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Posts posted by Protricity

  1. Never throught I'd give a yes to a mariokart 64 mix.

    But well, there it is:


    Dhsu managed to turn a shitty song into a decently good piano arrangement. I like the changes and rearrangement. Has a mood to it. Not too simple, not repeating, not boring. Well played.

    Bleh, now I feel dirty for giving an mk64 song a yes. I.. gotta take a shower or something AFK

  2. Alright, apparently the song is from track 6 of the nsf.

    This is gonna be another toughy. One of those guideline-refreshing submissions.

    The melody used was severly simplified and seldom used. Majority of the song involves so-so rap regarding everything from vgmix to magfest to the singer's girlfriends to something called xstrike. There are a few ambiguous lyrics involving some issues in the game. Edit: whoops. guess I was wrong about cindy. Apparently shes a character in the game.

    Overall, the problem I'm seeing is that this is more or less just a rap song. The minimal addition of the simplified original game tune, not changed at all, is pretty much just an excuse for the song to be called a game remix. Had the squarewave riff not been in there, no one would have noticed that anything was missing.

    If you took a remix like niggaz 4 life, or Knuckles Unknown from MC and removed the music it would be a different song. The change would be evident. Those two mixes were built around their songs, and had everything a good remix encompasses (and this song has nothing on niggaz' rap quality either).

    My main problem here is that by accepting this song, we would be opening up a new field of play for what is and isn't allowed. Basically any song with the slightest shred of resemblence to the original song would have to be allowed as long as its good. This would include the recent rejection of 'Sweet Games' which was quite a few par above this one. Simply wouldn't be fair.


    For next time, go for more of a remix or at least a rearrangement. Cant accept a mix based on popularity, novelty, association, or how much someone thinks it should be on this site etc.

  3. I don't mean to start a fuss and upset everyone but I'm not very good at sugarcoating things, and I believe in frankness and truth over ambiguous half truths in the name of peace and kindness.

    This is the worst song I've heard in a while now, and I'll give my reasons.

    1. Percussion is completely off sync throughout the entire mix.

    2. Guitar is horribly amateur, and I mean that in the best way. This is the kinda guitar that is played by someone who never took lessons and is kinda just messing around.

    3. This isn't an arrangement. This is the original played poorly. Very poorly.

    This song makes me wonder why on earth it didn't go to the judge panel.

    I am aware that dave isn't entirely familiar with the original and might have displayed some bias due to this, but aside from the lack of arrangement ability, I am chiefly addressing the completely amateur sound quality and skill involved in making this song.

    I doubt the possibility that I could have not pissed anyone off by saying all this, for that I'm sorry, but everything I said is what I truly believe after 4 listens of this song. I'm not driving blind here.

  4. I tried my best with this mix, unnintentionally turning it into a submittable remix.... i really just started this for my pleasure, but anyway

    This is just a calm remix of the WAY overdone super mario overworld theme done in piano and some calming ambience in the background.... thanks!

    Too short, too simple.

    The style is just fine. Execution is fine. The problem is that this song is only 2 and a half minutes long. It also repeats 2 times within that length.

    If this song was twice as long and promoted more variation, it would have gotten a yes, but alas


  5. Frankly, I dont agree with the logic in any of the no votes. This is a style, and these are how these songs sound.

    Anyway, not sure why this vote hasn't ended. We reached 4 yesses, and theres no tie. Rules are rules, so GG HF NO RUSH.

    If anyone would like to bring up a veto-able point about this song other than "I dont really like it", or "I think its kinda boring", we can then debate it until we reach a resolution. To my knowledge, this song has no submission violations, plenty of arrangement, and at least 4 judges like it, so end of thread.


    This is pretty tricky. I'm kinda torn. I like the arrangement, but yea its so much the same as the original. The part after 4:40 is apparently from an album that has nothing to do with this game.

    I think thats a problem that pushes this over the edge to NO

    Try to go for your own originality rather than someone else's.

    Either way, I really like this song. Only issue is that its too similar to original.

  7. Very nice!

    I like this one. Good motion. Not too boring. Quite repetitive though

    I recognize one of the drumloops though :(

    Real problem is that this song never changes from the original. Theres also some really annoying notation problems later on with the violin.


  8. Ok, I'm having a problem with the synth riffs that show up many times. Example: at 2:30. They are in a major progression, if I'm not mistaken, but the chords are minor. Its flawed.

    Perhaps this doesnt matter. Perhaps I'm wrong. Perhaps I'm being a dumbshit fucktard asshole faggot.

    Either way, the flaw sticks out like a sore thumb to me and considering that the rest of the song is pretty much just a beefed up techno rendition of the original,

    [b ]NO

    Well, he fixed the problem, not exactly as I would have had him fix it. Its fixed nevertheless.

    so YES as I promised.

    Still I was borderline on this mix anyway. Soundquality is great. Theres some innovation, but in the end its really a BOOMTISH of the original song. Go for more next time.

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