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JK FlipFlop

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Everything posted by JK FlipFlop

  1. So, I made this midi file of the Future Fuckballs 2010 theme from AVGN Adventures a few months ago, and I was wondering if anyone wanted to add to it and possibly collaborate on some kind of remix of the theme. I use Mixcraft 7, which absolutely sucks for orchestral music, so if that's what you want to do, just go ahead and use my midi file. If you're looking to do anything else with it, hit me up. If you're good at writing lyrics, I'm willing to rap, sing or scream/growl. Whatever. Also, a Newgrounds user made this out of my midi file, but I can't convince her to get on this site and try to get it up here.
  2. Guitar? Awesome. If you ever wanna do some death metal type stuff, I can do vocals (and not just cookie monster growls). And you say you record the best you can. Try plugging your guitar directly in the mic jack of your computer and use a virtual amp effect. It comes out very clean.
  3. http://jk-flipflop.newgrounds.com/audio. That's a general page of my work. A lot of covers, but some original content is there.
  4. Thank you! Now I can make my profile a little more complete and accurate.
  5. Streets Jammin' Blue Hedgehogs Can't Swim I've got more, but I'll leave it at those 3 to see what people have to say about them.
  6. You need a specific style of music? I make SEGA Genesis music. If you want midi files, that's fine.
  7. Thank you. I look forward to it. Versions 5-7 is what most Mixcraft users have, though some still use 4. Just a FYI
  8. I like that theme, too. I might just make a MIDI for it. There is also one for Thy Farts Consumed. Doesn't have the modulation on the lead, but other than that it's pretty accurate. http://www.vgmusic.com/new-files/Thy_Farts_Consumed.mid Just so you know, I did not make this one.
  9. I still think it should be added to the list. I've heard rather professional-sounding stuff that was made with Mixcraft. EDM364 (on both YouTube and Newgrounds) is one person who really knows how to use it well. He/she makes trap instrumentals that sound professionally made.
  10. I use Mixcraft (7.7 Build 303). When I was filling in the information on my profile, I had to leave "0 selected" under Software - Digital Audio Workstations. I didn't know Mixcraft was so unknown.
  11. Future F*ckballs 2010, please. I'm not concerned with the genre or style of the mix. If anyone wants to take this up, I made a midi file of the theme already. I hope a link to it won't be a problem. http://www.vgmusic.com/new-files/Angry_Video_Game_Nerd_Adventures_-_Future_Fuckballs_2010_Orchestral_Remix.mid
  12. Yeah, uh, hi and stuff. As you see by my display name, I'm JK FlipFlop. Where do I begin? I'm not gonna get in with my personal business, it's irrelevant. I'll just say that I'm from Philly and I first heard about this site about 12 years ago. Instantly, I loved it. So many cool remixes of my favorite video game themes, especially joints from Mario, Sonic, Megaman and many others. And that list continues to expand ever so rapidly. An amazing website that I'm glad exists. Some people think I'm weird for listening to this music, but I really don't care. It's awesome to me. And now more about me and what I do: For one, I'm a SEGA Genesis music fanatic and metalhead. I also make music. It's mostly chiptune music, but sometimes I'll make trap instrumentals as well. Not that I like trap, but I try to experiment with various genres. If anyone wants to hear anything I made, go to Newgrounds and search the audio portal for SEGA Genesis. Most of the results will turn up stuff I made, since all of my chiptunes are SEGA Genesis music. A few original tracks, but mostly covers, including Undertale (I'm a sellout lol). Well, that's all I got to say for now, but don't be afraid to ask me whatever you want to know.
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