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Posts posted by Wintermute

  1. Thanks for your comments everyone!


    Here's a newer version. Still the headset mic vocals in there... *retch*

    but things will hopefully sound a little better. I hadn't read the comment about the volume levels being off when I had finished this, but I definitely understand where you're coming from there. When I record the vocals for realz I will start spending more time tweaking production.

    Hope you enjoy the new version!

    Oh and> I fail to recognize the source. Hm...

    I am singing the lead line, and my tone isn't exactly perfect for a lot of it, so that might be the confusion there.

  2. It's probably for balance, especially in vs. Wouldn't be very fun if a Zombie could just run into the car and set the alarm off to call the horde.

    I find it very odd that people didn't realize this within like the first three seconds of noticing zombies don't set off the alarms, and actually bothered to ponder it. And some of them even posted about it on forums. And remarked things like: "Odd." or "This doesn't make any sense!"



  3. So it's been a damn long time since I've done a video game remix. Chrono Trigger's "At the Bottom of the Night" remains one of my favorite pieces from the soundtrack, and I sat down the other day and hashed this out.


    Lyrics recorded on a headset mic (YIKES) but for at least another month I will not have access to a decent one. Just a heads up that the production quality on the vocals will go up.

    Anyway, yeah, is this enjoyable to listen to?

    Newer version:


  4. You can use gas cans and melee, but no nades, no other guns. Also if you go spectator the AI will use any gun you've picked up, and that will rob you of the achievement.

    Odd, because when we did our test run of it, we had two people that used melee and two people that didn't (none of us shot gas cans/propane or threw grenades) and the ones that used melee didn't get the achievement. Perhaps they just got unlucky somehow with the wierd achievement tracking, but it seemed like a confirmation. We later ran it the other way around, where they didn't use melee and only used pistols and they got their achievement.

  5. The confusion comes from the multiple versus difficulties which are hidden from the users.

    Play Versus - Expert and survivors don't get anywhere.

    Play Versus - Easy and survivors roll.

    You have no way of choosing which one you get. Extremely poor design.

    I find that Versus - Advanced feels the best to me.

  6. I think they should return Metroid to what makes the Metroid games extremely fun (in my opinion): Immersive environments, a forboding sense of BEING ALONE ON A HOSTILE ALIEN WORLD, and a focus on exploration.

    Metroid Prime (1) did this passably well, so it's not like you can't do it in the 3D Metroids either.

  7. ....It could be good.

    But it probably won't be.

    Besides, Watchmen wasn't really about action.. makes for a poor action game idea. If it's an adventure type game with some action elements it could be fricken excellen though.

  8. I find it immensely tricky to start. After I get two or three I can usually rack up at least 7 before missing a beat, but for some reason that second one is almost impossible for me to hit.

    Had to edit this to add an awesome quote:


    Please don't stare directly at me.

    It might make me want to arrest you."


    and was I just raped by a magypsy?


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