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Everything posted by Aquadango

  1. Hello, my name is Aqua and I've been producing this album for about 4 years. It's gone through lots of revisions such as instrumentation to mixing. Originally, I had planned to released back in 2018 but, life got busy so I had to shift focus on that as well as lack of motivation. We fast forward a couple years later and I'm working on the final revision of the album. I had wanted to work both on my game and album but, I shifted towards the album because I began to enjoy that more. My main inspiration for this track if not obvious was from the Megaman games more specifically, the Zero series. I always found the music composed by Ippo Yamada to be inspirational. Any here are a couple tracks from the album with more to come. Thank you for any comments/feedback.
  2. Guitars : Shreddage 2 Drums : Shreddage Drums Bass : Shreddage Bass 2 Horns : Session Horns Pro Amp : Guitar Rig 5 About Section So a little about this track in particular. My first ever interaction with megaman was the MMX collection for the Gamecube. In that version the tracks were the arranged ones. I instantly enjoyed the music and still go back and listen to it to this day. So it wasn't later that I discovered the SNES version of the OST and again I loved it. So with this remix I wanted to capture that Saxophone and Brass parts of the arranged along with the rock rhythm guitars to combine them into something I thought that it should sound like.
  3. 10/29/17 Changes - Added some strings on the bridges(It's in harmony with the piano in a higher range). - Added a ending(might change it or expanded it later). - Adjusted the reverb on the bass and snare to give a more bigger feeling. Leave feed back below.Thank you!
  4. So my intentions for this was to simulate the feeling of the theme from the snes version, but sound like the one from the HD remake. With the HD remake version the bassline was a constant 2 note line(really boring). I know the ending is really bad so I was wondering if anyone can give me some pointers here. Original Song
  5. Hello, I've come to see what else I can do with this track since I've kind of need some input on it. First off, the beginning instrument brass thing if someone has any suggestions other than that I could try that would be nice. Also I was thinking at the end that it would just loop back but, I'm also think of doing a brake and then looping. Post any feedback below please!
  6. SOMETHINGS TO NOTE - It cuts off like that for looping purposes. -All of these instruments are VST's from impactsoundworks. Things I'm looking for - Balance of over all instruments - Does it match its setting (a power plant). - Can it loop properly and seamlessly. - Most importantly is it good to listen to over and over again This is my second favorite track so far I've composed and I think I'm starting to get the hang of balancing. So for the setting or level for this song is a power plant. An area where it has vibrant colors and a mechanical feel to it. So what I've done to mimic this is adding a slight melody under the main using a square wave. I've also gave the lead guitar a more clean sound this time. Feedback on this is appreciated and I'll reply to any questions.
  7. Original Song : I know it just kinda ends but for right now I want to get the balance right.
  8. I've updated the track with most of the changes mentioned above except for the last trumpet part and the repetition. I'll definitely redo the trumpet part once I get some time.
  9. A track featuring a lead trumpet, metal guitars, drums, bass, piano, strings, and a music box. At a steady 160 BPM I wanted this track to have a sort of train rhythmic pattern with the drums and rhythm guitars. I also wanted this to loop somewhat good so that's why is kinda abruptly ends. The set peice for this music that I'd imagined is a train plowing through snow mountains(An arctic feel).
  10. This time I've taken a very underrated tune from a underrated megaman series Something about cold man's music really struck since I kinda if have a thing for snow levels in games. Any this time around I've wanted to take the route of trying to remaster the track and note do anything too crazy. I've expirement with the stereo settings in Fl(I never knew they even exsisted) and I think it really makes sounds more fatter and spread out. It's the first track I've made that utilized this.
  11. Thanks for the feedback. I'll be sure to try and implanted those changes as I rework this
  12. Just a sample track from an album I'm working on. The music is inspired from the mega man zero games.
  13. Just something I wanted to arrange for a while. Original Track
  14. This is a nice idea you got going on here. The drums are really nice. The bass seems to be a little to loud and often covers the main melodies in the song. Also the pad you have going is a nice effect but, I feel it should be quieter because it sometimes overshadows the melody. The piano should be brought out since it's the instrument playing the lead part. Overall really good.
  15. Song Here Changes - I've made the bass part more prominent and have more pop. - Added a trumpet part to the melody in some parts. - Added a tambourine. - Added some strings. - Made the piano part more stronger in parts where it should (Ex. At the end and at the beginning of certain phrases). - I've also removed a slight distortion in the clarinet(It sounded really muddy and gross) Feedback is greatly appreciated as it helps me get better at arrangements.
  16. Also forgot to add is that I tried mixing it to balance things and if you have any suggestions pls make them.
  17. Hello again and today I've got a track featureing another attempt of me trying humanizing my guitars. I've added lots of pitch bends/unison bends and I think it turned out nice. Let me know you you people think I always look at your feedback.
  18. So I found this song and needed to experiment with wav. and my new plugins. I exported all the wavs separately and this is the result. It's doesn't need that much cpu usage and the files are small. I don't know if this still counts as a VGM Remix tho. If it does please leave some feedback since I've been trying to humanize my guitar VSTs VSTs - Shreddage 2 -Shreddage Bass 2 -Shreddage Drums I really love shreddage :3 Edit 1/21/17 Hello I've updated this track and I think I got the track to sound better. Since humanizing the guitars was my first problem I had ghosted my notes then played on the rhythm to replicate delays from notes. I then also added some whammy vibrato and some fret noises where the notes drastically go from low to high. I didn't stop there I then made a solo at the final bridge of the song which in my opinion is very nice. Let me know what ya'll think it was a pain to do it through actually playing it since I'm not really a piano player. I almost forgot the metal kit I'd made for the drums that give it a more heavy/upbeat feel.
  19. Thanks I always appreciate your feedback. I'll be sure to make my reverb consistent. The library I used if anyone wants to know is Shreddage 2.
  20. Made another remix of a song. It's metal as f*** dude. Leave any feedback. I likes the feedback :3
  21. Hello! So when I wanted to rearrange this song in particular I wanted to put a more better emphasis on the piano throughout the song. So I made sure that the piano was either playing the melody or helping with the chords. I also made some spaces from the original more clear for example with the synth solo. Most of the lengths cut off one eight beat early.
  22. I've been remixing music for the past two years and I decided to start posting my works here. It's my first work here so feedback is appreciated.
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