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Posts posted by suzumebachi

  1. what about those of us that disabled the background patcher because it's a laggy piece of shit? (seriously, it says it's not supposed to cause any lag, but when it's going my latency is around 3000ms, 300ms after i close it).

    anyways, i've kinda fallen into a slump. i hate grinding. it is pure hell for me, especially as a druid. SO ridiculously slow. i've been lvl 53 for 3 days now. i'm beginning to wonder if i'll ever level again. i've done every flipping quest i can solo, but there's still a crapload more but it's fucking impossible to find a group or even a questing partner on gorefiend. and it doesn't help that everywhere i go there's a group of 5 or 6 allies power grinding everything in the area. seriously i've come across the same group of 4 mages like 20 times now. when i first saw them i was about lvl 45 and they were lvl 36, now they're lvl 58 and i'm lvl 53.

    i don't know what to do. i've done every quest i can in un'goro, felwood, azshara, searing gorge, and western plaguelands. i guess i can try going to burning steppes, but i'm a bit low for that area and last time i was there i got repeatedly raped by an alliance MC PUG.

    sigh. :(

  2. omg... suzumebachi, you made Ballad of sir kibbles from the kirby project with FL Studio??? thats another one of my favorites!! did you use any soundfonts or vst's that didnt come with fl studio? which ones

    Edit: Also, is that real guitar in the beginning?

    yeah that's real guitar. the percussion and pads are from hypersonic, and the piano is a free soundfont (though i can't recall which one). the rest of the synths are some quick patches i threw together in synth1. (i had a much older version that only had japanese documentation and no presets)

  3. i do both in pvp. i bear/cat form to take down casters (4800hp and 4000 armor in bear form at lvl 49...), and help keep alive the shammies and priests when they get in trouble. i like doing this because i don't expend my mana when killing shit in melee forms, so when someone gets in trouble i can pop out and have plenty of mana to burn on healing them. sitting around in squishy caster form makes no sense to me honestly unless you're pure resto spec.

  4. you can't directly compare druids to rogues, mages, or warriors, because for one thing, rogues, mages, and warriors can't heal themselves. sure my dps isn't as high as a rogue in cat form, but i can shift back to caster form and heal myself, where as a rogue can't do that.

    also, i don't know who you've been grouping with, but druids are hella good healers.

  5. hey Zircon, i somehow managed to acquire a Dark Whelpling and i've been trying to sell it for a couple days now. lemme know if you or anyone you know wants it.


    I just peeked at the druid forums and they are all angry


    I'm sure happy I'm content with my own gear ^^.

    What's naxx like? From the people that have been talking about it. The instance looks like it'll be intersting.

    I have to agree with the complaints the druids made there, as they are quite legitimate. the pvp set WAS the only feral set IN THE GAME. pretty fucked up if you ask me.

  6. I've got mostly stamina gear on my druid so i can take damage like a motherfucker when running the flag in WSG. 4,000hp and 3600 armor in dire bear form (and i'm only lvl 44).

    Oh and...

    Wow is lame. Its all about DOD: Source and Oblivion.


  7. before my hard drive (and mic) took a shit, i had a large collection of random stuff i recorded. everything from microwaves and washing machines running to rain hitting the window in my bedroom and shit like that. it wouldn't be hard to do the same to get some cool ambience effects. hell the recording quality doesn't even have to be that great. you could probably even use one of them handy little minidisc or digital voice recorders to do it. once you got that done you can process the recordings however you'd like so they fit in your mix.

    since i don't have those recordings anymore, however, i just cram together as many ambient pads and stuff from various VSTis and shit as i can and process them as one jumble of crud.

    speaking of unorthidox guitar effects, i've been able to get some pretty wicked sounds out of my MXR Blue Box.

  8. my guild is creeping me out. 500+ members and i hear them moaning every time they wipe on the friggen snake boss in ZG. best they've done in MC is get Luci down to 56%... this guild is weird man. this is the only guild i've ever been in that has too many druids and priests but not enough rogues and mages... seriously wtf.

    anyways i hit 41 last night. i'm considering respecing, but i think i'll hold off until 60. (i'm feral currently).

    Thats sounds 100% like the guild I used to be in on Twisting Nether...they were never meant to go beyond the limits of General Drakkisath or The Beast...but the masses of the guild demanded we move onto real raid instances. After 6 agonizing weeks of not always killing Lucifron...1 time killing Magmadar and never killing Bloodlord Mandokir or Mar'li (spider boss) it disbanded.

    Yeah...I havent played on Twisting Nether for about 4 weeks now. Ive made Maelstrom Horde my new WoW home for the time being. This new guild I joined has some great potential. We have a few members who know every strategy for Molten Core, and on the guild's first attempt on Zul Gurub last night they killed the Snake, Bat *and* the Spider boss (thats the one which impressed me)

    lol my guild on smolderthorn before it disbanded had cleared ZG up to hexxer. we had mandokir on the first try... but this guild can't even kill the snake boss. THE SNAKE BOSS.

    *pounds face into keyboard*

  9. my guild is creeping me out. 500+ members and i hear them moaning every time they wipe on the friggen snake boss in ZG. best they've done in MC is get Luci down to 56%... this guild is weird man. this is the only guild i've ever been in that has too many druids and priests but not enough rogues and mages... seriously wtf.

    anyways i hit 41 last night. i'm considering respecing, but i think i'll hold off until 60. (i'm feral currently).

  10. i may be skippy on other people's screens, but people aren't skippy on mine.

    anyways, new racials:


    * Blessing of the Naaru - heals the target of 50 damage over 15 sec (1.5 sec cast)

    * Gemcutting - Jewelcrafting skill increased by 15

    * Inspiring Presence - Increases chance to hit with spells by 1% for all party members within 30 yards

    * Shadow Resistance - increased by 10

    Blood Elves:

    * Arcane Affinity - Enchanting increased by 15

    * Arcane Torrent - Silence all enemies within 8 yards for 2 sec. In addition, you gain 20 Energy, Mana or Rage for each Mana Tap charge currently affecting you.

    * Magic Resistance - All resistances increased by 5

    * Mana Tap - Drains 50 mana from your target and charges you with Arcane energy until cancelled. This effect stacks up to 3 times.

    That Draenei HoT looks severely gimped though. Hopefully the amount healed increases as you level, because at lvl 60 (let alone at 70) 50hp is absolutely dick. Same with the blood elf racials. 50 mana ain't dick.

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