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Everything posted by zircon

  1. Try modifying a preset within guitar rig... it would take less CPU than making an entire additional instance.
  2. Haha Dhsu, yeah, I should do that sometime http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewAlbum?id=309566185&s=143441 ^^^ album is now on iTunes, in case you have a gift card lying around that you've been waiting to use.
  3. Here's an awesome bread and butter combo you can do as Balrog. Hold down-back and do three low jabs, then press forward and jab punch, then as that animation is playing, press back then forward and PPP. If you execute this correctly, the jab rush punch will cancel into the ultra! That's some MASSIVE punishment for someone simply not blocking low for a split second. The reason it works is because the ultra motion is: 1. Charge back 2. Forward 3. Back 4. Forward + PPP 1. is being taken care of while you're doing the jabs. 2. Forward is pressed when you execute the rush punch, so even though you're doing a move here, it still counts toward the ultra motion. 3. Back then forward+PPP during the rush punch cancels it.
  4. Well, you could use stereo delay or stereo widening to make the signal stereo again, but the better choice is to set up your GR preset so that you have a hard-left chain and a hard-right chain within the sound. Thus it's stereo.
  5. Blanka and Balrog really do have the exact same motion... so they should be equal difficulty. I prefer Balrog's in terms of usefulness though. Massive damage, easy to chain, relatively safe if you miss.
  6. Yeah, it's a stupid motion. Charge down-back, then do a 180 motion from down-forward to up-back. I think Vega's might be the same.
  7. Gotta agree with AD on all counts, CC was friggin' amazing. I actually didn't even bother with most of the side missions - I was so engrossed with the story that I played more or less straight through, with a few missions here and there. I think the ending was absolutely heart-wrenching. If it had been just one big cutscene, it wouldn't have been powerful. But man, once that scene started where it was Zack vs. the army, and the music switched to the guitar/violin theme... I knew it was all over. The use of the DMW during the ending was also brilliant - as Zack is dying, his life is flashing before his eyes, and by the time he's so broken that he can barely stand up, he can only think about that one image of Aeris. So sad... man, WHAT a game.
  8. Well, on one level, I can see how that would make sense, but practically speaking I get my ass kicked by Sagat more often than other characters... on an average playing level. It's not that the people playing him are incredibly amazing, but, for example, getting hit with a Rose or Ken combo just doesn't sting as much as a Sagat combo. The dude dominates at any level of play IMO. His basic moveset, priorities, recovery times, stamina, stun, and damage are all amazing.
  9. If you look at the tiers for SF4, the latest ones put Sagat in an "S+" tier, along with Akuma, Zangief, and Viper. The fact that there is an "S+" tier doesn't really bode well, but here's the thing - those other three characters are not as EASY to dominate with. Zangief has to work for his wins because he has no zoning game. Akuma has low stamina. Viper has low damage, low stamina, and requires a lot of execution skill to do all of her cancel shennanigans. Sagat is just raw power. High offense, high defense, easy cancels, great ultra. Why did they make a character like this?
  10. Canceling moves is tricky. I don't know how to play Fuerte, but generally speaking, you need to be doing the motion for the 2nd move at the same time that you're hitting the button for the first. For example, for Fei Long's Fierce Punch into Shienkyaku (Back, Down, Down-Back + Kick), I actually hold back WHILE hitting fierce punch, and pretty much as soon as my finger hits that FP button, I'm already just about done with the Shienkyaku motion, and once I land on Down-Back I hit the kick button and bam - there's the cancel. If you just press FP, then do Back, Down, Down-Back+Kick, then you'll get a fierce punch followed by a shienkyaku rather than a cancel.
  11. Hey, if you like him, use him. Just try to keep in mind that if you're doing well, part of that is definitely the result of him being OP.
  12. There's no way you can counter scissors with anything after blocking... it's a VERY safe move. None of those moves you cited would hit Bison after he does scissors, unless he is stupid and doesn't block. The best answer I've heard for it is to attempt a backdash and then LK flamekick, but that's pretty risky.
  13. I'll have to give that a shot. It seems like anytime I budge against a turtling character my moves get stuffed very quickly. This is especially true with Sagat. I feel like I'm better off stepping back and waiting for them to make a mistake.
  14. Zeklan, nice games! I gotta go grab some lunch, but it was fun
  15. You can't punish Scissor Kick with Fei's throw... Gief's throw has insane priority and range compared to any normal throw in the game. Focus Attacks don't work either because they only absorb one hit and the Scissor is two. Crouching Jab gets eaten by the kick too. Phth: You're right about crossing up, unfortunately I haven't quite learned the proper range/timing for doing that in SF4. This is the most frustrating thing about Fei in SF4. He CAN'T pressure much. What can he do to a character who is crouching? Nothing. He has no overhead except his forward MK which has fairly weak priority and is slow. In earlier iterations you could use chicken wing, an overhead, but they took away that property. So his rushdown game is kind of gone.
  16. I'm really having trouble with some matchups. A big part of it is online play (harder to block in a timely manner) and because I don't have a stick... but still. Here's one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QgazLDI3F-o What do you do about a Bison that does tons of scissor kicks, 3x lp chains, and crossups?
  17. Man I'm jealous. This is some amazing stuff!
  18. Nice matches today, Geeky Stoner! Your Honda is mean. I really want to play him more as Fei. I'm a bit frustrated, I got to 1500 bp today but then got knocked back down to 1100. I just can't seem to get above this range.
  19. After 200-300mb I've noticed soundfonts become unstable in FL. 800mb sounds like you're pushing the envelope.
  20. RAM is so cheap these days - www.newegg.com has DDR2 RAM for pennies, practically. That's your best bet. Otherwise, soundfonts are actually really inefficient since they don't stream from the disk. Ultimately, you should get a sampler like Kontakt which DOES stream and allows you to load 2.5gb of WAVs into about 200mb of RAM.
  21. Fair enough - I guess it does all add to the challenge, and I didn't know that option was available.
  22. Thanks man I don't plan on doing actual DJ mixes of any tracks, but if someone really wanted me to, I could try messing around with them. A little update; the CD should be available on iTunes soon, as it is already on CD Baby. Also, as of now, Necromancy is the #1 track of all-time on Newgrounds, and Bushido Blade is track of the week. Pretty cool. Also, if any of y'all are still on the fence about picking MMC up, I've now received several messages of people saying they bought it and the new Prodigy album at the same time, and preferred mine...
  23. One thing that irritates me about games like this is that the graphic for the ship doesn't represent the actual hitbox. Why? Why not make the whole ship smaller to fit the hitbox?
  24. I agree that getting close to Sagat is the only way to win, but that can be said of any character. Nobody can win with just long range attacks, except maybe Dhalsim. Projectiles are used mainly to control the space, rather than a pure damage tool. The key is exactly how close to get. This depends on the character. Fei Long dominates roughly at the range where he can hit you with a Rekka punch. At this range, he can EX Rekka/Chicken Wing through a tiger shot and hit Sagat, for example.
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