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Posts posted by suzumebachi

  1. oy. one of my FLPs managed to get corrupted. kind of an important one too (it's for a site project). when i open it, the first VSTi it loads (EWQLSOSE) fails for some reason, which is followed by a dozen or so run-time errors. EWQLSOSE works fine on its own outside of this one particular project..

    so, i opened up the FLP in XVI32, found the address for the 22nd from the end (which also happens to be a 31). 448E6. so i find the 64 74 and the following 3 bits are already E6 48 04 :(

    it must be corrupted somewhere else :(

    in the mean time i do have a backup, but it's a bit old (it doesn't have the ending, any of the recordings i've done, or any of the mastering).

  2. if you have a good, pristine, quiet recording environment, your best bet is to go with a good condensor mic. a Røde NT1-A is a good place to start. keep in mind condensor mics are very fragile, so if you're gonna be screaming at the top of your lungs, it may not be the best way to go.

    otherwise, you're probably better off going with a dynamic mic. like a Shure SM57 (yes i know they are "instrument" mics, but i'll be damned if they can't record a good vocal as well).

    don't take my word for it though. you should check out sites that have user reviews and do some research, figure out what you think would work best for your situation. if you can, check out a pro audio store and see if they'll let you test out the mics (the guitar center in albuquerque has an isolation booth just for messing with mics and stuff).

  3. guitar vibrato is actually "backwards" since moving your finger up will actually lower the pitch by reducing the string tension

    maybe in bizarro world.

    and it's definitely vibrato. like it was stated earlier in the thread, tremolo is to amplitude as vibrato is to pitch. end of discussion.

  4. i recently upgraded too. got a Radeon X850 XT PE. made a HUGE difference. i run WoW @ a constant 60fps at 1440x900 (Widescreen) at absolute max settings.

    anyways, bloodscalp was finally up for a while. i went to go do some 20-29 BG, and there was 40 WSGs up. it was awesome.

  5. oy. bloodscalp was up for about 5 minutes. just long enough for me to go aggro a mob and then for the server to crash. i'm probably dead now.

    the server still shows up as online in the realm list, but when i click 'enter world', it does the loading bar thing then boots me right back to the character selection screen. :(

    i have a feeling if this continues for much longer blizz is gonna put the kaibosh on cross realm battlegrounds.

  6. you should use a pre-amp when recording a microphone. as far as the clipping on the keyboard goes, there's probably not a lot you can do about that since the PSR-290 is likely not meant for recording. if it had balanced TSR outputs you could run it through a good mixer or compressor and alleviate some problems, but a regular stereo headphones output isn't really gonna cut it.

    also... if it's clipping on your PC but not directly through the headphones, chances are the problem lies with your soundcard (definitely not unlikely for an audigy). if it's plugged into the line in, and you turn the volume down on your keyboard and it still clips, you're SOL buddy. if it's in your mic in, try turning off the +db boost crap in your sound settings in windows. if it still clips, try it in the line-in. if it's still messy, again... you're SOL.

    oh, and if you don't know already, don't buy sound blaster cards if you ever intend on doing any recording.


    also, I use FLStudio (have been since it was still called Fruity Loops... version 2.something) and I agree with Snapple. There are tools out there that will do the same job better. I've tried Reason, Cakewalk, and Cubase. However I use FLStudio because I'm familiar with it. After messing with it for the last 4+ years I've become accustomed to it. I know it's limitations, I know how to work around them, and I damn sure know how to get it to fucking do what I want it to fucking do.

    But I'll tell you one thing, if it was Cubase I picked up 4 years ago, I'd definitely be using it instead.

    Oh, and Guitar Rig 2 is sex.

  8. Yeah, unless Molten Core is going to be scaled up (which I find unlikely) I imagine MC PUG raids are going to become far more commonplace at 70. I figure people who are new to raiding will still start there as a place to at least get some decent gear on themselves as well as learning the basics of large instances. It'll be the new BRS/Strat/Scholo.

    Hmm on that note... I wonder what's gonna happen to BRS/Strat/DM/etc. I guess they will probably only get done by lvl 58-62 or so people as they level.

  9. Suz, it's information posted by Spybot. There's a thread in the RnD forums. If you don't know who Spybot is, think of him as inside information for the past two years. All 'leaked' patch notes and game changes he's posted has been true.

    I can't find the thread you're talking about (probably got buried by the 2500 or so "ZOMG 25 MAN IS TEH SUX" and "YAYZ 25 MAN FTW!!!11one" threads).

    Does this 'spybot' person have a website? :(

    Also, 40 debuffs should be fun. It'd be cool to go on a 40 druid raid (that is if there is even a realm with 40 druids on it, seems we're kinda rare) and do nothing but oomfire spam just to see 40 moonfire debuffs on the target.

  10. 1up.com is broken and i see no mention of any kind of "bomb shell" on worldofwarcraft.com

    can someone please explain wtf is going on?

    im sure you'll hear elsewhere before you read this, but I can bullet-point it for ya

    • No more 40 man raids, the cap is now 25

    • PVP grind is replaced by a points system. You PVP, and at the end of the week, get points that you can use to buy gear with. No more honor decay.

    • New Arena Battles, where you start a roster, similar to starting a guild, where you can do 2 man, 3 man, or 5 man teams, and they are not only cross-realm, but alliance can fight alliance and horde can fight horde.

    There's more, but those are the big ones.

    is the 25 man cap retroactive for MC/BWL/AQ40/Naxx as well? or will those stay 40 man.

    that pvp stuff sounds NICE. very VERY nice. i imagine this will help alleviate the honor grind. it may actually take longer to get the stuff you want, but at least you won't have to play 20 hours a day to do it.

    also, i totally predicted the Arena Battle thing last night. i'm not even joking. some guy made a thread about the colliseum in orgrimmar, and i posted saying it could probably be used to organize 3 or 5 man fights.

    edit: 1up.com is still broken. i wonder what's going on over there...

  11. Hiya, I'm not really remixing, what I'm doing is making the songs from Final Fantasy VII sound better than the regular midi sound, and then putting them in the game using Ficedula's and a couple other peoples programs.

    My problem is that each of my tracks don't make any type of distortion individualy, but togeather, after I export to a wav file, it has distortion in a couple of places. How do I find out what track has the distortion and how do I get rid of it?

    How I record my instruments is that I use soundfonts I got off the net and put them in the midi files using Cakewalk. I then edit anything as needed, then I solo a track out and then record the track, playing in Cakewalk and recording using Adaucity. I don't hear any noise or distortion.

    Anotehr note that might help is that I have my headphones hooked up directly into my soundcard because my speaker wire was broken near the head, I have yet to get it fixed. My "Midi" volume level is set to the middle when I record, but is too loud too hear using headphones. My recording volume level is at as high as it will go.

    lemme see if i got this straight. you're soloing each track, and recording them in audacity one at a time? then putting them all together again?

    err... that seems like a weird way to go about doing it. there's not a way to mix-down all the tracks simultaneously in cakewalk?

    also, you have to keep in mind that the overall volume is gonna be higher than the individual parts. when you lay two tracks on top of each other, the end result is gonna have more volume (hence distortion) than either of the original tracks.

  12. well... i sent them an e-mail. here's the response i got:

    Subject: EK500S

    Date: Fri, 4 Aug 2006 14:21:04 -0500

    From: "Burns, Pat" <pburns@harman.com>

    To: xxxxxxxxx@yahoo.com

    You can order the cable from AKG Nashville.



    -----Original Message-----

    From: <> [mailto:xxxxxxxx@yahoo.com]

    Sent: Friday, August 04, 2006 12:49 PM

    To: AKG Consumer Sales

    Subject: EK 300 / EK 500 S Ordering Information

    I am looking to purchase an EK 300 or EK 500 S however your site does not have any ordering information available for these products. Is there anywhere they can purchased from? And if so, where?

    Thanks kindly in advance.

    oh ok. AKG nashville. that helps. a lot.

    k, i'm getting pissed. AKG can suck it. /boycott

  13. i think at that time counter-strike hadn't even been commercially released yet. or if it was, it surely wasn't out for very long (and the first commercial releases had no music whatsoever). i don't think it was until the first implementations of the steam system that they added the opening music.

  14. yeah, i'd recommend sticking to killing stuff 2-3 levels lower than you as a rogue. not only is that stuff much easier to kill (since your chance to hit them is SIGNIFICANTLY higher than stuff the same or higher level than you) but also much, much faster and so while you gain less XP per kill, you'll be gaining more XP overall in the time alotted with less chance of dying. if you're gonna be fighting higher level guys, your best bet is to group up with someone (preferably a healer) and go at it.

  15. i wish they didn't have to take out anything. what's wrong with having 7 classes? i mean, sure the icons on the character creation screen might look a bit awkward... but otherwise... srsly wtf.

    the only explanation i've heard so far is that they didn't want to give the horde more classes for their new race than alliance. really? who gives a shit if blood elves can be 7 classes and draenei can only be 6. "only" 6. as opposed to the taurens' or gnomes' 4? give me a god damn break.

    <end drunken rant>

    in other news, legolas joins horde! if i didn't already have one 60 hunter and weren't already working on a second one, i'd totally make a blood elf hunter just so i could get mocked by random irrelevant faggots every time i talked in the LFG channel (i mean... it's bad enough asking for help killing hogger in elwynn forest as a NE hunter... imagine a BE hunter asking where mankrik's wife is... srsly it's gonna be great). so instead i will make a BE pally and will get mocked by all the lore-fags (like i REALLY give a shit).

    <end drunken addendum>

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