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Everything posted by TheVideoGamer

  1. Looks like i missed out. I was busy, so i forgot about it lol. Give me a second, gonna listen and post some comments here.... Souperion - Very nice take on this source. The original did give off a medieval kind of vibe, but done with a synthesizer. So the feeling is there, but not the sound. In this case, i really like how you've made it more cinematic and fitting to some kind of war/battle thing from the old period. I don't know what movie matches, but the one closest to me, would be 300 or LOTR. I really love the strings, and the drums work super well. It does fit perfectly in orchestral music. Now the one problem i have, and it doesn't make it bad in anyways, but it's a bit off, and that's the drums. The drums seem to be a little artificial, in the way you've programmed the rhythms. It doesn't feel like a real orchestral percussionist would accurate play that. Sometimes in FL Studio, when i try and change the length, through dragging, it can overlap, and miss a few notes out, or i didn't move it far enough to fit the bar, so the result feels a little off in the timing, a part of me notices this when i listen. Getting side-tracked here lol. I do dig the rest though, the strings are lovely, and so is the brass. Not sure about the tempo changes for me, but they weren't that noticeable, so it was all good. All in all, i loved the work here, well done! Wassup Thunder - Interesting how the drums seem to go against the source, since you've used 4/4 drums in a 3/4 melody. This doesn't change anything thankfully, and the result still sounds lovely. I dig that melody though, the strings work super well here! The synths almost play off the original vibe, since Yuzo made this with a synthesizer. The arrangement is very solid as well, keeps me engaged throughout, loved it. The only flaw i have, is because you are working with a 4/4 beat, parts of the source get cut off, and that feels too jarring to me. Maybe i'm more used to the original, who knows. Musically it's very consistent, and although it's probably part of the style, i still feel a break is needed, maybe even a breakdown. Something to make me hyped for the build-up, or anything like that, maybe even emphasis the atmosphere. Still though, i love the melody arranging, and the way you've played that with the source, definitely high-regards there. As a whole, lovely work, well done! TheVodouQueen - This is probably the first time i've heard you make orchestral music on PRC. Really like the work here, your arrangement skills are top notch as always, love your creativity. You translate all the melodies and harmonies very well in this remix. I could never do effective orchestral music, in the same way others can. Now i have to be honest, i can sense this is not the kind of music you usually make, because most of the dynamics were very static. And the sounds felt more synthetic than authentic. The harpsichord feels more like a synth, and some of the strings sustain for way too long. Some parts also feel out of key, but it could be way you've arranged it. Now to bring this into a more positive light, the arrangement needs to be complimented, i really love how you made a full blown second part, with new melodies and chords, and it works amazingly well. It's almost like a lovely continuation of the original. The chords in this part, were incredible. All in all, definitely strong work in the melody parts here. Maybe a little too off course, if i have to critique it as a remix, it nearly went into a separate track altogether, however i cannot deny it's a lovely addition. As a whole, this is super unique, and a joy to listen to. Well done!
  2. Results In 1st place with 16 points: Wassup Thunder In 2nd place with 12 points: TheVodouQueen And the joint last place heroes both with 10 points are: TheVideoGamer and Souperion. Wassup Thunder please PM me with your source pick for Round 124. Ideally for next week. (Roughly the 3rd of May) Congrats to everyone who participated, you peeps did great! Comments: Nothing to add here, great turnout this month!
  3. Looking forward to hearing it when i vote
  4. When in doubt, do what i did, and re-modify it into 4/4 lol.
  5. Oh snap this is a funky tune! And i don't even play mega man lol... Definitely Looking forward to this one!
  6. A good technique for me, when mixing songs, is to take the harmony of one, and the melody of the other, and try and work them into each other. Alternatively you can re-arrange the melody slightly, to fit the tempo/time signature. I don't mean change the melody, but instead adjust the length of some notes, or the position of the note.
  7. You don't need to worry about fusing the songs, but more so about the creativity that goes into it. I just go by my brain to be honest lol.
  8. Welcome to the Voting Stage! There are 4 entries this round. There is 0 Bonus entry(s) this round There IS a voter bonus this round! TheVodouQueen and TheVideoGamer both have a vote worth 2x. When Voting, if possible, avoid granting 1:1 covers top spot. MnP requires a bit of remixage after all. Don't vote for Bonus entries please. Do let me know if you have problems voting, and we can sort something out. Try and not make any comments about each entrant until after voting has concluded. Thanks! Participants may not vote for themselves. Vote ends April 25th 1Pm. Vote here: http://compo.thasauce.net/rounds/view/MnP123
  9. I noticed that too lol, that was when i decided to put my head down and got cracking.
  10. Dude please stop acting like a total Zork lol.
  11. The bassline (Ostinato if you wanna be technical) runs on a single note throughout the whole thing, so that really determines the key signature. Since it's at a constant Bb, i can guarantee it's in Bb Minor. There is a few minor thirds in there too, which also helps.
  12. The rearrangement is good, as inspiration for your remix, just to see how the composer arranged it for real instruments.
  13. Haha the main difference is the stabs are string chords, and the drums are techno-like. What's good about this version, is that it highlights how good the chord progression is. Again it's a simple track, your creativity is encouraged, but the strings do make a big difference.
  14. Congrats dude! You all did some great entries!
  15. I'm surprised the system let you submit, because i was 2 minutes on the dot, and when it eventually, loaded the round had ended lol. But it's a relief we have 4 entries. More to discuss...
  16. Got my vote in! Managed to be early for a change XD
  17. For a second i was really confused lol. Like how did you managed to submit, the round deadline appear to be over last i submitted, until i released you were at the very last minute before closing haha....close call eh?
  18. If you guys are interested, one of the composers who also assisted with the score, did a re-arrange for the Phillips CDI. You might be interested. They basically took this source, but replaced the stabs with dark strings, and enhanced more of the cyberpunk flavour. The breakbeat also becomes a background element, than a main feature, because Jason Page added more techno-industrial beats to the beat. Link:
  19. I grew up on the Revenge of Shinobi, so i didn't really experience Shinobi III.... But i will say it does have a great soundtrack!
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