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Dewey Newt

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Posts posted by Dewey Newt

  1. Definitely one of those songs that's so obviously rock you WANT to experiment, lol. I enjoyed the variation as well!

    A little tidbit of info on mine, the intro section was sequenced in FL Studios with Super Audio Cart (SAC) providing the instruments. I know SAC was sampled from real hardware and such, but man. It amazed me just how accurate I could get to the original!

  2. Glad you're participating, GCJ! I've got something a little more than just random samples thrown in a song this time. :-P

    I've never done a DnB-style mix before, so I figured let's do it. I definitely had some beginner woes trying to pick out synths, but I'm glad I went through the experience. Now I at least have a smidgen of experience to build on the next time I try something like this! Entry: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B8-q7hg2GtQPN0dNNUhRamQ0WWc

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