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  1. Here's the stuff I do when I'm out of inspiration for too long: https://soundcloud.com/bluejackg/super-mario-land-2-party-remix
  2. Here's a song I did as a tribute to Japan.
  3. Thanks! I glad you like it! Well, my music suffers a lot from being repetitive. I tried to break it up a bit, but still, I understand why. I considered it, but it sounded really nice so I scratched the key change. I'll mess around with it though, maybe I'll find a nice tone to go for.
  4. Updated with original tracks for feedback. Keep in mind this is just a proof of concept, so take ideas here if you so desire. Also, added the Youtube video if you prefer.
  5. Added the original tracks for comparison and feedback.
  6. Added the original song in the first post. I wanted the track to be deep, maybe I overdid it. Like if you where listening to a song underwater or something, idk.
  7. I don't want to be annoying, but... why no feedback? I kinda need it...
  8. Here's the Youtube version. Sounds better to me:
  9. Here's Remix 11. Soundcloud broke my music again, but I'll upload to Youtube, it'll sound better. Original song:
  10. Sure, I say it in the post, it's not a remix. I'm glad you like it!
  11. Here's an HD remake of "Hazy Maze Cave". People seem to like it. It's not a "remix", but it could be used in one if you guys want it.
  12. So, I'm not looking for feedback on this. I'm showing off an idea I had. This is mearly a proof of concept for a remix between the Boss Boogie theme and the Pursuit theme from DKC3. Boss/Pursuit POC I wanted to share, because they work quite well together. What do you think? Original tracks:
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