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Synthetic Pesticide

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Everything posted by Synthetic Pesticide

  1. LUIGI'S MANSION EP ALBUM After taking some advice and reshaping a little bit, I am going to restart this. Welcome all to the Luigi's Mansion EP Album. The idea is for each track to have its own distinct sound. Like how in some mansions (or houses) rooms next to each other can be totally different. Your distinct sound can be anything as long as it qualifies as music and isn't already being used. Ideally these should be unique sounds, not often heard. When you claim a track, let me know what style you will be doing, and I will mark it down next to the claim. If you are not a posted remixer, send me a WIP as an audition. Deadlines to be posted according to response. So without further ado, here is the tracklist. Claim at will. TRACKLIST Title Screen/ Main Theme/ Professor E. Gadd Gallery Theme Area Boss Defeated Caught Portrait Ghost (Overview) Floating Whirlindas Talking with Ghosts RED - CLAIMED MAGENTA - WIP GREEN - NEARING COMPLETION PURPLE - FINISHED Questions, comments, suggestions or claims, let me know.
  2. This is a pretty cool idea Bring on the rain.
  3. Awesome work guys! I'll be listening to this for a long time!
  4. This piece is pretty cool, it blends some pretty cool elements and the result is something quiet nice, the flute sounds really good, and the guitar sounds really good, though for me, it was almost a bit to loud, but not quiet. Nice mix man.
  5. The best line in the whole thing I think is 'Nothing goes over my head, my reflexes are too quick'
  6. Right, sorry, I just didn't understand the wording I guess, my bad.
  7. Hey thanks for the notes guys. I'm sorry I haven't posted, I am by no means new to this site or remixes/remixing, yes I just registered, but not new. But you're right, nobody would no that yet. I have been meaning to join the community more, but I've been really busy and I'm freeing up now. BorgMan, what do you mean by there being only 'two mixes available' ? Again thank you both very much for this advice, -SP.
  8. If you haven't seen it yet, you should. I feel I'm going to get yelled at by some people for saying that, but I don't care, you should see it.
  9. I updated this, hope to here back from you guys soon!
  10. Hello, it's me, I just wanted to say that was a very interesting Zelda mix, I enjoyed it a lot, it was very refreshing to hear something like that. Keep up the great work.

  11. Awesome Mario 64 mix! Keep it up!

  12. Just wanted to say, I really enjoyed your Zelda medley that was just posted. Keep up the great work!

  13. Hey, I just wanted to say that I loved your Secret of Mana remix, keep up the great work!

  14. THE LUIGI'S MANSION ALBUM Welcome all to the Luigi's Mansion Album! Have you ever taken a tour of a mansion (maybe you live in one) and noticed how each room is different from the other, each with its own flare and such. I would like this album to be a mansion full of different style rooms/tracks. Each track will be a different style. When you claim a track (anyone who is posted remixer can claim, those who are not posted must audition) just tell me what style you plan to do. Each style must be different so speak now! I would like this to be a very diverse and unique album. I look forward to working with you guys. I'm looking for a co director, an album name, and I'm always open to advice and suggestions. If you feel you can contribute in any way, plaese let me know, in this thread or in a PM. No deadlines yet, but as things move along I shall issue them as are needed. TRACKLIST (in no final order) Title Screen Training Theme/ Training Results Gallery Theme Toad's Theme Main Theme/ Professor E. Gadd Chauncey Battle Area Boss Defeated Caught Portrait Ghost (Overview) Floating Whirlindas Talking with Ghosts Melody Pianissima Battle Bogmire Battle Boolassus Battle King Boo Battle Staff Credits Black is Unclaimed Red is claimed Green is WIP Gold is completed
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