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Everything posted by D-Lux

  1. Elesanara pointed out something very interesting to me last night: I'm always the one getting trolled on the server. I never thought about that before, but I can say now that it's pretty true.
  2. The scramble plugin would be awesome if it didn't suck so much. Changes to the parameters might make it work better, but I think it's best for the players to decide when a scramble is necessary. The server is also noticeably full of demo/soldier most of the time. It sucks. If you're going to impose an Engineer class limit on Turbine, then you might as well put a limit those classes, and then on every class while you're at it. I'm an admin now. You're all screwed. I hereby petition to force all players to be on random teams and pick a random class every time they spawn. That way, if steamrolls happen, you can blame Valve's RNG.
  3. Least played class would be soldier or demo for a lot of people. They are the two classes you either love or hate.
  4. Even better: purposely run into people.
  5. Skrypnyk, list them off for us.
  6. Orange X was the first TF2 map I ever saw (my roommate at the time was playing it), and since then, I had never seen it until today in this thread. I want to play it!
  7. I could probably do it if you gave me more time.
  8. This was posted on Sunday. Tomorrow would mean Monday. But no, it was actually held on Sunday. I MISSED IT BECAUSE SENSAI CAN'T FIGURE OUT TIME.
  9. I imagine Andy with the Quagmire voice in that picture. I don't blame him, either. Stay committed to each other for the rest of your lives and there will be no limit to the amount of things you can achieve. Good luck in the future and congratulations.
  10. Your birthday means that your parents had an explosive evening somewhere around Halloween the year before. Food for thought. Happy Birthday Dave.
  11. The next big movement in music will be melodies serving as basslines and basslines serving as melodies. You heard it here first.
  12. <3 binster Happy Birthday you three.
  13. Happy Birthday Xerol. I'll make it to one of your barbeques, I promise.
  14. Also included: Arkanoid '1999 (2000 Mix)' by Chris Abbott Bubble Bobble 'Hillbilly Rodeo' by djpretzel Mario Paint 'Intense Color' by sgx, Sephfire
  15. won the competition that was submitted to.In other news, Thursday looks promising for me.
  16. I'm questionable for both dates actually. I'm going to the beach that weekend and might not be back in time on the 26th, and the 23rd is also up in the air. WAY TO PICK BAD DATES.
  17. Hips don't lie. Available at night. After dinner until after dawn!
  18. Spectreshot, as much as I loved him in the beginning, is going downhill just like Tiddlywink. I would ban him from the server just for what happened to shpladoink, but since I'm not an admin, that's not up to me. In other news, there was a hacker online last night sometime around 1:30 or 2. Huntsman sniper speedhacking, aimbotting, etc. Doubled the points of anybody on either team on Dustbowl 1 in minutes and he even joined the server well after the map had started. I calmly told the people online (mostly pubs) to type voteban and select the guy with no name, and he was gone shortly after. Just goes to show that you don't need an admin on to get rid of people who are ruining fun for everyone else (although I still think that the admin list should include people who are online a lot).
  19. Turbine is, and always will be, my stomping ground.
  20. Everyone should make their own judgments about which songs they personally enjoy.
  21. I almost cried. He was being mean! Seriously though, he crossed the line. I've been tolerant of him almost 100% of the time, but today was very different. He turned into an 8 year old with a temper tantrum because the maps he nominated weren't being played. Then when I told him to just chill out and have fun (because playing a "bad" map is better than sitting at more loading screens), the cursing began. I told him that spamming "rock the vote" in voice or text is a kickable offense, and he got even more whiny. I could hear it in his voice that he was getting really personal with his words. garian had enough and banned him. At least I think it was garian.
  22. That spy is disguised as Mr. Burns from the Simpsons. My own contribution: Mission successful!
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