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Posts posted by Protricity

  1. ERRRRRRR ok, I totally didnt realize we could post on locked forums. I guess that should have been obvious WHO CARES ...

    my thoughts are: I thought this remix was FAR more than a simple replaying of a song on a band. It expanded on such a simple short song and turned it into a long detailed performance. Judging by that sole fact alone, I gave it a yes. Secondly, I dont think it was perticularly played bad. If it was, then I suppose I haven't heard many 'good bands' but I must say, my U's band is one of the top in the country and though these guys aren't quite as good, I'd say they were plainly good enough.

    I saw more negative reviews regarding recording quality and performance rather than arrangement and 'remix' quality. So I'm guessing that these NOs are more akin to rejecting a great remix because of bad samples/encoding. I personally shouldnt like to see songs on this site limited to instrument quality alone.


  2. Intro vocals are totally off key/out of sync.

    This minimalistic techno is pretty much just a carry for the vocals which I'm pretty sure are from the game. There isnt much sequencing here. Theres a lot of stuff that doesnt work, vocal harmonies and such. They dont fit in with the melody of the song.

    cut off ending, cmon. I'm guessing that was a mistake.


  3. I had 2 listens of the new version. One on my DTT5.1 and one on my yamaha earphones. The earphone hearing sounded far worse, but the speaker listen sounded just fine.

    I believe that the majority of people listening to this song wont mind this level of quality, and those that do will be offered an ogg vorbis or higher quality mp3 version if only they ask vigilante.

    I still think this level of excellent arrangement deserves a YES

  4. This is totally not Super Metroid, but whatever.

    This basically follows the melodic arangement sequence of the SSBM mix of this song.

    Really dont like the flute. maybe with some reverb and bass support.

    A few cool ideas presented here, but they aren't developed.

    I would like to see it longer and ... maybe... some supermetroid songs in it? Or just change the file to Regular Metroid.



    So, like, this song blatantly samples "Oops, I Did It Again" by Britney Spears. Great!

    Yea, that was ...

    So anyway, I think this mix was rather well sequenced. I can tell all the drums are original. The chords aren't too well placed. To me, the voice samples really took away from the song. They made it sorta annoying to listen to.

    After 3 listens, the samples ruined it for me. Its less of a song and more of a fancy dj-break, as if someone keeps talking during the song and you JUST WANT THEM TO STFU!!!

    NO really liked the sequencing though.

  6. Pros:

    Movin beats (even though they are beatloops)

    Great groove


    Very repetitive, Weak ending,

    It sounds to me that this entire sound is carried by drumloops and rythmic modules.

    Still, it sounds great and theres some cool improv and arrangement.

    Edit: Changed to NO

    after hearing some more. Its just too weak to use drumloops when so many others work so hard on their own percussion. Its like cheating. Resubmit with own beats PLEASE? :D

  7. 1 minute?

    maybe the rest was lost in the process of ... er.. nope.

    1 minute.


    Resubmit as 6 minutes and not looped and I'll give a Yes, maybe. Hmm, actually probably not.


    EDIT: I'll give it another shot then, but I definately downloaded a 1 minute mp3. It was exactly 1 minute. EDIT2: UGH I totally downloaded the original.

    New review:

    OK!!!!!! much different.

    I'm really not likeing these brass samples. They are kinda out of place. I dont understand the need for flange upon orchestra. Aside from huge HQ soundfonts, I dont think this song has anything going for it so far. The percussion element could have been done better. Totally Totally way too short. I'd like to see this song not be carried by HQ samples and be far longer than 2:15.


  8. I don't understand the flow of this mix too well. It seems to be a lot of minimalistic expression, but not too much of a song.

    Poor drums and some note conflicts.

    But lets see...

    The transitions aren't too well done either.

    Seemed too thin and not very well thought out. Basically no ending.

    I liked the middle section though.


  9. I'm gonna be so bold as to cry foul here: This sounds like a midi rip. And to reitterate my general rule about these things: If its totally note for note like this, then its *POSSIBLE* that its not a nsf rip, BUT, why would anyone spend so much effort doing it note for note? Furthermore, there is no improvement in a note-for-note mix, thus it is against the beliefs of this website.

    Sure theres a bit of new stuff here, but almost none. Its just not a remix.


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