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Posts posted by Wintermute

  1. Agreed Aarow... I always find it odd that people need to defend their faith from ANY source, as if their faith were as easy to destroy as throwing a brick through a glass house. You'd think that they'd be more resolute in it, and thus wouldn't have to worry about it being shook by some fantasy novel. If your faith doesn't hold up to that, you don't have anything real there to begin with.

  2. Team games are silent as far as strategic communications go. I mean, if you turn to your partner and say "Hey, let's beat up Fox together," then you've let the cat outta the bag anyway. Unless you make up code words for various maneuvers, like "Delta V Triangle Hyperforce Monkey Technique, GO!"

    And let's face it, that's gay.

  3. King Dedede pronounced:

    King Day-day-day. Emphasis on the first and last, so it's kind of like saying "Day to day" very quickly, with the 'to' being a middle 'duh' sound, i.e. DAYduhDAY.

    Hope that helps.

    edit: Just to clarify, this is my (slightly informed) opinion, and may be incorrect. Best results will occur when we hear the smash bros. announcer.

  4. Hm...am I the only one who thinks this might not be so bad? Bioware gets tons of money, support from a huge publisher...

    Course if EA starts to butt in on development, that could make for a nasty headache for the Bioware guys, but with any luck they're just looking to make profits off of Bioware's hugely successful products.

    Not to mention that Pandemic, who I am not entirely familiar with, could probably use the money and marketing push as well.

  5. It seems like the only negative comments are from people who have never played it. Oh and to the guy who said something about long respawn times: you know those are server dependent right? And also each map can be custom tailored... so like on Dustbowl the offense spawns faster or whatever.


    It's amazing. I've been playing Team Fortress since, well, Team Fortress (Quakeworld ftw!), and this is by far my favorite take on the game yet. Removing grenades was a great balancing act in my opinion: It makes demoman and spy classes very essential for taking out sentry guns. The medic class is super fun to play now (their bone-saw melee weapon is fantastic, and uber-charging a heavy and getting like 8 assist points when they bust into a room and own everything is very satisfying). My only potential balancing concern is that scouts fricken pwn now. Their shotguns are, in my opinion, too powerful. However, this is just but one small complaint.

  6. How about an MMO that doesn't suck? :)

    Seriously though, our MMOs are lightyears behind other game genres in many ways. It would seem that the MMO would be the ultimate playground for developers experimenting with cutting edge design like truly persistant worlds, robust NPC interaction, etc... but they're being largely ignored in favor of a design decision that I can only refer to as "Retard Roleplaying" in which not only do you have no effect on the world, you have almost no choice in character design. *smacks forehead* I mean, seriously, RPGs were supposed to be about creating a custom character and experiencing stories in a different world, right? Not being exactly the same as every thousand other players that selected your class, differentiated only be equipment, and grinding mobs or doing raids to get gear?

    Editing this post in response to the comment above which was not there when I started typing..

    It doesn't help that there's nothing better to do in an MMO than that, either. MMO designers should follow a few rules when designing their games, I think... first of all, the client is evil, never put anything of importance on the client, my god the client is enemy numero uno protect the game from anything that isn't serverside like right now. Second of all, try to make your game fun. Fun? What is this blasphemy? I thought grinding boars was fun!

  7. I for one liked the last chapter. I was worried that we would never get a chance to see Harry respecting Severus for everything he did for him, and as Severus is my favorite character in the series, I was glad to see that the final chapter was really, in its own way, about letting us know that Harry truly understood him in the end.

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