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Posts posted by suzumebachi

  1. zircon, that link is made of win and god.



    I wonder if CDXtract would work on that. Or if it works on Roland/EMU/Kurzweil.

    definately picking up quantum leap brass though. the rest of that stuff looks interesting, but i'd much rather have one-shot samples than loops (seems like more than half of those are just loop collections).

  2. WoW Stuff

    LT: Very very nice stuff. I'm sure these will be used a lot, since this game is pretty hot right now. Ok, what didn't I take:

    Gnome is rather ugly. Well, it is a gnome. Res still looks kind of dull (I know you're trying, so don't take it wrong), so if you can sharpen it more withot going overboard, I'll take it. Still an ugly bastard.

    Human, sharpen him up a bit more.

    Tauren could be shifted to the right a little bit, to better center him.

    Undead, same as Tauren, plus a little sharper.

    Everything else looks good. Hopefully we can add everything, but it's up to djp.

    Res? which one is Res?

    anyways, not a whole lot I can do about the gnome's ugliness :P

    also not a whole lot i can do about the cropping on the tauren or the undead. that's the way blizzard cropped them for the menus and that's all i have to work with (outside of taking ingame screenshots which would look like complete ass).

    i'll see what i can do about sharpening up the ones you mentioned though (still dunno what you mean by Res).

    LT: Sorry about that. "The resolution still looks kind of dull." Try sharperning the gnome and human a bit more. If the cropping on the rest is simply how you got them, then that's fine; I'll look at them again. I just wouldn't have wanted something where we took it when it was a bad crop job. Thanks yo.

  3. I nearly did the same thing back in December. Fortunately I just decided to cancel my account instead. So my 60's are still there, somewhere in cyberspace, waiting for me. In the mean time I'm using my brother's account.

    Anyways, I joined Malevolent Gaze on Gorefiend. Holy shit 465 members D: ..They let me in after I ran WC with some of their alts as main healer. BAHAHAHA FERAL SPEC FTW.

  4. do you have to get more samples to be a good remixer?

    you are not your sound card, you are not your samples, you are not your sequencer, you are not your plugins, you are not your audio editing suite, etc.

    in other words, no. they can help your songs sound better, but that doesn't matter for shit if you have no skill.

  5. Level 21 now. Cat form is awesome and holy shit the 30% running speed talent is awesome.

    I did something extremely retarded though. I ran through WC with some random fgts and... I forgot to loot the Gem of Serpentis. D: D: D:

    *pounds face into keyboard*

    edit: how do i get into shadowtwinks?

  6. a few quick tips:

    1) very rarely in rock music are the kick drum and the snare hit at the same time.

    2) syncopation is key.

    3) hi-hats on every 8th gets boring quick. if you're gonna do them on every 8th, use velocity to accent the ones on every 4th.

    some quick examples off the top of my head: (x should be softer than X)

    basic stuff here
    BD: X-----X-X-------
    SN: ----X-------X---
    CH: X-x-X-x-X---X-x-
    OH: ----------x-----

    generic punk beat
    BD: X---XX--XX-X-X--
    SN: --X---X---X---X-
    CH: ----------------
    OH: X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-

    more generic crap
    BD: X---------Xx----
    SN: ----X--x-x--X---
    CH: X---X-x-X-x-X-x-
    OH: --x-------------

    when i get home i can give you some audio examples if you'd like, as well as going over fills etc.

  7. yeah, but good luck doing end game as a feral druid.

    raid leader: "what spec are you?"

    druid: "feral"

    leader: "is that like, healing and stuff"

    druid: "uhh no"

    leader: "you can heal right"

    druid: "not very we--"

    * druid has been removed from the group

    also, paladins are so incredibly strong now since their patch. i was sitting in the crossroads when i see some 60 paladin come running through with like 6 gaurds on him. he literally runs right up to the flight master, aggros him and begins to tank the flight master, 2 wyverns, and the 6 gaurds. it took him like 5 minutes, but he fucking solo'd a god damn flight master with 6 gaurds and 2 wyverns on him. jesus. if that's not overpowered i don't know what is.

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