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Everything posted by zircon

  1. I have to admit this isn't a source that's high on my list of "memorable FF9 songs", but it's not so bad now that I've listened to it about five times in a row. As for the mix, there are a few complaints I have regarding the production. I think it's that everything seems really dry, and the drums sound kind of flimsy or tinny. The end result is that a mix which SHOULD sound really big and powerful instead sounds more puny than anything, as if it were recorded in a small studio room. The playing here is really nice, but the sound of the mix isn't showing off that. Talk to someone like Goat, norg or SnappleMan for some tips on how to make rock/metal mixes sound bigger and more full. The source is interpreted well here but the arrangement struck me as short. I would love to hear more, though I guess I wouldn't veto the mix based on that alone. The key thing is to make what you have sound better on a production-level, which is within your capabilities, especially if you solicit help from other rock/metal mixers on the site. NO, resubmit
  2. No, it doesn't use any in-game speech. Yet. http://www.zirconstudios.com/music/wips/EHTF2.mp3
  3. Yeah, hero picking is just as much about seeing your specific synergies and the enemy team's strengths/weaknesses as it is about picking S-tier heroes. For example, the other day we (OCR) played against a team of Nymphora, Thunderbringer, Defiler, Pollywog Priest and I think Tempest. We laughed at first - an all-INT team? No tanks, no carries? However, we were quickly put in our places when they coordinated pushes starting at level 6 and ended the game about 20 minutes in, not because they were super-farmed but because their entire team was based around pushing and they dominated us as a result. I really think hero picking makes or breaks games. Even the best players on a team with no stuns and disables will fail against a competent AOE-based disabling team. That's partially why I get so frustrated sometimes; if you have the wrong heroes, it's like the game is lost before it even starts. The exception to this would be heroes that generally fit in on almost any team. There aren't many, but I think overall, Demented Shaman, Thunderbringer, Tempest, Jeraziah, Pollywog Priest and Pharaoh are solid regardless of the rest of the lineup. EDIT: http://honstats.heroku.com/?sort_by=percent_win&sort_dir=DESC I found this funny. Plague Rider is #1 in terms of overall win % and average kills per game. No surprise there.
  4. The original is really neat. I haven't heard much of the Panzer Dragoon series music but I'm impressed. Anyway, this remix is an excellent take on the source! I'm a sucker for blends of electronic, acoustic and world instruments so I really enjoyed listening to this. My only complaints are that the orchestral instruments pale a bit in quality to everything else, namely the brass. However, the creative interpretation, unique atmosphere and otherwise strong production make up for this. I wish there were more. Do an extended cut sometime! YES
  5. Don't worry y'all, nothing bad happened to us, but the assumptions made so far are pretty much correct - it's not looking good in terms of our ability to keep doing the show. Jill's coworker has still been out of commission and probably will be for the forseeable future, and up until this week I was busy was GameX convention stuff on random nights. End result was that it was VERY hard to find a night where all three of us were free (mainly Jill and I - either I would be or Jill would be, but not both.) So, don't count us out entirely just yet, but we gotta try to figure out how we can best work this into our (new) schedules. Oh, the convenience of having standard 5-day college weeks...
  6. Yeah, Voodoo Jester's combo is (1) stun, (2) cursed ground while they're stunned, (3) ult. This will kill just about anyone. The main VJ guide on the HoN forums says to max Cocktail and Ground first - don't bother with Mojo until later (10, 12-14) since the power of Cocktail/Ground is superior.
  7. Oh cool it's alt pick OK please get good heroes Keeper chronos fuck
  8. ROFL @ HoN Haikus: Team pushes middle Behemoth with Portal Key Blood Bath Genocide I create a game Specify no noobs allowed They join anyway I multi'd ten times Do you like memes? Too bad, I'm Not making that joke
  9. God Tier - Jeraziah, Tempest S - Madman, Magmus, Behemoth, Defiler, Thunderbringer, Demented Shaman, Arachna, Plague Rider, Succubus, Hellbringer, Pharaoh, Electrician, Pandamonium, Kraken, Pestilence A - Pollywog Priest, Torturer, Blood Hunter, Pyromancer, Moon Queen, Wildsoul, Magebane, Sand Wraith, The Dark Lady, Maliken, Valkyrie, Soulstealer, Vindicator, Swiftblade, Glacius B - Puppet Master, Voodoo Jester, Hammerstorm, Zephyr, Soul Reaper, Andromeda, Legionnaire, Accursed, Slither, Scout, Devourer, Rampage, Predator C - Armadon, Night Hound, Nymphora, War Beast, Wretched Hag D - Chronos, Keeper of the Forest, Blacksmith Underline: Moved up a tier Bold: Moved down a tier
  10. So guys, did that last game I played as Elec prove to you that he's an awesome, versatile hero? I maintain that he's high-tier, not mediocre as many of you have suggested. With the latest patch his Static Grip and Energy Absorption do even more damage, too. My argument: he's probably THE hardest to kill tank in the game as he has 50% damage reduction on top of everything else; no other hero can claim that. He's a disgusting laner and early ganker - put him with any other stun and you will get first blood for sure. He has remarkable farming abilities (I outfarmed everyone in the game I played) and basically doesn't ever have mana problems. His ult makes him incredibly mobile and the CD is short enough that it can be used constantly for a variety of purposes. The dispel/debuff is just an added bonus! Lastly, while people complain about Grip being interruptable, you just need to be smart about it. Use it on isolated heroes. Force people to blow their stuns on you and stop YOU, while your team stops them. Watch for AOE stuns and remember their cooldowns so you can grip at the opportune time. Elec is awesome.
  11. Vind seems like S to me; he shuts down so many combos with his aura alone.
  12. http://forums.heroesofnewerth.com/showthread.php?t=36434 My suggestion to make Staff of the Master allow Accursed's ult to be targeted (with some caveats.) Right now it sucks on him, and Accursed himself kinda sucks lategame in general. This makes him a more competitive pick vs. Jeraziah.
  13. http://www.drexelcomposers.com/ - we're always looking for new projects
  14. It was awesome. An apology to the OneUps is in order for our band's set basically taking WAY longer than it should have - Arnold's Family Fun Center doesn't have the best equipment.
  15. Do you really NEED mock though? If you farm a Nullfire first you're a lot more useful overall and can gank even without your ult (though it makes your ult more awesome too), and then you can just farm Geometer's next, which has a better buildup and much better overall utility than Mock.
  16. We recorded up and down picks (4x each) but I dunno what the demo guy used, since you can choose either or.
  17. Personally I think if he has WoW experience, he will find this not too difficult to get into. It's the same kind of mentality - you are thinking about crowd control, DPS, focus firing, positioning, skill/item builds, etc., just like WoW (and WoW PVP.) In fact, if you've played Alterac Valley, HoN is pretty much exactly that.
  18. Unfortunately we just had inferior playing and the other team had Jeraziah. That's really all there was. Eddie didn't play a good Defiler (no hate, though.) As for a scrim, I don't think we would get stomped if we put together a team of our best players and picked proper heroes.
  19. The library is clean so you can use whatever tone you want. It's also available as both mono and double-tracked so again, it can be used however you want. Personally I like the tone that the demo creator used - it sounds a lot like the ones you use - but anyway, if you don't like that, it has no bearing on the quality of the library itself. Sixto has been recording it and his actual guitar and recording setup is pretty amazing, so the source material really can't get any better.
  20. That MP3 is an extremely early alpha. The final will be way better. Neko: Interesting that you say that... I fooled quite a few guitarists with it. Saying it doesn't sound "even close" is ridiculous
  21. With a Brutalizer he really is a force to be reckoned with; there's something to be said for "precision elimination" heroes. Nothing is more frustrating than preparing to enter a teamfight and getting killed by Scout in 2 seconds. He's also one of the best at cleaning up.
  22. Oh man, didn't know all those other bands were playing too! We're not on that list but I guess it's because we're actually playing on the "Industry" side not for the general public, AFAIK.
  23. Oooooor.... you can wait for the new Impact Soundworks rhythm guitar library which will be like 1/8 the price. http://zirconstudios.com/filedump/GuitarLibrary_Test_00.mp3
  24. If you're only counting his utility in teamfights, I don't think that is necessarily reasonable. There is more to a character than what they do in mid/lategame teamfights.
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