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Everything posted by JTD121

  1. I haven't heard the mix yet, but I have a question. What happened to the 6MB limit on mixes? Have you raised it? Or is this one exception? mainva | aptigo | JTD out
  2. I'd really like to know what song this is a ReMix of...Anyone have any ideas? mainva | aptigo | JTD out
  3. After hearding the WIP, I couldn't wait to see where he was going with this. However, I didn't expect him to turn it into a collab with MC. And the wings flapping and the dragon screaming were great, as were the samples from the game. I haven't played anything but a demo of PD:O, but I will when I get the money, definately. mainva | aptigo | JTD out
  4. I love this song, never heard or played the original, but there are parts in here that sound like they are slightly remixed versions of one of the tracks from a racing game called Aero Gauge....one instance is from 5'06 to 5'18. And it repeats a few times, and I just remembered where it was from...*feels a request coming on* mainva | aptigo | JTD out
  5. Does this remix, in the beginning anyways, remind anyone of Bomberman Hero's/64's soundtrack? I don't know why, but when I downladed this and it started playing, I had to make sure it was an SoR2 ReMix....But this mix is incredible nonetheless. Keep it up Gecko! mainva | aptigo | JTD out
  6. I don't really remember this from Link's Awakening, but it sounds like the melody would fit right in. And I love dance techno. When this song started, it reminded me of a song I used to love a few years back called 'White Lightning' and it was this same type of fast techno. And even thought that was very repetetive, I loved it very much, and I love this song even more because it's a ReMix. After reading all of djpretzel's comments on what the judges said, I found that to be true, but I don't really care. I love this song, keep up the good work Ryu7x. mainva | aptigo | JTD out
  7. Well, I used to play this a lot in Windows 98, and it soudned incredible, but now that I'm using XP Pro more and more (on a different partition), I have noticed that XP keeps bumping the Bass WAY too high for my speakers, or me ears' liking. But this song is really cool. I'd like to know how he the the cell phone to do that...Did he record them all separately, or did he somehow program it to do that live? And that line hum is slightly more noticeable in XP as well, especially the beginning. Otherwise, I loved this song. I haven't played IX yet, but when I do, I'll hear this song and start laughing. mainva | aptigo | JTD out
  8. I don't know what's wrong, but I can only downoad a 21 second clip of the song...And it has that 'nbsp;, 0kbps' thing....Is there something wrong with the server or my computer? mainva | aptigo | JTD out EDIT: Okay...Must have been a cache thing, it's downloading now. EDIT 2: Grr...Now it's downloading a 2:37 clip....I'll have to fluch the cache anyway...
  9. Isn't there a 6MB limit to how big a song can be? Just wondering...I'm listening to it now though... mainva | aptigo | JTD out
  10. I was listening to this Doom II remix, and it sounded so familiar. And a few weeks before this song was posted on OCR, I had started playing Doom II again, just for the fun of it. And then I heard this song, and I played through the game until today, when I go to the level that had this song in it...Oh, if only Doom II let you put your own songs in it...And the beginning of this song sounded like it was almost MIDI-like, but not quite, as the quality was more FM-like....But also not quite that either...And the gasp is so cool, it's like an update to some of the sounds in the Doom series. I love the whole song, and makes me want to go play more Doom II, and find my copy of Doom...And go looking out in the world, for some of the retail Doom updates before Doom III comes to the Xbox next year. mainva | aptigo | JTD out
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