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Everything posted by djbrayster

  1. Heh the intro is nice. it sets the mood quite nicely for a darker electronic piece. not sure what else to say, the electronic feel to the mix is interesting. the main instrument is a nice touch as sounds like a radio being tuned.
  2. nice the two wips could been seen as season 1 and season 2 themes if this was a tv show! the changes are nice between the two and its really shaping up well.
  3. haha this reminds me of a old us 80s police drama! nice style, it could be an awesome intro montage for a tv show as it is ahah. definately gonna be keeping an eye on this. it has so much potential and already is looking pretty sweet.
  4. winrar, winace and other compressed file unpackers. winrar is the safest
  5. The melody is great, but it needs more arrangement. the samples give it a odd fuzzy effect which lowers the quality. At the mo this mix has no major changes, it needs to be mixed up more and given more varience than the original loop.
  6. link broken again. try another file sharing place. putfile is quite reliable I have found.
  7. Dunno if this is something people share.. but if you worked on one mix at a time you might get more completed and less unfinished mixes.. I personally am waiting for the Yoshi's Island mix and this one to be updated.
  8. Go with the flow! improv is what makes a good mix! if the mix is original and varied to the source it works well. I have heard remixes what only use one riff of a melody and still work well. it just needs to be reconisable that its that game, as it is its cool. but if you added some improv sections it would be awesome. This style of music has alot of scope. go with the flow!
  9. Wow i am loving the funk theme, you seem to have the funk theme better than the original had! definately liking the groove.
  10. Are the cut tracks going to be released seperately? or are they up to the remixer's discression(sp)?
  11. I hope the people who are dropped will continue their mixes! as I really am looking forward to the music this project has inspired. accepted or not!
  12. As for knuckles, I decided not to use his theme because it's minimal. But if enough people really want to have kunckles theme on this, I may consider having it on. but I feel 25 tracks it enough. Err.. if people work it right Knuckles' Sonic 3 theme can be classed as the Sonic 3 midboss theme. seeing as it was the same percussion. I would love more mixes if that boss theme. I know this is way old. I just realised where the topic was. I have been looking in the site projects forum wondering why I can see nothing about the project. Its at times like this I wish I had more time to really learn how to mix ;_; And Rayza that Azure Lake demo mix is sweet!
  13. I had one friend complain about the torrent stopping at about 97% while was connected and active. I sent him the incomplete files via aim. but I do not know if anyone else has had a prob like that.
  14. Awesome work guys! this project was worth the wait. I am so glad it was finished and not left to die. Big congratulations to Richter for keeping it alive! great job! howabout a project for Sonic 3 and Knuckles?
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