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Posts posted by Wintermute

  1. Jam Stunna, you contradict yourself in the article. At one point you say, "To be sure the best player will win."

    As in, the player who can best overcome even random events.

    As in, the best player.

    As in, skill.

    And note this is not an attempt to start some stupid tournament vs. casual discussion, I'm just saying that you contradict your own argument.

  2. Wow! I just purchased this game on steam at the recommendation of this thread, and I was not disappointed in the slightest. It is amazingly fun, and on certain songs it just really *works*

    Secret of Mana - Thicket OC ReMix was the first song I played. It blows my mind. I almost just wanna download Fraps so I can show you guys how cool it is, and how amazingly well synched to the music.

    So, any recommendations on some other mixes it might be fun with? I'll try mine out, see how it works.

  3. Pixietricks, while your comments on their voices may be accurate, I do not think that the message is lost in the film. The message may be slightly watered down by the lack of the clarifying details, but at the same time I think it is perhaps even more directly powerful in the movie. Nobody that I knew that went and saw Sweeney Todd thought that living for revenge was a good idea afterward, every one of them got the most visceral and primal meaning behind the film quite clearly.

    But yeah, I didn't like Ms. Carter as Lovett... her voice just wasn't suited to the role.

  4. I must be like the only person in the world for whom the following is true, judging by the responses in thread:

    1. I have a 5 year old PC.

    2. I upgrade my drivers regularly because its extremely easy to do so.

    3. I have had almost no hickups "installing" things.

    4. Generally, new games choose optimal settings that work just fine for me.

    5. HL2 EP2, Portal, TF2, and all the other recent games I've gotten installed and play without a hitch.

    I have never experienced what you call "Installation Errors" or "Patching Issues." Its really not hard to keep your hardware up to date, and even easier to patch games these days with all their nice autopatching features.

    That being said, I love my Nintendo Wii as it provides a gaming experience that I've never had before. I love my PS2 because of the catalog of great games that I'm still working through.

    But I still primarily play games on my PC.

  5. I guess you don't remember what it was like to be a kid, or don't know a lot of kids. While I don't think protesting a fantasy movie is somehow helping any cause, it's pure ignorance to think that children are not influenced incredibly easily. For the vast majority of country, any values, morals, rules, or beliefs parents try to instill in their children are very fragile. "Don't go to bed late", "don't hang out with this crowd", "don't make fun of other people", "don't drink", "don't smoke", "don't get a tattoo"... whatever it is, you could be pounding any of these messages into your child's head for years on end and a single 'cool kid' at recess plus a tiny bit of peer pressure could override all of it in an instant.

    In other words, it's not "is their faith so fragile?" but rather "are their kids really that susceptible to outside influence and peer pressure?" and the answer is a resounding YES.

    Absolutely true, Zircon. I knew what it was like to be a kid too, but those peer pressures and outside influences you're talking about were just that: pressures and influences. None of them shook my faith in anything, and I ended up making my own decisions.

    I would say its incorrect to think that children somehow will automatically choose the wrong path simply because the wrong path exists. They can make good choices and bad, just like anyone else, and eventually the hope is that they'll grow up into a complete decision making machine (e.g. human being). I don't think we need to spend too much time worrying about the outside influences on our children, as long as you have faith in their ability to make decisions. In my opinion, it's much better to try to tell parents that their kids need to be taught how to make correct decisions, rather than to fight the fantasy novels. :)

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