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Posts posted by suzumebachi

  1. Yikes. That sure hurts the discount. I'll grab a couple of these CDs while I can and look into the converter when I can afford it.

    According to Unknown (Ty), the CDxtract demo let's you convert one folder at a time. However, it considers the entire CD as one folder, so you SHOULD be able to use that to convert to soundfont.

    In regards to the Guitar + bass programming.. you're going to want some sort of sampler like Kontakt, Halion, or VSampler to reprogram it. It is very poorly programmed to begin with. There are different patches for high/low regions on the keyboards and soft and loud velocities.

    hmm you could probably even make a sfz patch for it (if you had sfz+ anyways).

  2. my computer:

    AMD Athlon 64 3200+

    1GB DDR400

    GeForce 4 4200 128mb

    250gb SATA HDD

    I'm on 56k and I get no lag. Sometimes I'll get some occassional stuttering when entering Org and loading all the players, but that's it. Maybe you need to tone down your graphics settings (kill the AA or something).

    AV is hella unplayable though. Not so much the graphics as much as the fact that 56k just simply can't handle that much madness. Makes me a very sad panda. I want to get me a frostwolf already damnit, but that ain't never gonna happen. :(

  3. Is the piano stuff any good, Andrew. Or should I stick to my GIGA material and SF2? I'm a bit curious.

    I'd like to know this as well. I think I'll take a second shot at some goods from this sale before it's too late. I'm currently considering:

    QL Guitar & Bass Roland ($19.95)

    EW Percussive Adventures AKAI ($19.95) -- anyone got to play with this one yet?

    Ultimate Piano AKAI ($19.95)

    Also, my VSampler demo expired. I think I might pick up Kontakt 2. Damn is it pricey though.

  4. trolls are cool. trolls are my friends. i think it takes a certain personality type to roll a troll.

    i, on the other hand, like to roll taurens. i like being able to block the screen of the undead priest so he can't see wtf is going on. bwahahaehaer. plus, gnomes barely come up to my ankles. it's like, y hallo thar you fiendish midget, let us see if you fit in my mouth without chewing!

    though, if i were to reroll alliance, i'd probably make a gnome. a gnome warrior. KiSS on Smolderthorn used a gnome warrior as an MT once vs. Lord Kazzak. that was mighty entertaining to grief. and watch. but mostly grief.

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