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Everything posted by zircon

  1. Nearly 1,400 lines of code and probably well over that in data so far... most systems of the bot are fully functioning. Battle programming has been underway since early today. Come join us!
  2. Done. I didn't like the question about realistic graphics + atmosphere though... I am of the opinion that graphics don't have to be realistic to be good. I would happily pay $100 for an amazing game with beautiful sprite-based graphics and fluid animation. I wrote something to this effect in the survey.
  3. Little known fact: mIRC's scripting function can actually be used to create fun and complex multiplayer games. About 5-8 years ago that was my primary hobby, and now I feel like doing it again in between working on musical projects. Here are the basics: * The game takes place in its own channel. * It's based on the Final Fantasy series, so you have HP, MP, Strength, monsters, jobs, magic, etc. * The player begins the game as the race of their choice, and one of four starting jobs, at level 1. * Experience, JP, and gold is obtained through battles (think FFT). * You can form parties with other players * Actual gameplay takes place mainly by traveling to an area from town, which will usually have a series of battles with short breaks in between. This will progress the story. Some areas will be solo-only (NPCs assist you) while some you will need a party for. As you clear certain areas, you may unlock others to venture to. Think co-op play in Diablo 2 for a rough example. * Battles will take place using an ATB system - when your 'gauge' is full, you'll receive a notice or PM saying your gauge is full, and you can take an action. At this point the battle will halt for a brief period (like the "Wait" option in many FF games) so you can type out what you want to do. If you wait too long, the battle will resume and you'll just be wasting time. * There will be a multitude of jobs, equipment, and abilities. All of the FF favorites will be there, but there will be lots of tweaks too and probably some unique classes. Character customization will be quite deep as you can equip abilities from other classes with a custom ability system and use relics a la FF6 to bestow other abilities and attributes. "But it's only text!" Games like this can be surprisingly fun, and the fact that they can be played on any IRC client and any computer connected to the net (even on 56k) makes them great for in-class diversions too. Trust me! "Sounds cool, where do I sign up?" Currently this is game is in the design/alpha phase. Many systems are functional, but it's lacking in content (only 4 working jobs and 2 maps, items up to level 3). That being said I've coded over 3000 lines and written a LOT of data into various files. Things are moving very fast! If you want to help out you can join #ffrpg on irc.esper.net . I mostly work on it later in the day. Warning: It might get a little techy at times So far, Katsurugi, AnotherSoundscape, Kanthos, Xerol, Arrow, ToN, and CHz have been hanging out there and helping, along with an old programmer friend of mine. Come on and give me a hand!
  4. Hey, the new wordpress blog looks cool, but it also doesn't show who wrote the posts!!! Very confusing.
  5. Deleted a couple dozen pointless, offtopic posts.. so to prizm, drumultima, bahamut, myself, fenrir, bigboss, ch, pp, etc... let's just give it a rest, shall we? If there's anything NEW and RELEVANT to post feel free to do so but 2 pages of mostly fluff and spammy posts is too much.
  6. zircon


    I write reviews periodically of electronic music I think is exceptional, which you can find at: www.myspace.com/zirconst In the blog section. I've done 4 or 5 different reviews so far, not a bad place to start.
  7. Really? What name was it? I probably closed it by accident, since whether it's AIM or IRC I get a buttload of messages all the time and close most of them as soon as I'm done talking.. probably closed yours thinking I had already spoken to you.
  8. The FL soundfont player lets you do fun things in the FL piano roll like slides. It also has easy drag and drop functionality from the FL browser, whereas with sfz you have to create an instance before you can add anything to it. Otherwise there's not a big difference.
  9. Pretty killer texture + drums here overall, and the vox sounds great. Might be a little too liberal... Got an email about this earlier... here's the consolidated info with the original comment from the mixer - zircon Name: Rajesh Hattiangdi Game: Sonic the Hedgehog 2 Source Tune: Oil Ocean "new SONIC remake from Oilocean, played for jaipur clubs with voice by JASMINE. please enjoy"
  10. PP you just IM me at the wrong times. Also IRC works better.
  11. This guide is intended for anyone interested in getting into remixing without spending exorbitant amounts of money. I will address FOUR different possible budgets - $0, $200, $500, and $1000. This is not a guide to production or arrangement, as there are other topics for that. This is just for setting up your studio gear so you can make some music. All of these configurations assume you have a decent (<4 years old) computer and serviceable pair of headphones or speakers. If you need help on either of these topics, browse this Guides & Tutorials forum and/or post in the Remixing forum for additional help. Also worth noting, there are mounds of free plugins available at www.kvraudio.com and free soundfonts at www.hammersound.com , but I'll point out some specific ones I like. Let's get right to it. Budget: $0 Audacity This free program is a great multitrack audio editor and recorder. It also has DSP effects like noise removal, EQ, and compression. Very useful to have. Free Soundfonts @ Darkesword's Site Some great instruments that can be loaded in any plugin that uses the Soundfont format. Such as... sfz A VST instrument that loads and plays soundfonts. Simple enough. Reaper A GREAT sequencer, audio editor, and VST host. Tons of features are added constantly, as there is a very talented programmer behind it. While technically not free ($30) there is an unlimited demo. If you like it, you should pick it up eventually. MDA Effects A collection of effect plugins that are short on fancy graphics and CPU usage, but high on usefulness. Synth1 An extremely versatile synth instrument that can be used to make a huge variety of sounds! ZynSubAddFX Weird name, amazing open-source, modular synthesizer. Not exactly easy to use, but VERY powerful! Simulanalog Guitar Suite Guitar amp + effect modeling software in plugin format. Even if you're not a guitarist, these effects can be potentially useful for other processing purposes, so they're well worth the price (free!) A helpful tip from Melin (VGMix forums)... (TO BE CONTINUED)
  12. Of course it's true. That comment was made in the review thread for the MoMG mix - I had no idea who Shael Riley actually was, and hadn't even visited Unmod yet. The truth is I was bitter after being rejected from the site for the first time ("Motavian Battlefield"), and I felt slighted that a "low quality" remix was posted while mine wasn't. Stupid? Absolutely. I had no idea that the site standards had changed over time. As Darkesword will tell you I was incredibly annoying and a sore loser when I first came here, but that passed pretty quick as I learned more about the site functioned.
  13. Amazing. You found a stupid comment I made when I first came here nearly 5 years ago when I was still 15! Good detective work, Private Dick. Much like your characterization of the community as "judges saying that got to go to a convention" shows that you don't visit the forums at all. Obviously.
  14. Sure there's bitterness, just look at Blitz and Coop for example. I was just pointing out that it's not as if OCR has been irrevocably damaged beyond repair as a result of a decision that, was, at heart, in the site's best interest. Execution was shaky but we've been over that a million times. And your definition of thriving is... what exactly? C-Disc is obviously fine as always, Remixing/wips, reviews, site projects, I guess the whole set of boards isn't "thriving" unless people are making lots of fad threads in Off Topic?
  15. As far as I'm concerned, I had 0 feelings towards anyone in Unmod until they started causing trouble that I had to moderate. That's when I started disliking certain members and losing respect for the board as a whole - with each new warning or banning that had to occur by the mod staff, we'd check and see "oh, he's an unmodder". Many of the site staff, myself included, were specifically harassed for pretty much no reason outside of simply enforcing rules. In other words, my opinion only formed as a DIRECT result of how unmod behaved (or at least the most vocal and problematic members). I'm sure the same applies for various other members of the staff as well. Of course we're going to reciprocate disrespect, trolling, harassment with stricter enforcement. Not to mention that we really don't have a responsibility to be respectful to troublemakers to begin with. The amount of people who weren't troublemakers and who genuinely cared about this event so much to be put off from OCR entirely is minuscule, compared to the total community membership and the total listenership of OCR. I also agree with Bahamut that I doubt things would have been different had we simply given more advance notice. While you're still bitter, along with a handful of others, the site is thriving. OCR is as popular as ever. This has been THE most exciting year yet in terms of site growth. We're more respected than ever in the video game industry with several new important partnerships and affiliations. Expansion has been constant. The backend has been improved, and in general, even mundane operations are more professional than ever (see: all the various updates to site documentation and the legal agreement for remixers). You're making it sound like we've somehow been injured seriously because of the method of unmod's deletion, when that really is just.. not the case.
  16. It was decided that the OCR community no longer needed a place where flaming, trolling, spamming, and general disrespectful bullshit was not only allowed but encouraged. The site has matured since the forums were first started. Yes, initially Dave was OK with a "free for all" type of place, but the forum has grown exponentially since then and the people in this community have changed quite a bit. If Unmod kept to itself and never bothered anyone it might still be around, but the fact is that it DID "spill out" into other areas of the forum regularly, and in the eyes of the moderation it was more trouble than it was worth. Off Topic still allows for nonsense threads, "look what I did today" blog-style threads, generally 'mature' discussion, and so forth. But you can no longer post 10 fad threads in a row, make porn threads, harass other users, make threads with the sole purpose of trolling others, disrespect the site staff, etc. Wow, what a loss.
  17. 1. Gendisc is for any discussion of music, video games, movies, or anime, among other things, which covers a broad range of topics. 2. Offtopic STILL lets you talk about "interesting and funny" topics at your leisure, provided you don't break the forum rules - which are quite lenient, and simply bar outright spamming/trolling, harassment, and porn threads. If you needed to spam the forum or post goatse to have a laugh, then go to 4chan.
  18. That wrench CD actually isn't in the $5/sale section...
  19. Problems I know of offhand: * Spectrasonics UVI players don't function properly - eg. Trilogy, Atmosphere - they create a delay when you render them, which means you have to bounce down the tracks to align them properly * Kontakt 2, FM8, Guitar Rig 2, and a couple other NI plugins exhibit dropouts when used with any form of CPU overload protection on. You have to "Use Fixed Size Buffers" to fix the problem, which screws up multi-out configurations and rendering. * Wizooverb causes the CPU to spike to 99% by default and nearly crashes the program, unless you use "Fixed Size Buffers" * Dual core support is lacking entirely for all VST effects * Some VSTs receive erroneous transport controls when hitting "play" in song mode or switching through patterns. eg. Zebra 2 simply halts output if you switch between patterns while the song is playing, Pro-53 turns off OSC B LFO -> Pulse Width (which screws up numerous patches) off the top of my head..
  20. I zoomed in on the far right and it looks a little like Tomb Raider, but with some weird visual artifacts on top.
  21. The problem is FL, not Tascam... FL sucks with a LOT of VSTs. Which annoys me to no end, I might add, especially Kontakt 2...
  22. Yes, technically any CD in this category; http://cdbaby.com/sale ..will qualify for the deal.
  23. The upcoming FF7 remix project requires mirrors, as well as people with fast (Cable/FIOS at a minimum) connections to help seed. Please contact me on AIM (silverfact99) or IRC (zircon - irc.enterthegame.com) if you can assist. Thanks to everyone's generous offers, we're now set. I will contact you individually if we need help at the last minute.
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