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Posts posted by Protricity

  1. Nice and relaxing. No major problems with the song. Easy flowing. Perhaps could have cut down on the feedback of that delay/reverb. Kinda follows the original straight away. Varies very little...

    hmm, another 2 minutes to go. Yay, I like long songs.

    Good piano stuff. Very stylistic. Yes, Good job, this is what I was looking for. Song expansion! NICE!

    A few tiny glitches on the piano. Nothing to get angsty about.


  2. Holy S*S**.........



    lost its power at :38

    got it back...




    this totally needs drums, yo. Its total lack of rock drums kills the power of this song

    its like the drumtrack was removed last minute.

    As is, gets a YES. But WOW. make a drums version PLEASE? PLEASSE??


    After being pointed out that this mix excluded a percussion element by some decision, I am inclined to agree that it is indeed an incomplete work. Note that this is only speculation and that there is no proof that the original author actually could have added drums and decided to take them out.

    I am changing my vote to a NO for this reason.

    Please consider adding a percussion element. There are so many people who would gladly collaborate with you on this. Please resubmit.


  3. Drums are way loud and overbearing. THeres a lot of high release stuff going on causeing the notes to meld into eachother(did I use the word meld tonight already?). It sounds way too messy as is. There seems to be a lot going on in the background but its horribly unclear. Its hard to hear the notes at all sometimes. I cant pass this quality at only 2 minutes, sorry.


  4. Acid drumloops.


    Ok, want a more 'elaborate' review? Personally, I don't believe songs that dont follow the Ocremix guidlines merit any sort of review at all aside from the direct reason of why they are rejected.


    There is a huge reliance on samples here, the drumloops, the break vocals, the brass. Its a song based on throwing together loops and samples and little more. Personally, it doesnt matter to me how long one spent 'collecting drumloops'. Hell, I dont think it matters even if you spent the last 17 years traversing the deadly congo fighting white killer monkies in search of the long lost drumloops of kilomunga.

    A song that relies this heavily on loops and samples otherwise does not get on oc, end of story.

    Other than that, there appears to be a ton of offkey sections whereas the piano clashes with the stirngs or the brass clashes with the piano etc. Thats usually enough to justify a no in such a case where you actually recorded all the breaks and drumloops yourself.

  5. Someone needs to point this guy out to the judge faq.

    This song is way too short and theres something very wrong with the drums. Sounds like bad compression but its not affecting the lead synth. Very odd.

    This would be a yes if it was longer and more expressive. Try for 4 minutes :D


  6. [12:13:51PM] Maniac594: BNMS

    [12:13:52PM] Maniac594: YEAS

    [12:13:54PM] Maniac594: OLD ON

    [12:13:59PM] Maniac594: DONT LEAVE

    [12:14:07PM] Maniac594: GOD DAMN YOU

    [12:14:57PM] Maniac594: and a backup

    [12:16:08PM] Maniac594: YOU PIECE A [censored] COME BACK


    [12:24:24PM] Maniac594: GOD DAMN YOU COME BACK

    Ah, yes, the ever loyal and respectful regard for a judge trying to help.

    This song's kinda old and submitted way back ere the hills of Ocremix Land were young. I've heard it before and too much, so I'll give it a YES from excellent drumwork and sinth-age and great attention to harmonic detail.

  7. I gotta question: How do i get rid of that .." hollow" sound that happens when FL exports as MP3? Is there any kind of outside program (preferably free) that can get rid of that hollow sound? Like.. in FL, all the sounds sound great.. crisp, clear, all the chords aren't too loud or soft. But, after the export, the song turns to crap. The music is soft.. no more clear or crisp sound like the FL version and it sounds like its underwater (without the bubbles) I'm not really sure how to describe it. But, its annoying me. Any help is appreciated.

    Firstly, I would say dont export to mp3. Export to wave, its always a better idea.

    Secondly, can you define the 'hollow' sound? Is that sound absent when you export to wav? or when you playback normal? Are you using vstis that may affect this? (Some vstis will create noise in a demo version)

  8. Ugh, we went through some pains to get the clipping out and the encoding decent. I liked this remix from the first time I heard it. Maybe cause I like jazz, or maybe I just like great playing/arrangement skill.

    Anyway, I hope no one minds this:

    I'm hosting the longer 9 minute version of this song for a SHORT while for anyone who craves high quality encodes:

    EDIT: Whoops, forgot to remove the link... like.. 2 months ago.

    winamp 2.81 or greater. Ogg vorbis doesnt work on media player without some hacks, sorry.

  9. I regret not having voiced my opinion earlier, but better now than never:


    Like djp said, the arrangement is simply a transferal of the original's elements into live instrumentation, with no real original improv.

    Ok, I need to go check this. Maybe I was wrong, but I totally thought there was like a HUGE amount of improv and original stuffs.

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