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Everything posted by zircon

  1. Google Chrome has had that feature since it first came out.
  2. The first example is a simple saw wave. It has some compression on it to give it a punchy attack, and lots of effects like reverb and delay, but it's not really filtered much. The timbre changing at :44 is because of a band-reject (or "notch") filter with an automated cutoff. At 1:26, it's a different synth entirely. The new synth is actually a LOT of saw waves, maybe somewhere between 6 and 11, layered together in unison. They are VERY VERY slightly detuned (~0.5 to 1.5 cents) and have a very fast LFO applied to the coarse tuning, with minimal depth. :33 is a classic supersaw. It consists of lots of layered saw waves (unison), except these are detuned much more, more like 20-30 cents. At :33, the sound is heavily filtered with a lowpass filter, and an envelope is on it controlling the cutoff of the filter. The cutoff is then raised as the buildup continues. First you should familiarize yourself with the basics of synthesis. DJ Redlight has a tutorial on this in the Guides & Tutorials forum. Then, get a vst like Synth1 (free from kvraudio.com) which will help produce this kind of sound. 3xOsc is not good for it.
  3. Again, none of his points are "this is different than SSF2T, therefore it's worse". Everything he argues is independent of previous games. He's a very good logician and presents very strong arguments. Pointing out flaws in SSF2T wouldn't diminish his arguments about SF4 at all.
  4. Nah, all of his points are legit. Nobody ever has any good response to any of his points, 99% of the responses are just ad hominem.
  5. While I was playing SF4 today (off the disc) I accidentally tilted the console slightly and heard a very bad grinding kind of sound. I continued playing for a few more mins then restarted. Now, the game pops up with an "unreadable" error at various points (ie. trying to enter Training mode, menu music won't play, various challenges). I tried restarting the system and the disc itself LOOKS fine. Am I screwed? WTF Microsoft?
  6. The thought has crossed my mind, but the lack of a graphical editor for sfz is a major pain. When you're dealing with thousands of WAV samples, text-only seems like it would be a nightmare. In Kontakt, it takes me less than two minutes to map a 15 velocity layer, 10 round robin patch. I can drag and drop multiple samples at the same time, change their velocity range or keyrange simultaneously, etc.
  7. I've always liked Guile because of his simplicity, but also because ALL of his moves seem to just hit hard even without an elaborating combo or link. In HDR, I did OK with him, but in SF4 I've been doing really well despite the fact that I haven't practiced him much. His focus has a nice range and his EX moves are fantastic - the EX flash destroys almost anything and EX sonic booms to go through other projectiles and to punish is nice too. My favorite thing about him though is that this low roundhouse hits twice. Seems like a lot of people stop blocking after the first hit thinking they're safe, but he moves forward a bit and often times that second hit connects.
  8. Hey, I play Blanka too sometimes. And Fei Long, the perpetual underdog.
  9. sfz is a nice format, but it's not as powerful as any other commercial format, such as Kontakt or Giga. Considering how cheap it is to buy high-end libraries in high-end formats these days, there is little market motivation to develop a low-end format...
  10. Haha, so many awesome ones. I like "One Worth Listening To"
  11. http://www.soundtempest.net/ - music industry news/reporting, guides/tutorials for musicians
  12. Yeah, Abel seems pretty fun so far. It's interesting though, on the SRK forums, people are saying Fei could be close to top-tier because of his focus attack (massive range). The Tenshin thing doesn't combo into his Ultra and people are on the fence about that also, but it does potentially seem useful, we'll have to see what people do with it. Personally, I think it's too slow and finicky to do. EX chicken wing is apparently awesome... maybe I won't give up yet.
  13. I think they really buffed Blanka in SF4, though. Being able to do the hop easily using just one button is great. A PPP electricity is absolutely massive in terms of range. His rolls are now extremely safe - you can't punish a miss easily at all, like you could in HDR. Meanwhile, it seems like Fei Long really got nerfed. His Rekkas simply are NOT safe if they get blocked, even though they're pretty fast now. His CW also evidently doesn't hit overhead anymore (?!!?!) and has weaker priority than it used to. As if he wasn't weak enough already. Time to switch mains
  14. Yes because obviously everyone on the internet has seen this. Even if you have seen it, it's still amusing to see what you come up with.
  15. This has been going around Facebook, and I think it's pretty funny; Here's what I got; 1960 NBA All-Star Game - "Some Talent or Other" The new club hit.
  16. Haha, it's amazing that you haven't played ANY street fighter and you're that good. You're seriously a natural. Like I said, I cleaned up Blankas (even in ranked matches) online in HDR.
  17. Ahh I had to run, Jill came home and I probably shouldn't have been playing SF4 for hours on end Good matches, though there were a bunch of times where it seemed like one of us was trying to block but due to lag, it didn't happen. Also, in case you missed my mic messages, the dynamics of Fei vs. Blanka really changed since HDR. In HDR, I had no problem with Blanka players because I could punish their rolls with the 3x rekka combo. In this, it seems like if you whiff a roll, I can't do anything about it (the reverse is not true). Poor Fei, always getting nerfed...
  18. Well, if you wanted to get technical... Accessing accounts in the OCR userbase without authorization would indeed fall under that dictionary definition. Probably not the best term to use, but eh. Anyway, let's try not to get too offtopic here, this is after all about Malcos and not Prot.
  19. Just got SF4 yesterday. It's a hell of a lot of fun, but very hard. I am decent at HD Remix (I usually go about 2:1 online in ranked matches) but I have trouble beating Easy with just about any character except Honda, who I don't normally play. Seth is a cheapass and some matchups just seem absurd, like Chun-Li vs. Viper. I'm not used to any of the timing also so I'll get thrown sometimes when I think my opponent is still recovering.
  20. That would be fine, except I don't want to move my Wii into my studio.
  21. No, it's a new feature. Yes, you can ignore it.
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