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Posts posted by zircon

  1. If they were written for the game first, then they're eligible, same as anything else. According to the Wiki page, the shanties were composed by "various artists"...


    ... but it appears as though a lot of these are arrangements. I would Google search the themes you're interested in and see if other artists/groups have covered those same themes prior to AC4's release. If so, then you know they are just public domain pieces, not unique to AC4 (and thus not eligible.)

  2. Thanks!

    So if I(for example) am a remixer and I want to release my original album(not VGM related), OCL is the way to go?

    Another question. Probably off topic. I want to cover 16bit game OST with real instruments and I want to officially release it. Problem is rights owner. If can't find any info about them(Virgin/westwood). So the question is: it''s my own problem or OCL can/will help? I think could be interesting for others too.

    Yes, if you're interested in releasing an original album, send it to us and we will consider it for addition to the catalog :)

    We aren't working with licensing covers / arrangements yet... maybe in ~6 months or so.

    So there will be no remix albums/EPs/whatnot for sale on OverClocked Records? Did I get that right?

    Currently, no. But that is a long-term goal, as long as we can properly license stuff.

  3. I have a question.

    Genre tags/menu/whatever? Makes sense if this label has no preferences to some genres. It could help ppl to find what they searching. I, for example, don't want to waste my time reading reviews, to understand what is the genre.

    This provides another question. Is this label has no preferences to SOME genres?

    Will it be electro/chip/8bit/orchestra label or you guys are "open" for all of us?

    Terribly sorry for my english.


    Hey Mak, right now there is no tag system. That's something I would not mind adding... let's put it on the list. The front page will have rotating categories for people to check out, of course.

    Overall, there is no genre preference. I think you will see a lot of chiptune and 8bit stuff simply because that's popular right now, and a lot of people are making it. Our criteria is just (a) good music, AND (B) made for a video game, OR © made by a video game composer / remixer.

  4. This is maybe the fourth time I've asked someone this, and for some reason the question keeps getting ignored.

    Who's actually running the label or at least marketing part of it? I have some things I wish to donate to help increase PR and potential sales for it.

    Sorry, I just missed your post. You weren't being ignored. The people behind the label are myself, Larry, and Dave. Given Dave's new status as a father, it will basically be me and Larry running things day-to-day.

  5. Thanks for the support everyone!

    The site looks really nice but I want to remind you guys (as i'm sure you already know) that search results are fueled by page count, which is fueled by blogging and metadata. Put that blog to use! There's lots to talk about: do album spotlights, artist spotlights, OST reviews, top 10 lists, anything!

    Okay? Okay. Cool.

    Great ideas & agreed 100%. Over the next few days we will be doing the press rollout and adding more content (including more albums).

  6. OverClocked Records is here!



    OverClocked Records (or OC Records) is the official record label of OverClocked ReMix. Our catalog includes video game soundtracks and non-VGM original albums by composers and musicians in the community. All music is available to purchase in tagged lossless format with no DRM.

    Just to be clear, this is a totally separate site from OC ReMix! We're going to continue to post hundreds of amazing arrangements and free albums on OCR every year.

    OC Records is a new way for fans to show their support for original albums and soundtracks by OC ReMixers.


    As of the January 3rd launch, OC Records features music from dozens of talented artists including Joshua Morse, Disasterpeace, Jeff Ball, Big Giant Circles, Jordan Steven (bLiNd), halc, Beatdrop, and many more. The label is invite-only, but also non-exclusive!


    We pay our artists 80% of every sale, with a portion of our 20% going to support OC ReMix. Our arrangement is totally non-exclusive and we take no rights or ownership. Compared to the mainstream industry standard of 12-15% to artists, and the indie standard of 50/50, this is by far one of the best ways to support your favorite artists & composers.


    djpretzel, Larry and I have been discussing the idea of a 'commercial' arm of OC ReMix, and in late 2013 we finally began putting it together. OC Records is actually a separate entity entirely, though a portion of revenues go to supporting OC ReMix. Our goal is for it to become the #1 source for great video game music and original albums, promoting our artists and their fantastic work.

    As mentioned above, this will not impact OC ReMix - which will continue to provide tons of great free arrangements, ReMixes, and albums! OC Records is a separate entity.


    Whether you are interested in contributing music to the label or helping out in some other way, drop us a line on our contact page!


    We have big dreams! In the more immediate future, we plan on having bundles and a pay-what-you-want / tipping system. We want to have regular video/radio shows or podcasts to talk about new music in the community. We want to eventually open up the door to selling officially licensed VGM arrangements: fantastic albums like For Everlasting Peace: 25 Years of Mega Man and the OverClocked University debut album, Freshman Year.

    There's so much we can do with this - with your support and enthusiasm!


    What are we going to do with all these albums?! They don't even fit on one screen!


  7. OverClocked Records is here!



    OverClocked Records (or OC Records) is the official record label of OverClocked ReMix. Our catalog includes video game soundtracks and non-VGM original albums by composers and musicians in the community. All music is available to purchase in tagged lossless format with no DRM.

    Just to be clear, this is a totally separate site from OC ReMix! We're going to continue to post hundreds of amazing arrangements and free albums on OCR every year.

    OC Records is a new way for fans to show their support for original albums and soundtracks by OC ReMixers.


    As of the January 3rd launch, OC Records features music from dozens of talented artists including Joshua Morse, Disasterpeace, Jeff Ball, Big Giant Circles, Jordan Steven (bLiNd), halc, Beatdrop, and many more. The label is invite-only, but also non-exclusive!


    We pay our artists 80% of every sale, with a portion of our 20% going to support OC ReMix. Our arrangement is totally non-exclusive and we take no rights or ownership. Compared to the mainstream industry standard of 12-15% to artists, and the indie standard of 50/50, this is by far one of the best ways to support your favorite artists & composers.


    djpretzel, Larry and I have been discussing the idea of a 'commercial' arm of OC ReMix, and in late 2013 we finally began putting it together. OC Records is actually a separate entity entirely, though a portion of revenues go to supporting OC ReMix. Our goal is for it to become the #1 source for great video game music and original albums, promoting our artists and their fantastic work.

    As mentioned above, this will not impact OC ReMix - which will continue to provide tons of great free arrangements, ReMixes, and albums! OC Records is a separate entity.


    Whether you are interested in contributing music to the label or helping out in some other way, drop us a line on our contact page!


    We have big dreams! In the more immediate future, we plan on having bundles and a pay-what-you-want / tipping system. We want to have regular video/radio shows or podcasts to talk about new music in the community. We want to eventually open up the door to selling officially licensed VGM arrangements: fantastic albums like For Everlasting Peace: 25 Years of Mega Man and the OverClocked University debut album, Freshman Year.

    There's so much we can do with this - with your support and enthusiasm!


    What are we going to do with all these albums?! They don't even fit on one screen!


  8. Hmm, well, a few I can think of:

    * Akali has her cloud and sick mobility with R, plus AOE damage and even higher single target burst that doesn't require her to just stand there and auto.

    * Riven has more mobility with Q/E, a shield, and multiple forms of AOE, plus shorter CD stun.

    * Yasuo has tons of tricks, mobility, AOE and high DPS, plus aoe CC.

    * Even Zed has more mobility, tons of damage, excellent escapes.

    * Tryndamere has insane damage and doesn't die, plus more mobility with his whirlwind and AOE CC to chase down people.

    * Nasus is tankier, does huge damage, massive single target CC, two forms of AOE, defense steroid.

    In order for Jax to do massive damage to a team he has to sit there auto attacking. He can't dash around, he can't AOE. His stun is VERY short range and on a long cooldown, especially earlier in the game. Sure, he does a lot of damage if he gets fed... so does every other melee carry. He just has to sit there and auto-attack to do anything, and he has to do it one person at a time.

    Unless he's in the middle of lane with tons of minions in either direction, his only mobility (Q) is situational, since its unit-targeted. That means he can be exhausted or slowed and there's not much he can do about it. He can't stun at range and has no other CC. Someone like Riven can easily slip away on the other hand.

    I'm not trying to theorycraft here. I just don't really fear him at all. I've seen well-fed Nasus' or Tryndamere steamroll a team, but not Jax, because there are too many ways to shut him down. His winrate also does not suggest a particularly OP champ.

  9. Welcome to ARCHTOP: Hollowbody Electric Guitar, the latest next-generation virtual guitar from Impact Soundworks, available now for Kontakt 5 Player! While our Shreddage series is all about thick, aggressive tones intended for hi-gain amping, Archtop excels at expressive and dynamic clean tones. We captured the sound of an exquisite Jim Hall model hollowbody guitar by Sadowsky, as performed by veteran session player & performer Josh Workman (read more about our development blog here!)

    The library is available now for the intro price of $139 for all customers, and $119 as a crossgrade from Shreddage 2! This intro offer ends January 15, 2014.

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    Archtop is available NOW for Kontakt 5 Player at an introductory price of $139 for all customers, and $119 as a crossgrade for Shreddage 2 owners. This pricing is ONLY available through January 15, 2014 so get it while you still can!


  10. ADCs will need more tweaking than just itemization to achieve what you want, Andy. The problem with just reverting nerfs to BC and Blade is that many bruisers pick up those items as well.

    There are a couple possible answers here. For one thing, there are melee-only items like Ravenous Hydra that may be balanced to be better picks than Marksmen items by melee characters. It's also possible to adjust stats so that they benefit largely Marksmen than melees, either by having raw "ranged only" benefits, OR by adding things like critical chance/attack speed, which generally aren't great picks on bruisers who rely more on skill damage than repeated auto attacks.

    Runaan's Hurricane is a good example of a ranged-only item that is simply underpowered. Here's a creative solution just to show what I'm talking about:

    * +50% attack speed

    * Activated: +15% movement speed for 3 seconds (60 second cooldown)

    * Passive: Ranged attacks get two additional minor bolts, which do additional damage to close-range targets.

    It's not perfect, but with a tweak like this, it could (a) be useful for ADCs to escape from insane gap closers like Rengar, Kha'Zix, Vi, Riven, etc., and (B) add more damage to deal with assassins. On the other hand, nothing about this item is good for bruisers.

    I'm not a game designer but I think there are a lot of possibilities to create items like this, that aren't mindless +attack damage (which everyone loves), and benefit either bruisers OR marksmen specifically.

  11. I'm not too broken up about the 'ranged carry' actually having to be carried through a game.

    I'd be OK with it if they scaled relatively hard by lategame. But tons of other champions are currently scaling quite hard as well. For example, as Jarvan IV, I can build relatively tanky and be able to generally blow up an AD carry at most any point in the game, including lategame. Maybe not at the VERY very end but most games do not get that far... and even if I'm not quite able to kill them when we both have 6 items and full elixirs, I can usually force them out of the fight completely, while also disrupting the enemy team. Outside of teamfights I also have a lot more utility. I can set up ganks, solo dragon much earlier, influence/pressure other lanes, etc.

    Likewise, a farmed Nasus, Rengar, or Lee Sin will do pretty incredible amounts of damage AND cc throughout a fight while also taking a lot of damage. It's really not uncommon to see the jungler or top laner doing more damage to champions by the game's end. Phrased another way, if the enemy Tristana gets 3 kills in the first 5 minutes, it's going to be a problem, but it's not a guaranteed win by any means. On the other hand, if the enemy Lee Sin jungler gets 3 kills in 5 minutes, he'll have an almost unstoppable presence throughout the ENTIRE game from that point on.

    I'm not arguing in favor of boosting ADC survivability, but again just tweaking the itemization so they have more tools to deal with all-in bruisers, while also making armor items less of a no-brainer pick for ANY jungler, top, support, etc. Honestly if they did nothing but revert some of the Black Cleaver and Botrk nerfs, that might be enough to tilt the scales back a bit.

  12. I'm still in the camp that ADCs are too weak right now aside from the common top tier picks. Older carries like Caitlyn, Ashe and Tristana basically NEED 3-4 items to do any real damage. Not only are bruisers generally better overall, with shields, health boosts, damage reduction, etc., armor is generally better and health is easy to come by. PLUS, modern bruisers have better gap closers than ever.

    I think they need to nerf the big armor items and make ADC itemization better. It's frustrating when Nami or Taric can 1v1 the AD Carry 20-25 minutes into a game.

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