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Everything posted by zircon

  1. Do you actually own an Ouya? I've had more fun with mine than any other console I own (and I own all of them, except for the WiiU). I hope that the company gets their stuff together, but honestly I think the console itself and many of the games are a hell of a lot of fun.
  2. With just a few days left the campaign still needs your help - come on OCR, we can do it! http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1916334303/video-games-live-level-3-game-composers-of-the-wor Also, awesome AMA with Tommy is currently up on reddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/1m01ax/i_am_tommy_tallarico_video_game_composer_worked/ Some great classic video & pics there from the early days.
  3. http://impactsoundworks.com/trial-pack-free-download/ I'm pleased to present the Impact Soundworks Trial Pack, a FREE collection of 26 Kontakt 4+ instruments and 32 WAV loops culled from our full catalog of sample libraries! We carefully selected some of the best sounds and articulations from products like Shreddage, Resonance, Koto Nation, and even our newly-released Curio, showcasing key elements from each. Samples from libraries including... Acoustic Revolutions Volume 1 Curio: Cinematic Toy Piano Forest Frame Drums Groove Bias Impact Steel: Cinematic Metallic Percussion Koto Nation Plectra Series 1: 8-string Acoustic Bouzouki Plectra Series 2: Highland Harps Plectra Series 3: Kazakh Dombra Resonance: Emotional Mallets Shreddage 1 Shreddage Bass Sitar Nation There are NO demo or license restrictions on this pack. All the sounds are royalty-free and may be used in even commercial music productions of any kind. Check out our standard license for more info. This is an excellent way to try out our instruments, or simply expand your arsenal of great free sounds. We know you'll love what you hear! For a detailed overview of what's included and comparisons to the full libraries, check out the Trial Pack Overview PDF. http://impactsoundworks.com/trial-pack-free-download/
  4. BACK IT! http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1916334303/video-games-live-level-3-game-composers-of-the-wor Video Games Live & Tommy Tallarico are running a Kickstarter to raise funds for the THIRD VGL album! If funded, Video Games Live: LEVEL 3 will be a studio album featuring FULL live orchestra and a host of excellent game arrangements. The rewards for this Kickstarter are absolutely insane, ranging from digital album downloads and singles from dozens of artists/composers, to physical swag, backstage passes, online hangouts, and even stuff like David Hayter recording a custom voice mail message for you (among other awesome stuff). Whether you pledge $5, $50, or $500, Tommy has set it up so you're getting at least 4x that value in rewards. Not bad! VGL and OC ReMix are long-time bros; Tommy was promoting the site WAY back in 2002 on the Electric Playground (G4TV, RIP) and has been a huge supporter of the site & community. Since then, he's also pimped OCR at many live shows, and we've hooked him up with albums to give away... but perhaps most notably, ReMixer and ex-jooj Jillian Aversa has been TOURING with VGL and performing pieces from games like Portal, World of Warcraft, Diablo III, Tetris, Journey, and more. She's already been to Irvine, CA, San Diego, CA, Vienna, VA, and Shanghai & Beijing, China, and will be headed to Brazil & Dubai later this year. Video Games Live: Level 3 looks to be the best album yet; if you check out the Kickstarter video(s), Tommy outlines how it won't be JUST classic games, but also underappreciated gems such as Monkey Island. So far, MI and Street Fighter 2 have been announced and you can be sure there will be more excellent stuff on the list. In short - Video Games Live is awesome, and deserves your support! Back it at the link below, and don't forget to SHARE/LIKE/TWEET! BACK IT! http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1916334303/video-games-live-level-3-game-composers-of-the-wor
  5. Only problem I see with her top is that you are losing a bruiser spot on your team. Sure she might be great in laning, but 30 minutes into the game the enemy bruiser will still be a big problem. You would have to have a tanky support + jungle to make up for it.
  6. She could probably use some quality of life changes or minor buffs. Something about her ult just feels... wrong. I dunno. But I don't really have problem with mid-tier picks, as long as they are viable. So far most ADCs 'feel' pretty viable right now to me, though I haven't played Lucian.
  7. Quinn has a lot of damage, true. But imo she has problems against a lot of teams. Her range is not good and using E/R offensively puts her in harms way. Champs like Cait, Ashe, Varus, and Tristana can poke or DPS more effectively at range, with Ashe/Varus providing incredible utility, and Cait/Tristana having really strong escapes too. In lane, if you are up against a very aggressive bot you will have trouble as Quinn. CC supports will punish you for trying to use E, while Draven can definitely match your trades (if not hit you even harder). On the other hand, a poke lane can also give you a lot of trouble because you don't have the AA range to deal with it. Not saying Quinn is bad but I'd say she's mid-tier at best.
  8. Personally still waiting for a *new* Zelda or new 3D Mario game a la Sunshine or Galaxy. A Wind Waker HD remake at $50 gets a big yawn from me. I'd also be interested in seeing more unique RPG titles on the platform, sort of like Crystal Chronicles on Gamecube.
  9. It's a luxury item for me. I want one but I need something to push me over the edge. 2DS would be perfect - the price is better, and there's no 3D gimmick - except for the size. Not interested in used 3DS either since the battery will be worse.
  10. "People" meaning a small subset of the overall market, sure, but how is that relevant to my own preferences? I like my portable gaming consoles to be portable. If I need to bring my iPad somewhere, I can't put it in my pocket. This means I have to bring some kind of laptop case or something so I can have both hands free while walking, getting on/off buses, trains, subways, etc. If you're willing to carry a bag around with you, OK, fine. But the really nice thing about traditional handhelds and phones is that you can fit them in a pocket without needing that. I don't have a 3DS. I wanted a 3DS. The 3DS XL is not so big that it wouldn't fit into a cargo pocket, however the 2DS is certainly too big. That annoys me.
  11. Nintendo missed again with that one, because there is no clamshell design. That makes it significantly less portable; can't fit it into a pocket easily.
  12. Looks like two people picked ADC and MF played support (lol)
  13. Impact Soundworks has just released a new sample library, which I actually did *not* design myself; though I supervised and directed it, the concept was done by sound designer Ali Lacey, and editing/scripting by Iain Morland. The end result is really cool and I think this will find its way into some of my upcoming remixes thanks to all the interesting atmospheric sounds...
  14. I definitely get where you're coming from. And I think the issue is that once you get below a certain point... let's call it the event horizon of a black hole... there is a way higher chance of things happening in games that are unrelated to player skill. Someone being AFK, or leaving, or instalocking a role and refusing to communicate, these are things that can severely impact a game and reduce the impact of player skill. So for example, let's say you're better than average and your team *should* have a 55% win chance. But because you're at that level, there is a way higher chance that some idiot will feed, rage, AFK (etc) and all of a sudden the typical odds of the game (that should be based on player skill) get completely skewed. Now you need to be way WAY better than the average to make up for that extreme deficiency. Whereas even in Silver, it's fairly uncommon to have players acting like that. In other words, because of all the statistical noise, your own skill has to be disproportionately higher to win games and go up in rating over time. Derrit made this same observation and it really does correlate with what diotrans is talking about. It's NOT the same as players being "not good", but actually ruining games completely by feeding/AFK/leaving.
  15. Well again remember that at least half the best items must be crafted...
  16. Based on the chart Zero posted, it's more like Bronze = bottom 66% (I ran the numbers). So, if you are in Silver V, you are ranked higher than 66% of LoL players. Silver I is the 92nd percentile. Gold III would be 97th percentile.
  17. Hurricane is a fairly bad item overall, IMO. I play a lot of ADC and I don't know of any ranged carry that can make use of it. Assuming you are against even marginally competent players (Bronze III+), they understand that you have to kill the ADC in teamfights. Thus, as an ADC, you cannot be wading into the middle of things and instead have to stay at the edge of the fight to avoid the many gap-closers and ranged stuns in the game (flash Malphite ult, Alistar, any toss/throw, J4, Akali or any assassin, etc.) However Hurricane's range is insanely short (375), meaning to make use of it, you have to be far too close to anyone. It's not practical and you WILL get yourself killed trying to use it. The frustrating thing is that is a fun, interesting item conceptually, it just sucks in practice. If I were to rebalance it I would extend the range to your autoattack range but tweak the numbers (probably nerf the built-in stats) and make it an activated item for a few seconds.
  18. Now you're talking about balance though, and I'm talking about complexity & choice. If the problem is that AP Alistar is too tanky, then nerf his tankiness. Simple. It's a matter of adjusting numbers, not removing the build entirely. For example, they could have made his ult increase his armor/MR instead of % reduction. That way, armor pen and spell pen would still work well against him. Or they could have it scale more if you have more HP/armor/MR, so if you built him AP he would suffer in the tank department. There are many possibilities. The point I'm making is about complexity. It does not make the game harder to learn for Alistar to be able to build AP. If you're new and encounter an AP Alistar you would still want to avoid him... it's not like he gains new abilities or a different playstyle.
  19. I don't think it adds to the burden of knowledge much, if at all. Let's say you're playing AP Alistar, which was interesting because it let him do burst damage instead of just being a damage-soaking CC tank (of course, he had to give up some tankiness to do so). Playing against him would be no different. You still want to avoid his attacks. It just adds more options for how to build him and makes the game more flavorful. LoL has a lot of mechanics that I appreciate compared with Dota2, but I think we can all agree that Dota2 has an objectively very large fanbase and is a competitive success. You don't need to turn LoL into Dota2 by having gold lost on death, couriers, TP stones, way higher mana costs, etc. to take some inspiration from their more varied hero design.
  20. I wish labels like that didn't exist, so Riot would stop pigeonholing their champion designs. Anytime people want to try a champ with a different kind of build they nerf the abilities/numbers to make it so you HAVE to play them in one specific way.
  21. Well, a few things. 1. The Mystic now binds items on equip. This means that it will ALWAYS be way more efficient to enchant rather than buy, since enchanted will always be better than the best possible non-enchanted item. 2. Even right now, crafted Archon equipment dominates a lot of Best-in-Slot auction house items for armor. Archon gloves and chestplates are far better than anything you can find, as are crafted amulets. Crafted = bind on create. So I think that if Blizzard has even 1% of a brain they will expand crafting further, and in combination with the mystic, make self-made equipment an even better choice than it is now. 3. Hellfire Rings are already some of the best rings... bind on account. 4. Hasn't been announced formally but Bliz has said that they are considering both ladders and an ironman no-AH mode. Wouldn't be surprised if we saw that, or some elements of it, soon. 5. There is some new system involving taking crap items and making them into something better... something different than just disenchanting. The state of items right now really is that at least half your slots are better CRAFTED than found. Of course you need to play a lot to find the crafting reagents. The Infernal Machine was also a brilliant step in the right direction. To do the uber bosses, you need to find keys. But you can't buy keys, you HAVE to get them yourself. And then fighting ubers is always more efficient in a group at higher MP levels. As it stands now, Blizzard has outright admitted that the AH was a mistake. They did not design the game to encourage the AH and that it got used so much was unintended. The current game director has said that he wants people to use the AH to just fill in the gaps, not use it for the majority of their equipment. We're already on that path, with a good chunk of slots being better self-found/crafted as opposed to bought. But he said he wants the % as more like 10-15% AH and the rest self-found/crafted. I'm hopeful.
  22. I use Vegas like Jose said, I don't have hitfilm yet tho...
  23. My understanding is that in Loot 2.0, legendaries will drop at any level based on the lvl of monsters you're fighting. So a level 10 legendary will drop if you're level 10, with appropriate stats, but then killing level 60 monsters will drop a level 60 version of the same legendary.
  24. Dramatic effect I guess. This expansion keeps sounding better and better... * Items enchanted by the Mystic bind to account. * All system changes will be available for free to D3 users * Beta begins in 2013 * "Adventure Mode" as opposed to "Normal Mode"...? Perhaps the much awaited storyless version? http://i.imgur.com/4s7oELE.png * Same screenshot - what are "Bounties"? Sounds fun! * Account-wide paragon * INFINITE paragon * "Nephalem Trials"?
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