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    The_Wizard_Lakmir reacted to Flexstyle in OCR03223 - *YES* Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess & Ocarina of Time 'The Other Side'   
    Nothing new to add from me after the detailed stuff above--it's solid, has a couple issues but definitely above the bar. 
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    The_Wizard_Lakmir reacted to Liontamer in OCR03223 - *YES* Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess & Ocarina of Time 'The Other Side'   
    The string and woodwind samples were good, but they each had their brief moments where they strained for realism. Wasn't a big enough deal to timestamp, because it wasn't a big issue.
    Really wasn't feeling the mixing of the woodwind interplay from :49-1:05; the two parts were stepping on one another in the same frequency range. The string and light vox stuff at 1:05 was mixed much better.
    Other than those more minor criticisms, this was a straightforward but solid take on the Twilight Princess Light Spirit source, with the SoS and RoS cameos smoothly and tastefully woven in. Good job, Kyle!
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    The_Wizard_Lakmir reacted to djpretzel in OCR03223 - *YES* Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess & Ocarina of Time 'The Other Side'   
    Good stuff... a little simple, at times, in a way that seems underdeveloped and not stylistically minimal... for example, at the end, I really wanted that harp to glissando, or at least strum, as that's one of the "neat things" that harps can do that helps define their sound & their relationship to other instruments. Simple plucks are nice, and can be very dramatic, but they work best when contrasted against the more elaborate playing styles the instrument is capable of. In gamer terms, it feels like the harpist was nerfed, in other words...
    My second observation is that, while attention HAS been played to dynamics, I think you could do even more. Right now the dynamic shifts are something like a 3 in magnitude/contrast, and they could easily be more like a 9... if that numerical abstraction doesn't help: velocity is one way of achieving dynamics, but with sustained woodwinds and strings, you need to think about each note and how its volume can (and should) change over time. Pull the strings way back for the solo/duet wind parts, for example, and within those parts, have melodic lines that flow from one note to the next with a volume curve that feels more natural, like a human being is breathing into a tube/pipe, not pressing a key on a keyboard. The mod wheel is generally your friend for stuff like this, but you can also draw in curves after the fact in your DAW of choice. A good mantra is: "Dynamics are not just between notes, they're within each note," especially for a genre/style like this.
    These two things, very specifically, are what can make a good ReMix like this one into a great ReMix, so I really hope the feedback is digested & considered for future arrangements.
    That being said, what's here is pleasant, well-constructed, and enjoyable... there's room for improvement with regard to the above two points, but I still think this passes muster.
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    The_Wizard_Lakmir reacted to Chimpazilla in OCR03223 - *YES* Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess & Ocarina of Time 'The Other Side'   
    I adore Twilight Princess, but I hadn't realized how awful the fake vocals are in that theme until now!  Haha!  Your version is so much nicer!  I like the oboe lead, the sample is used well enough.  Between 0:49-1:05 , the oboe lead and flute countermelody end up stepping all over each other, though.  I like how you wove Song of Storms in, although the piano there sounds a bit stiff.  Requiem of Spirit following with the bell is very nice.  Nice use of choir samples.  I like this overall.  I wish you had changed up the violin chord progressions even just once, but the melodic variations of the leads gives it enough variety and the arrangement conveys emotion well.  The violins are sounding a bit loud and up-front;  a touch less volume and more reverb would put them better in the soundscape.  Still, this is lovely!
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    The_Wizard_Lakmir got a reaction from Chimpazilla in Lawn Party! Plants vs. Zombies album project! *CANCELLED*   
    Pretty sure I submitted a wip last time, on one of the old threads maybe??? Anyway, just coming off of a bigger project and will have time next week to crank out more work on my tune. 
    Please don't fire me
    Will post work soon.
  6. Like
    The_Wizard_Lakmir got a reaction from timaeus222 in Lawn Party! Plants vs. Zombies album project! *CANCELLED*   
    Pretty sure I submitted a wip last time, on one of the old threads maybe??? Anyway, just coming off of a bigger project and will have time next week to crank out more work on my tune. 
    Please don't fire me
    Will post work soon.
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