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Posts posted by zircon

  1. Fizz is really strong, yeah. Same kind of role as Kassadin.

    Zero: True, simply looking at win rates is usually very informative. The main reason I posted this was simply to give newer players an idea of what champs might be worth learning or practicing.

    Regarding Yasuo, he doesn't *appear* to be particularly dominant OR underpowered, but he's definitely scary in that his 3rd Q -> ult combo can 100% to 0 an ADC in about one second if you're not careful. That happened to me earlier as Jinx. Even with barrier, I was toast. Few champs have that sort of ranged assassination.

  2. I haven't had enough experience with/against him to comment much, but Kha DOES seem pretty strong overall. The only issue *appears* to be that while his leap is great, and he certainly has great gank + damage potential, he appears to lack the CC/utility that other top tier junglers have. He's also not as tanky. Vi, J4, Lee Sin, and Shyvana (who I neglected to mention, but I think she would be at least A?) all have huge natural resilience and major disruption in teamfights.

    That said, he's pretty beast in lane, kinda like Zed I think.

    Updated the list a bit.

  3. That's certainly one solution. Another solution would be to allow for dynamic splits of ad revenue. For example, if a gaming commentator uses my music in the background of their video, I've elected not to participate in content ID. As a result, I get $0.00 for that usage. However, it would be nice if I could opt-in to a content ID system that takes, say, 10% of the revenue instead of 100%.

  4. You're right on both counts, Leona is damn solid and overall tier lists are difficult for a game like this. But as Neblix said, matchup lists are also tricky. After all, you have to define winning or losing a lane. If LeBlanc ends laning phase 1/0/0, I'd argue that she didn't win, since she needs more kills to snowball early. On the other hand, a Nasus or Gangplank that's 0/0/0 and 140 CS in 13 minutes has probably "won" in that they have massive farm to take them into midgame.

    I suppose the reason I made the tier list is to give some of the newer players an idea of who the strong champions are to consider learning. Most of these champs will be powerful even if they receive some slight nerfs. For example, Lee Sin can do so much that while his numbers have been whittled down over time, he's still a monster.

  5. I like making tier lists, but since there are so many champs now, here's an abridged list... let me know your thoughts. I'll just have "S tier" and "A tier", without bothering with anything else.

    Top Lane: The best top laners have few bad matchups, relatively safe farming, and can contribute to teamfights even if not very farmed. They usually have escapes, CC, and sustain.

    S Tier: Riven, Renekton, Lee Sin, Cho'gath, Zed

    A Tier: Nasus, Gangplank, Aatrox, Garen, Malphite, Shen, Kha'zix

    Situational: Quinn, Teemo, Vladimir, Ryze

    Mid Lane: The best mid laners have burst and fairly reliable CC.

    S Tier: Annie, Lux, Morgana, Zed, Kassadin

    A Tier: Orianna, Kassadin, Ziggs, Ahri, Brand

    Situational: Riven, LeBlanc, Cassiopeia, Swain

    Jungle: Top tier junglers have relatively fast clear time, sustain (or high defense), escapes, excellent ganks, and high disruption.

    S Tier: Vi, Lee Sin, Jarvan IV

    A Tier: Amumu, Cho'Gath, Udyr, Zac, Trundle

    AD Carry: This role is a little weak right now, but the strongest AD carries can output a lot of damage quickly even before being fully farmed. They also typically have escapes, self buffs for AS/MS, and high range abilities of some kind (to stay safe).

    S Tier: Lucian, Jinx, Sivir, Draven

    A Tier: Corki, Caitlyn, Miss Fortune, Quinn

    Situational: Tristana, Kog'Maw

    Support: Currently, this role can be very variable. Good supports now tend to be on the tanky side with the ability to CC and lock down hard, to compliment an aggressive carry. This CC can be used not only to initiate, but also peel or counter initiate.

    S Tier: Thresh, Nami, Taric, Lulu, Blitzcrank

    A Tier: Sona, Leona, Fiddlesticks, Janna, Zyra

    Situational: Soraka, Annie

  6. Thanks for the kind words guys! Jim is local to me and I've been over at his place every two weeks for D&D. The game currently looks AMAZING. If you donated to the Kickstarter you've seen the new art previews. Basically the sprites look extremely awesome now in terms of detail, depth and perspective, and it just 'feels' way better overall. On top of that the new UI is great. Mouse control, far improved equipment/inventory system, Diablo style skill trees with icons... it's just great.

  7. Black Friday update! We've sweetened the bundle even more with a TENTH ReFill, Impact: Steel - Cinematic Metallic Percussion! This incredible found percussion library features metallic objects struck with fingers, hammers, and chains, deep sampled with multiple dynamics and round robin variations. It also includes special FX and sound design patches like giant hits, sweeps, and textures.

    The bundle is now TEN ReFills for only $99 for the next 72 hours - that's 75% off list price!


  8. A couple differences: for some libraries with multiple mics, we condensed to one mic position. There is very little difference between the Sitar Nation close and room mics, for example, so we just did the Close mics for the ReFills. Also, we downsampled to 16bit, another change that is virtually if not entirely inaudible. The reason for these changes is because Reason does not do disk streaming but rather loads everything into RAM.

  9. I know we have a respectable contingent of Reason users here who might be interested in this sale!

    Black Friday Update - New ReFill, "Impact: Steel", added!

    Welcome to the Impact Soundworks ReFill Bundle. Now through December 3rd, you can get TEN incredible ISW ReFills (made for Propellerhead Reason 6+) for only $99 (75% off list price!)


    From electric guitar, bass, and vintage drums, to world instruments like koto, sitar, and dombra, to unique mallet instruments, found percussion, sound design patches, hand drums, and much more, this bundle features 4.5gb (compressed) of deep sampled material and over 180 patches. All ReFills were meticulously converted from Kontakt preserving the depth of dynamics, articulations, and round robins that you would expect from ISW libraries.

    BUNDLED REFILLS (10 for $99):

    * Impact: Steel - Cinematic Metallic Percussion (NEW for Black Friday!)

    * Resonance: Emotional Mallets (NEW in this bundle!)

    * Forest Frame Drums

    * Groove Bias: Vintage Drum Sounds

    * Highland Harps

    * Kazakh Dombra

    * Koto Nation: Classical Instruments of Japan

    * Shreddage: Electric Rhythm Guitar

    * Sitar Nation: Classical Instruments of India

    * Shreddage Bass: Picked Edition

    These highly acclaimed sample libraries in Kontakt format currently sell for a combined price of over $500 - with this bundle, through December 3rd, you can get ALL of them for ONLY $99; if this isn't a no-brainer for all Reason users, we don't know what is!



  10. I'm curious, do you think you would have honed in on that specific line & the dissonance with evolutionary psychology (and in my personal opinion, common sense) before having participated in this thread? Because you picked the EXACT quote that I would have isolated & dissected and did my work for me - now I've got nothing to say :nicework: You certainly may have, I'm not saying this thread has been an epiphany or singular revelation to you or anyone else, I'm just glad that not only can we agree on something, but that you've picked out the specific bit of overgeneralizing, unmitigated ideology from a haystack of relatively unobjectionable material - she does a good job of mixing these statements in & camouflaging them, which is pretty much the only way of getting reasonable people to listen to them at all... there's an admirable marketing prowess to that, to be sure, but there's also a certain intellectual... dishonesty? Or I suppose you could call it "calculated restraint" if you wanted to be less negative...

    Yes, reading the thread and your arguments have given me some food for thought. I've also been influenced by the behavior of certain people (via facebook, tumblr, reddit) that seem to be hyper-defensive when it comes to matters of sex vs. gender. Some folks seem very, very quick to label people as "transphobic" (etc) because of benign comments or innocent mistakes, like assuming someone is male because they look male, for example. Obviously I don't support any sort of intolerance or discrimination, but in turn, it seems backwards to judge someone because they're making assumptions based in our natural understanding of biology.

    As an example, Gabe of Penny Arcade saying he thinks women have vaginas, and getting death threats for it, seems very over-the-top to me.

  11. New video - "Ms. Male Character".

    Just to vary it up, rather than talk about the things I DO agree with, I'll talk about a couple things I disagreed with...

    Anita talks about how the "gender binary" is an entirely artificial and socially constructed division. I think that is very far from the truth. I understand that "sex" is used to describe biological differences and "gender" is often used to describe cultural or social differences. But can we really say that ALL gender differences are ENTIRELY cultural or social? Doesn't that ignore everything we know about evolutionary psychology?


    "...it would be more accurate to view behaviors of an individual as phenotypes—a complex interweaving of both nature and nurture. Given this, a more appropriate and useful distinction to make would be whether a behavioral difference between the sexes is due to a underlying trait that is either a sexually dimorphic (different) or sexually monomorphic (the same in both sexes) psychological adaptation."

    This view makes much more sense to me.

    I also have to wonder what the alternative to the trope is, when you're talking about simplistic games with minimal graphics and story. For example, say we're back at a time when Ms. Pac-Man doesn't exist. Is it better to not create a female character at all? I guess not? Given the limited number of pixels you have, how else would you differentiate them other than things that are universally viewed as largely feminine...?

    She mentions games like Towerfall or Thomas Was Alone, but these either have far more plot/narrative, OR higher fidelity graphics.

    Another questionable point was regarding marketing for Mass Effect. What's the alternative here? Let's say BioWare chose to advertise the characters equally in trailers and promotional material. Surely this would confuse a great many people - it might look like two separate games, or at least two separate versions, rather than ONE game with character customization. To some extent you do have to just.. pick a default and run with it.

  12. I'm not playing with 3D, and it isn't always lag... I'm talking more like, the bottom screen sometimes becomes totally unresponsive. At one point I did something in Pokemon Amie and the bottom screen literally froze. I could move around on the top screen but the bottom screen was locked, even if I tried to bring up the menu. I had to close + reopen the 3DS to fix it. And then sometimes in the super training window (with the punching bag) the buttons won't work, period. I have to 'jog' the controls by hitting L and then R again to get back, and then it will work perfectly.

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