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Posts posted by Protricity

  1. Just keeps repeating.

    There is some definite quality issues. I don't understand why anyone would choose to cut a song off at 22khz. There is a lot of constant flanging going on. Its very apparent on good headphones.

    Just repeats.

    At this quality, it can't pass.

    Resubmit at 44khz and try to vary the song some more.


  2. Uh...

    Slap bass is kinda....

    Cool groove.


    Flute solo is ok.

    Way too short.

    This song's bitrate is 160-256 vb. That is far beyond the cieling of 192 that we set way back.

    I have to say no to this song based on its shortness. Please make it longer.

    Also, in order to be accepted, we need a <=192kbps version.

    EDIT: Got hte updated version, still no :(


  3. Cons:

    The intro sounds pretty poor. The use of effects dont work very well here.

    Theres some messy sections at 1:10 and 1:45.

    This song repeats a LOT.

    The drums are kind of lax.

    The effects could have been used with more discression.

    Instrument choice could have been better.

    Weak ending.


    I really like the arranging.

    Its moving.

    Better use of drums could have occured. This mix is basically one step below acceptable. Work on sound quality, percussion, and use of effects.


  4. nice mix,


    Suzu had 2 fall throughs already.

    The agreement amongst the judges in discussion was that no more than 2 fall throughs would be allowed per mixer. Otherwise, this 'feature' of ocremix could be exploited by those wanting to 'cut in line' so to speak.

    Heres one


    Heres another


    As we are getting to the queue quite heavily as the summer starts, it shouldn't be too long until this song is reviewed.

    Until next time:


  5. This song is rather moody. I've been looping it for about 20 minutes while yelling at david cause of his arrogant pompous behavior and shitty file servers, but anyway,

    Its soo moody. put me in a nice feel. Unfortunately, its so short and has a few bugz (the awkward bend at 1:20 for ex.)

    Please resubmit a far longer version with more variation on the main theme.


  6. Kinda quiet. Pretty cool. Moody. Piano is pretty good.

    This is actually rather well done considering the source material. Good way to convert to orch ;p.

    Could have been way longer :(


    UHHHHHHHHhh - looks like we have the same song as a fall though. Lets limit those fall-throughs a bit eh boys?

    *Disabled the actual submission as to eliminate confusion.

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