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Everything posted by TheVideoGamer

  1. So true lol. Me and you are usually the first entries. Well...except for when it's a tough one. I usually do a last minuter lol.
  2. Even Wassup knows lol. The only other suggestion i have is, train your ears. For me i have perfect pitch, and i mean the complete perfect pitch package (So not just, i can identify a note, but also the key, the rhythm, the timbre etc.). Perfect Pitch really helps when remixing and recreating etc. It's why i can fire out MIDI's, Come up with cool ideas etc. (Not trying to brag, just highlighting how much of a benefit it is). They say it's a birth thing, which i think is total bull. People develop it through training, as you grow with age. It's really just train your ears, that's as much as i can offer. But use this as well as the rejection as a chance to improve and get stronger.
  3. Don't be daft lol. Ask away, we wanna help you. We will never turn you away.
  4. Sorry it too me long to reply too haha... Now i don't know much in regards to the sending off remixes, because largely i think the remix portion is a bit...off. I can elaborate in a PM if you wish, but for now, i'll just say i'm not a fan of that area....toxic is putting it lightly. Now i only really picked up dissonance in this Rave Racer/Lufia remix, but that was because you were trying to make it dissonant. When i commented, i felt it could be better worked into the track, but this is what my ears picked upon, and since that's the only issue i had with the track, that's all i needed to really mention. The arrangement was amazing. So in that regard, i can only speak for my ears. Anyone else's point is different to mine. As for the "song has no space" thing, i don't know. Largely because i've never noticed it in your tracks. I don't hear it at all, maybe my ears are different (Again i try and go for the more obvious stuff. By picking only the small things, your really just saying, it's not to my high level of standards, which i don't want. For me it's basically: Is it good and why, as well as Is it bad and why. And i explain in each. Basically i think of it like this: Q. Is there too much bass in the song, which sounds muddy? A: If so, it's a problem that needs addressing. Q: Is there a small riser that comes off as a tad bit loud? A: If it only happens once in the remix, and it's a long remix, and it doesn't impact the whole song, then your really not critiquing, your more likely just being a jerk. That's what you need to look out for. I mean don't say it to the faces, show some decency. However it's good to pick upon that, because it highlights the extreme standards. For PRC and other similar compo's you submit, we give feedback. Winner picks next source. We don't look for studio quality, we just look for if it's good or not, based on our ears. I want you to keep that in mind, so you can feel more welcome here.
  5. From research a Launchpad goes on the market for £90 , equivalent to 124 dollars (I assume your from the UK right? based on what you've put in your profile) The cheapest keyboard i can fine is an Akai, and that goes on the market for £37 equivalent to 51 dollars. This is my research, maybe it might help.
  6. Ok here goes some thoughts about each of you's: TheVodouQueen - Wooow this one is long, and with good reason too. Both of these sources need a lot of time to develop, especially since Ridge Racer on it's own is 4 minutes, and a fully fleshed out variant of Lufia would also be about 4 minutes. So in theory, long tracks for long sources are good. Now what i really liked about this, is the recognisable elements from each. I like how you took the choir of the original Rave Racer track. (Which for those who are wondering, is actually taken from Soul Edge, released on the PS1. They sampled it for this track), that was a nice touch. The 80's synth elements were outstanding, the instrument choices were just great. Now unfortunately i don't know the exact process, i know you've said it's experimental, and i've taken that to account, however i feel like your trying to deliberately make the sources clash. I don't know, it just feels...dissonant. I mean this is the intention, but maybe for me, it needs to be better integrated. It felt more like 2 separate tracks being forced to work together. Oh well, the arrangement is spot on here. Definitely did not bore me for the whole 9 minutes. Also while were on this topic, i would have loved for you to explore more ridge racer. Like make a full blown section, dedicated to Rave Racer. Sure the last part of the track is mostly Rave Racer, but i could go for more of it, than maybe parts of it. I think it has something to do with my bias towards the game lol. Before i ramble, i just wanna say this is very well produced, and worth the whole journey. Well done! Wassup Thunder - This is definitely a kind of sound i would imagine for Lufia. I always love your orchestral pallets, it sounds soo nicely done. The rock elements work surprisingly well here too, i was not expecting that for a man of rich orchestral sounds. I really love the way you've blended the sounds, it sounds so much like Anime music, which i think it's a compliment. If i had to critique it, it would be that the rock element is getting pushed down by the orchestra. I feel the drums could be louder and bigger (The rock drums, not the orchestral ones), and maybe the guitar could be more pronounced. I mean i said it fits super well, because it does, however if you really want to amplify the hard guitar parts, i suggest beefing it up, to make it more aggressive. Also i felt this was a bit too consistent. The drums just kept going, not stopping, and the strings were full force. However though, i think this is super nicely done, and definitely enjoyable to listen to. Well done! Brainstar - Feels like a start to 2 tracks. Each with it's own ideas. I love the trombone usage here, creates that really nice fanfare approach. I also really dug the switch to the A major chord at the end. A beautiful transition into Rave Racer, clever. That synth bass sound is pretty lovely here too. It obviously feels like you couldn't do much, what with the laptop damage, however i definitely see potential here for a expansion. It sounds like a lovely start. Well done!
  7. I've been so busy i've forgotten about this lol. I'll give some thoughts in a post here, one second.
  8. The only reason i ask, is because as a FL user, my method for reducing the kbps may differ in other DAWS. So if i were to say something, you might be lost, because your DAW is different. I mentioned this method, because i learnt length wasn't the factor in uploading, it was file size. And whenever i had a large file size, i would reduce the kbps, which brings the total file size by megabytes down. If you ever feel like you can't upload, this is an idea. Sure you might loose a bit of quality, but so far nothing major has really been affected. I also heard LMMS is also a good free daw to use. Never tried it myself, since i've had FL Studio for so long, but some say it's the next best thing.
  9. It doesn't object to anything over 8 minutes. it objects to anything over 20mb. What i usually do if i have a track over the desired length, is re-export it but with less kbps, which immediately brings the MB down. You might be sacrificing some quality, but usually for me, it doesn't make a major change, to where the quality is completely bad. You don't mind me asking what DAW you use right?
  10. Compo: MnP (Meat 'n Potatoes) Congratulations to Souperion for winning the last round. As a result, he get's to pick the source for round 122. Here's what he had to say: "Feel a bit odd having won a round that featured a spirited, upbeat song by making a slower remix, so let's do some Kirby music! Kirby and the Amazing Mirror: Candy Constellation, specifically. It's a real fun piece, one of my favorites from that little gem." - Souperion GAME: Kirby and the Amazing Mirror (GBA) SOURCE: Candy Constellation VIDEO: Deadline: 3rd March @ 1PM Vote Ends: 12th March @ 1 PM MnP ARCHIVE - made by Trism submit: http://compo.thasauce.net/rounds/view/MnP122 MISSION STATEMENT The goal of Compo:MnP is to promote that "meat and potatoes" conservative approach to remixing: this includes the mood and composition of source tunes. It is up to the remixer to create their own personalization, or to simply give it a sound upgrade. Moreover, the compo is a great opportunity to hone your remixing skills and give video game music the respect that is due. SOME reinterpretation is recommended, but not required. MnP Instructions/Guidelines Source-Picks are limited to the era of gaming 1984-2006. In other words, Nes/Sega Master to PS2/GC/XBox 1. I might starting looking at relaxing this rule, to give more leeway in freedom of choice. We'll see how it goes in the upcoming rounds. Modifying the Source is fine, so long as it doesn't sound completely separate from its original intent. If you're gonna do a genre change, at least make sure the original aspect of the source is not lost. Tempo changes are fine, as long as it's not a big change. I'm talking like, going from 80bpm to 140bpm. Submissions must be at a maximum of 20mb (keeping in step with ThaSauce's file size max), and submitted as a MP3 file. Only 1 entry per participant. Previous winner cannot participate but can submit a BONUS entry. Try to avoid making quality-based comments on submissions until after the Round is concluded. It is to avoid a Bias in Votes. MISC/TIPS - When picking a source tune, make sure it has a MIDI to make people's lives easier. - In-game sound FX are permitted, so long as they don't comprise the whole track (i.e. replacing entire MIDI tracks with just sfx)
  11. Ok a couple of things (Since you asked): What i liked: I love the instrument choices, the reverb usages is great. I really liked the stylistic choices here. The vocals samples are pretty funny. The source tune plays to your strengths. The orchestra blends well. The ending is incredible. I loved it a lot. What i think could be worked on: It's a bit muddy in the low end. I'd be wary of that. The remix is very consistent. For 7 minutes, i would add some dynamic changes, to make it less in your face all the time. So maybe a solo instrument for some kind of breakdown. It's nice and all, but can exemplify a bit of the...how shall i say it...repetition is probably the word. It needs a break basically. A lot of instruments seem to be competing against each other. Needs a bit of balance. The vocal samples stood out more, than they should. However i think this is dependent on how you take this source, and i did like the humour in it, so it was good. To add onto the second point, I think breaking it down into a solo instrument or something, actually gives it a more humanising quality to it. It makes it feel like a real orchestra is performing this piece as well as giving us a break. All in all though, solid work! Keep at it!
  12. Bonus entrant in! I did a bonus for 2 reasons: 1. To give people a chance to win. 2. Not many people might go for Rave Racer, so i'd thought i would at least get something in, in regards to the source.
  13. Results In 1st place with 22 points: Souperion In 2nd place with 15 points: TheVideoGamer In 3rd place with 12 points: TheVodouQueen And the last place hero with 11 points: Wassup Thunder Souperion please PM me with your source pick for Round 122. Ideally for next week. (Roughly the 9th of February) Congrats to everyone who participated, you peeps did great! Not expecting a lot of votes this time. Comments: Ok so Souperion had trouble voting, so he's sharing it here. This is his vote: 1st: TheVideoGamer 2nd: Wassup Thunder 3rd: TheVodouQueen This time around, I feel like TVG got down the MnP themes really well. I loved everyone's innovations and takes, so I relied a bit more on how the song's mixing and such went. Wassup: Enjoyed your instrumentation, those pipes really got me. You made some real happening groove going on there, especially with the piano parts. I'm the worst person on the net for giving feedback on guitars and such, but I think the one you used worked pretty well. The reimagined melody sections were fun, made it lively and spirited. Nice take on this thing! VGM: Don't feel so bad about not being the biggest fan of a popular ost. I enjoyed the energy and electronic soundscape of your piece. Even with very faithful notes, it was alive with your style. Love when the hard kicks come in with a percussion upgrade, shaking my ears and window panes. Seems to me that the piece is a bit heavy on the high and low frequencies, a tad shrill at times, but I really enjoyed how the lead strikes me as something between electric bagpipes and strings. Nice work here. Vodou Queen: Dang, that stylistic shift! You're right that some of it is a bit sharp, but I am impressed with how you took that mood and atmosphere of the thing and translated it so smoothly. And this piece travels so well, I think it's on the road to the next gig already! I say give yourself some slack from the hard mechanics of the song this time and enjoy what it wanted to be. Come back to this mix sometime later, smooth out and master things, and you'll have a niiiiice song. Keep at it!
  14. If something stands out to you, and you find it a little off, you shouldn't be afraid to mention it. While we like the good points, what to improve on, is what strives us as artists. So as long as your not actually bullying, critique (As in, what to improve on...) should be seen as a good thing. Taste is personal, as i always say lol. Thanks for voting anyways!
  15. I got your message. I'll post it here, when voting's over... Also i voted too...
  16. Daam that’s unfortunate. Not seen that happen before, or at least not as often. I hope it didn’t go into the laptop, or it’s disaster... Maybe voting might be the way forward. All the best....
  17. Welcome to the Voting Stage! There are 4 entries this round. There is 0 Bonus entry(s) this round There IS a voter bonus this round! Kat have a vote worth 2x. When Voting, if possible, avoid granting 1:1 covers top spot. MnP requires a bit of remixage after all. Don't vote for Bonus entries please. Do let me know if you have problems voting, and we can sort something out. Try and not make any comments about each entrant until after voting has concluded. Thanks! Participants may not vote for themselves. Vote ends Feb 2nd 1Pm. Vote here http://compo.thasauce.net/rounds/view/MnP121 (Ok so as you can see, Hoboka has transferred all duties to me. So don't be alarmed, when you see my name instead of the usual, since it's gonna be me from now on).
  18. They also have a 2 Hour Track Sunday's, which is exactly as it says on the tin. Just check the homepage page of the website, as i do. You can find all upcoming compo's in there (Active, Upcoming, Voting and Completed)... (I participate in both, if your interested)
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