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  1. I appreciate the feedback! I am honestly struggling with volume levels in general right now. Ive used a bit of compression to help certain things stick out but I guess I'm still pretty rusty at it. Most of my instruments are fairly close to their "optimal" level before things get extremely loud and choppy sounding. Its really hard for me to get a loud mix sometimes. I am now reading about LUFS analyzers but there is a toooon of conflicting information about where I should leave it. Back to it I guess
  2. Duuuude this is so sick its like Dream Theater and Risk of Rain. Love it!
  3. Wow yeah I love the little chord transitions especially towards the end around ~2:50 ish. Gives me Terraria space music vibes!
  4. Hey thanks for taking the time to stop by I am making this cover of Forest Interlude from DKC2 as a sort of "self benchmark" to see how well I can emulate David Wise's signature tone into my own music. It is in a lot of ways pretty close to the original, however all of the sounds (minus one FLEX instrument and my percussion samples) are made from scratch with Serum and stock FL plugins. I am only a few years into this hobby, mostly being self taught. I guess I am looking for feedback on the quality of my mixing - as well as my writing since I wrote it all by ear. I think my mix is kinda quiet honestly, but I'd like to think I did good on the overall leveling of things. What do you think?
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