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Everything posted by zircon

  1. Wow, I never really thought about it that way. Good advice... I guess I need to use side shops and be a little more cautious about taking creep damage. By the way, I would like to formally propose a few rules that perhaps we all can adhere to for INHOUSE games, unless we agree to something otherwise. Please post and let me know your thoughts. * Jeraziah is banned. * Tempest is banned on Caldavar/Watchtower. * Arachna and Succubus are banned on Darkwood Vale. Why these rules? Jeraziah is an extremely powerful character that I think is too dominant. He has incredible farming ability, team support spells, healing, true damage, magic immune... etc. He is simply a better pick than basically any other support, IMO. Tempest is also considered God tier on every tier list I have seen, and if any character absolutely HAS to be banned, it is probably him. However, in 3v3 he is not quite as good, and his jungling ability is mitigated, so I'm fine with him on that map. Lastly, Arachna and Succubus are characters that essentially get a free kill every time their ult is up if they're facing a solo character. Even though I've played against these heroes (and played AS them) many times, I really have to conclude that in a 3v3 setting they are simply too powerful because your team is smaller and more split up; the only counters to those heroes is to have the rest of your team there, which won't happen on 3v3 much.
  2. I haven't seen enough of Panda to form a strong opinion on him, but I have to say that so far he DOES look quite solid - at least B tier. His sheer damage is pretty high between his Flurry and ultimate, but what's really nice is his Flick -> Stun -> Flurry combo, not to mention Flick disables pretty much ANYONE, even magic immunes! Haven't played the new Magebane, but HAVE played the new Dark Lady and she is much, much better. Again she's up to a B if not significantly higher. Her mana problems are all but gone, which is really what was holding her back before. Also... vote on my hero! http://forums.heroesofnewerth.com/showthread.php?t=28395
  3. Vote! Remember the numbers aren't as important as the concepts, since numbers can be tweaked.
  4. At the same time, you gotta do whatever you think works best for you and your music. I personally start putting my mastering plugins on early into my work on a track. I never mix or master separately - that stuff happens while I work on the song. Even a subtle mastering effect can alter the balance of the track so I prefer to keep that stuff on throughout. This is actually how The Crystal Method works, too.
  5. http://forums.heroesofnewerth.com/showthread.php?t=28395 Comment on my hero idea!
  6. Yeah, I get what you're saying, but consider I've never made a complaint about anyone ever despite over 100 games with OCR guys. That's how bad THIS bitching was. I mean he was CONSTANTLY complaining about and insulting me for absolutely no good reason.
  7. I don't exactly consider Behemoth a "nuker". When I think nuker, I think someone that does burst damage at range. Behemoth gets in your face and does AOE stuns/damage. I don't think he plays like any other nuker.
  8. I don't know, I think that's a silly way of doing things. A STR hero shouldn't be focused on nuking, and an INT hero shouldn't be focused on tanking. If you want to make a nuker with survivability, put him in INT and give him high base str/armor and STR gain... like Blacksmith.
  9. I think the reason they did that was the make the hero types more unique. Didn't you think it was kind of silly that Zephyr, an AGI, could tank better than just about any other character?
  10. I vote we boot Saatana from the clan. In a recent match, he ignored doing anything to help the team (eg. farming a Nullfire Blade to dispel Jeraziah as Andromeda), instead farming a Wingbow, which took him the entire game. Furthermore, he bitched at me constantly despite me playing a pretty good Accursed. Players like this shouldn't be given the privilege of playing with us.
  11. New Dark Lady is definitely awesome. I'll have to play more to decide how I really feel about her, but once she gets Runed Axe she becomes an amazing farmer later on - her blades/charge combo will basically 1-shot an ENTIRE creep wave, and with Insanitarius she can kill heroes easily. I had very few mana problems compared to before, mainly thanks to Tainted Soul being dirt cheap. Speaking of, she's better early on too since she can almost spam Tainted whenever the CD is up, do some harassing damage, slowing (for ganks) and just generally be a pest.
  12. I'd like to make some modifications to my tier list (not based on anyone else's list, but again, just our own experiences.) Definitions: God Tier - Clearly overpowered, weaknesses are too few compared to strengths, overwhelming in more situations than not. S - Strengths outweigh weaknesses, numerous big advantages. You want these guys on your team. A - Very good hero all-around. Balanced strengths and weaknesses. B - Solid hero, but does not have a truly strong advantage. C - Can be powerful if used properly, but outshined by the upper tiers. Not enough useful skills, too situational. D - Underpowered for too much of the game, outshined by many characters, easily countered, but still potenteially usable. Garbage - No or very little reason to use this hero, needs buffs. Too weak in too many situations. God Tier - Magmus, Jeraziah, Tempest S - Madman, Behemoth, Swiftblade, Defiler, Thunderbringer, Soulstealer, Demented Shaman, Arachna, Plague Rider, Succubus, Hellbringer, Pharaoh A - Pollywog Priest, Andromeda, Torturer, Electrician, Blood Hunter, Pyromancer, Kraken, Slither, Scout, Moon Queen, Wildsoul, Magebane, Predator, Legionnaire B - Night Hound, Valkyrie, Puppet Master, Voodoo Jester, Hammerstorm, Zephyr, War Beast, Pestilence, Glacius, Nymphora, Soul Reaper C - Armadon, Accursed, Wretched Hag, Blacksmith, Devourer D - Chronos, Keeper of the Forest, The Dark Lady Not ranked: Malilken, Ophelia CHANGES: Legionnaire: S -> A. I am liking this hero less and less. He is basically a one-trick pony; blink and taunt. Execute is fine but you're stealing gold from people that could use it better. There's no point in attacking Legionnaire since his auto-attack damage is pitiful and he has no other disables besides Taunt (which he probably blew at the beginning of the fight.) A good initiator, but not S-tier. Glacius: A -> B. His mana aura is good, but there are more and more ways to recover mana, and he is simply too frail and weak to provide constant overall utility. There are better support picks. Hellbringer: B -> S. I way underestimated this guy. He is an excellent harasser with an amazing snare and killer magic debuff which basically makes him heal to full at any time. But while these abilities alone would be solid, having a huge AOE ranged stun that also unleashed what is essentially a 6th hero (and possibly 7th) makes him an amazing initiator, counter-initiator and pusher too. Nymphora: A -> B. On paper, she seems awesome, and when you play as her you almost feel overpowered by her amazing ability to push, heal and recover mana indefinitely. However, her damage output is poor, her stun takes too long to execute, and she is extremely frail. A solid support character, but still, there are better choices. Pharaoh: A -> S. Another guy I underestimated. Pharaoh is a fantastic hero. He is versatile in basically every situation. He can roam, gank, push, initiate and counter-initiate. He's also surprisingly durable. His late-game utility begins to diminish as his damage abilities don't scale, but he's still a strong tank and Ult / Mummies / Hellfire is still a damaging and debilitating combo anytime in the game. Devourer: B -> C. He sucks early game because he has no abilities to help him lane. His main damaging ability (Decay) hurts him too, and it takes some good farming to reduce that damage. Lategame the HP of enemies begins to outstrip his damage, and other people getting magic armor can also nullify the advantage presented by Decay. Long story short.. he takes too long to ramp up, and by the time he can really shine, he's already being outmatched. Soul Reaper: B. He's a fragile character with no carrying ability but whose ultimate steals kills from your actual carries. He has only one active otherwise. His mana regen ability becomes inconsequential later and has no effect in teamfights, and while his aura is decent, it's still only about 30 damage per second on even the most buff tanks. For most of the game it is much weaker than that. Plus, you can't take it early or it will help push your lane more. His saving grace is his AOE heal/nuke, but would you rather have that or a character like Demented Shaman or Jeraziah, both of whom can also AOE heal and damage but provide superior support capability? Best Nukers: Pyromancer, Defiler, Thunderbringer Best Initiators: Tempest, Behemoth, Kraken, Legionnaire, Hellbringer Best Support: Jeraziah, Nymphora, Demented Shaman, Pharaoh Best Tanks: Jeraziah, Accursed, Armadon, Electrician Best Early Gankers: Slither, Arachna, Electrician Best All-Around Gankers: Arachna, Voodoo Jester, Pharaoh, Scout Best Disablers: Pollywog Priest, Succubus Best "Press R To Win" Heroes: Tempest, Moon Queen, Magmus, Plague Rider Best Carries: Soulstealer, Madman, Swiftblade, Chronos (lategame only, very hard to play) So if your team says "we need another tank", you want to play Jeraziah, Accursed, Armadon or Electrician. If they said we need a carry.. well, you get the picture. Tiers got a lot tighter after the last patch, which buffed Kraken, Scout and Magebane, formerly low-tier heroes. As always, post your thoughts. I'm not sure if all those A heroes are really A.
  13. Interesting tier list they have, a lot of it mirrors ours but they have some weird decisions (Magebane / Puppet aren't really garbage, for example, and Defiler is "bad"?)
  14. I still don't think Armadon is good.
  15. BUMP! New academic year, fresh blood in the club. Ironically, I am actually now teaching at Drexel (MIP 380: Video Game Music and Audio), so I guess strike that earlier comment I made... We're still looking for any and all projects, so contact me if you have 'em.
  16. A lot of these terms are carried over from MMOs. Kiting is basically when you can outrun someone while still attacking them at range - thus they have no way of fighting back. The way you get faster is usually with some kind of slowing disable, the best example being Arachna's webbed shot.
  17. This game has been extremely frustrating for me lately.
  18. But I mean, what's special about him? Stat-wise he isn't that great, and really his big thing is the damage reduction from behind. His spine shooting thing is laughable which leaves him with an OK stacking slow/debuff and the ability to buff himself a bit. Also, obviously you're far superior to any of us, so you can play any character well - it doesn't mean that your Armadon is better than your Pesti.
  19. My item builds depend on the kind of game I'm playing. If it's a game where I'm dying a lot and/or are getting constantly outlaned, I get items with better buildups, or simply cheaper items, to enhance my abilities sooner. If I am doing fine already, I save up for the big stuff earlier on.
  20. So does VSL. IF you want to avoid that stuff, please just get Komplete 6. Kontakt 4 has great orchestral samples and is easily expandable, and the amount of other content you get is just insane for the price. You really can't go wrong with it.
  21. Why? SF3's characters didn't seem particularly inspired to me. T.Hawk and Dee-Jay are pretty awesome designs. How often do you see a Caribbean fighter based on rhythm with a huge smile on his face at all times? His moves fit his character perfectly and he plays well too. Whereas SF3 had Remy (Guile ripoff), Hugo (big grappler guy, at least T.Hawk had some other nifty moves and splashes), various "fast ninja types" (Fei Long is fast, but has way more style) etc. I liked Makoto, admittedly, but even she could be stupidly overpowered with 100% combos.
  22. There a changelog anywhere, or do you have to DL it and open?
  23. Wait, +10% damage FROM all sources? As in, you take more damage? Or you *deal* 10% more damage from all sources?
  24. Keep in mind QLSO now comes with PLAY, which is very CPU-intensive. You may want a better computer first; what do you have now? Also, depending on the kind of music you're doing, VSL Special Edition may be a better bet than QLSO. The former is a lot "warmer" with more realistic legatos and a more close, personal sound, while the latter is better for Hollywood type stuff. However, QLSO is also quite overused.
  25. Keep in mind that most of the people being complained about (either way) aren't even registered forum members. You won't hear this kind of drama coming from, say, me, bardic, Wes, tensei etc
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