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Everything posted by zircon

  1. Thanks guys. I've posted this on about five other sites but I have a total of only six responses so far. Need that data.
  2. Actually, Shariq, I've heard that in the next iteration of the iPhone they will support apps that let you open the iTunes stores directly within the app.
  3. I'm posting this again because you post it for us so much. You deserve some love back. Happy birthday, man!
  4. http://www.soundtempest.net/ Recently redesigned!
  5. WaveKnife could work, if you're on a PC. However the best application is Wavelab, which is, unfortunately, not free. It can parse based on silence or equal time intervals (or auto-detect) and it will assign file names based on a list that you provide.
  6. Sure - anyone that's made money from their music and doesn't just consider themselves as 100% hobbyists (ie. plenty of people mess around on guitar and piano but don't have a home studio, don't play gigs, etc.)
  7. I'm working on an article for my music business blog, SoundTempest, about the state of the modern recording industry today and how artists are surviving (or not surviving) in it. What I'd like to do is to interview a variety of working artists from around the world to see what they're doing and if it's working. I'll take these contributed facts and statistics, then organize, analyze and present them. If you're an artist and you're interested in helping out - hey, it's free publicity for you if you're used in the article - then shoot me an email (admin@soundtempest.net) with the following info: * Artist name * Real name (First name, last initial, unless you want to release all of it) * Website * City, Country Then, please answer the following questions. You don't have to write a whole lot, just as much as you feel comfortable witih. * What's your story as an artist? ie. Where did your career start and how has it progressed until today? Feel free to talk about number of albums you've released, major shows/accomplishments, and so on. * How much income did you earn in 2008 from music or related activities (ie. music teaching, sample development, sound design, live gigs)? If you don't want to give a specific number or estimate, then just pick a general range: <$300, $300-1,000, 1,001-5,000, $5k-10k, $10k-$20k, $20k-40k, $40k+ * What was the breakdown of your music-related income streams, on a percentage basis? If you don't have exact numbers, just estimate. For example, 25% from CD sales, 50% from gigging, 25% from licensing. * How many hours per week, approximately, do you spend on your career (whether that's practicing your instrument, brushing up on synth stuff, managing finances, or anything else that could fall under that umbrella) * Anything other facts about you and your career that you might find relevant to this discussion. The more info, the better!
  8. Friggin awesome!!! Great job Jovette!
  9. I don't really agree with B since so much of the last 3 seasons revolved around Seven and the Borg kids, which weren't in the first four seasons. As for A, I don't know, you could really say that about almost any series. Main characters never dying, for example, is generally an assumption we all have about TV series (unless an actor is leaving, which is kind of rare). Similarly, the entire basis for Voyager is that they're stuck somewhere, so of course they're not going to get back before the series ends. The point is to see how the characters change, interact, etc. Much like how we know Monk is always going to get out of danger and solve crimes, it's thrilling (and funny) anyway.
  10. Unfortunately, this may have been the series finale - not just the season finale, so some questions may remained unanswered. Which did you have?
  11. So, who saw the finale of the series? I've been following it since day 1 and I was just blown away. I'm still trying to piece things together... * Catherine Weaver was good all along! * John Henry went to the future in a terminator body... but why? What happened to him? Also, what happened to Weaver after she went to the future? * Weaver appears to be the same T-1000 as the one encountered on the Jimmy Carter. However, why, on the Jimmy Carter, does she say that she WON'T join John? Huh? * John is in the future, but at a time when he hasn't risen to leadership yet (this means that the Terminator 3 timeline is definitely not in effect)
  12. http://www.gametrailers.com/player/47784.html Warhead is also going to appear (under the name "H-Bomb") in the new Wheelman game from Ubisoft. You can hear it in this trailer (thanks Hy-Bound for the link!) - they liked it so much that they used it twice.
  13. Haha, maybe someday Xerol: I haven't decided yet whether I want to integrate actual music production tutorials on ST. Another 'maybe'... Anyway. Chad just added Twitter functionality to each post so you can easily tweet any post or guide on the whole site. Badass. Also, I'm looking for more writers for the site to write about music biz stuff. Much like how the Consumerist or various other blogs have multiple writers, I think multiple perspectives would be cool here too.
  14. Bump w/ SITE REDESIGN! http://www.soundtempest.net/ Plus, new guide on DAW computers.
  15. Feels like another lifetime, man. But yeah, fuck you guys, I"M LEAVING
  16. Yeah, this is what one would call a 'supersaw'. You might have about 8 oscillators on a synth producing a saw waveform with some slight detuning. More oscs are added an octave above and below to really fatten it up, as The Vagrance said.
  17. Wow, for a student project this is incredible. Looks like great visuals, great sets/props, great effects, and really nice foley/music. Way to go, guys.
  18. Champion or TE? If it's champion, I'll take one (hopefully you can get me a receipt too, in case something happens and I need to return). Where are you getting 'em?
  19. I'm talking more on the order of hundreds to thousands of hours, not <100. I agree that how you spend your time does make a difference, obviously playing bad players will not help you a great deal vs. good players, but still. The point is that you WILL get better over time if you just play a lot. That's because a big chunk of SF is execution, which only comes with lots of practice.
  20. Is there anyone *really* good around that could help me to improve my game? I'm starting to get very sick of losing. I can climb up to 1500bp but I just get knocked down to 1000 or less. It's extremely frustrating and I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
  21. Wow, very cool, guys. So do we get any filehosting with our accounts?
  22. Nah, I don't believe that. People find out properties of moves in the game by playing a lot to begin with, so if you put a TON of time into playing you WOULD get better over time regardless of whether you're looking online for more info or not. Show me someone who has been playing for thousands of hours and sucks
  23. For all the theory and nonsense written about competitive fighting games, IMO it just boils down to playing it a lot. That's really all there is. There aren't any bad players who have spent thousands of hours on SF, and there aren't any good players who have only spent a couple hours. Relatively speaking. Unfortunately, I am a bad player Got trounced 9:1 online today with this guy who was playing basically the whole cast. I won some rounds here and there, but his timing was just flawless. Tons of cancels, tons of perfect timing, perfect crossups.
  24. http://twitter.com/zirconst here
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