-spy-duel-match to start picking teams. If I would have won 100 bucks for winning, I would have picked the Revolver, sure. But I really didn't care. I should add: thanks to my teams for suffering through my horrible microphone whilst talking. I'll hopefully have a job soon to afford such things.
  6. atmuh, I asked about RED joining my team twice when I was captain, and he didn't respond either time. Also, I found out some things today. I like being medic more than offense (if this continues I'll happily let other people heal) and I feel much better when my scouts keep me abreast on the other team's location.
  7. Before you take anything into consideration, you need to seriously decide what direction you want to take the OCR TF2 community in. Do you want a dedicated server (that would be generally useless if pubbies didn't join) or do you want one set aside for special events (that would be useless unless we started actually scheduling events)? If you plan on having one serious and one fun server, who would be welcome on the serious server? Pubbies? Only good demonstrated players? Now for my two cents: I've been splitting my time between OCR and another TF2 community, and they run three servers (one being set aside for testing and special events). They don't do reserved slots, and they still have enough people coming back to warrant a community (they even have a clan tag which is always present when I'm on). OCR does not have enough of a community to host two servers simultaneously for "OCR community members". If you ABSOLUTELY want a second dedicated server, it'll change the structure of the community. Do you really want that? Removing reserved slots altogether in order to ensure that pubbies keep coming back and keep both servers full would probably be necessary. If we're really moving from Gameservers and pav and Fireslash's network can handle it, we could consider upping the player limit. This would give us a lot more traffic, which should be valued if both servers are dedicated. If the second server is just for special events and scrims, it'll be useless unless we actually schedule events. Scheduling events will only continue if people continually show up for the events. Will that happen? It's doubtful from looking at the frequency of events in the past. Yeah, you could keep one open to pubbies until an event is scheduled, but that's a bad idea imo. tl;dr: atmuh might agree with what I have to say. Read it you lazy ass.
  8. It's always refreshing to hear a mix that doesn't take itself too seriously. I'm sure these guys weren't too bothered by having to listen to this over and over to make it sound .. ahem .. "right."
  9. I can have a lot to say about omelettes... I have great ideas brewing for a vocal mix *coughtrendygamecough*, I just need one of you music making folk to step up and contact me.
  10. Yes, please. Can only play 7-11PM EST.
  11. I know a lot more can be tracked than that. It'd be nice to get a comprehensive list. Also note: I'll try to name some achievements after regular members. If you want to nominate an achievement for someone (or yourself), get those suggestions in now.
  12. Good time to mention: last call for server achievement ideas.
  13. Honestly, atma, your constant suggestions of what the OCR should have / do is starting to get annoying. You always want to change something. What happened to just playing the game?
  14. No. This idea is dumb. OCR is Alltalk for a reason, and I know we have permission to use other servers if people want to play serious matches.
  15. To miyako: In my opinion, I was having fun with commands. I wasn't targeting you both specifically, but I can see how you could have thought that. garian did the admin commands to other people before I could, so I don't blame you for taking it the wrong way. In your opinion, Fireslash didn't act out of line because you felt like you were being harassed. I did because he didn't even ask or wait to see what was going on. I think that as admins, we should have an open line of dialogue and at least deserve some credit before action is taken. That didn't happen, so I am objecting. Everyone is quick to dismiss the incident and move on, but this needed to be said. Just as parents should speak with one voice when disciplining a child, admins should speak with one voice when dealing with problems on the server. I endorse this and it should not be overlooked.
  16. You stickied the door. I said what I always say when someone sticky camps any door on any map: "Man, sticky camping sure takes skill." You or the other demo said "stop crying" I blinded you both a few times, with garian giving out some, too. You said you were telling Fireslash. I said "Who's crying now?" I may have done it one more time. I don't know. Fireslash joins and bans. You also failed to mention the half blinds. You can still see with those.
  17. I have never and would never take a video game so seriously that I would use admin commands solely to make myself play better or make someone else play worse. Would I have done it differently had I known it was you specifically? I don't know. I do know that garian would have told me if I was out of line since I trust him, and because he said nothing, I saw it as all fun on my side. Superserious games aren't always the case on OCR, so if I "ruined your gameplay" by having fun with admin commands then you might need to lighten up. Also, WTF to your last statement? Way to twist my words, man. Seriously, lighten up.
  18. No one said anything to me about being banned if I didn't stop. Relying on him to pass the word along wasn't the best idea either. And other people were asking for drugs and blinds, too, so don't tell me that one superserious player justifies it. If it was rambo, he could have banned me himself. Way to jump to conclusions.
  19. Another day, and more drama. I pulled a Brushfire and went happy with the blind command on some demos who were acting tough today (one being miyako under a different name), so he whined to Fireslash (after they accused me of whining). He came in and banned me (not kicked, but banned) without saying a word or asking anyone (garian was there too). I didn't appreciate it, and I think he acted out of line in favor of miyako just because he made the initial complaint. I don't know how good of friends they are/were, but it was handled very poorly. Edited for clarification.
  20. I'd probably stick to spoken words since I'm not a very good singer. Narrating each track would be a perfect assignment for me, for example.
  21. I'm still interested in supplying vocals for this project. This was the first video game I owned, so it holds a special place in my heart.
  22. I'm attempting to deflect as many of atmuh's complaints as I can. Like this one: No, I scramble and don't say anything most of the time. You must be confusing me with the people you don't have muted.
  23. Yes, I'm the bad guy because I've already been enforcing 3 of the 5 points Fireslash has now made official.
  24. The 10080s are one week bans I give to people who have 0 regard for server rules / admin requests / general decency. Porn sprays, constant racism, etc. ZUZ, as much as I hate to say it, is just as bad as any other clan we've had issues with. I've come down on them harder than the other admins, and I've really felt the backlash from a few of them. They mock me for my scrambles when I do them and my non-scrambles when I don't. Ubel and I had our differences when he first started on the server. I had to kick Vahn recently after an inappropriate comment when he specced to the other team after a scramble and I told him not to. They've even gone as far as letting the other team steamroll them for one round just to claim "Look, they beat us! Teams are even!" I should see more ZUZ mentioned in these teamstacking claims, because they are guilty, too.
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