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Everything posted by zircon

  1. According to several guilds I know, Razoregore and Vael are the hard fights in BWL. Nef is apparently a disappointment, and easier than Rag. Most other BWL fights appear to be easy from the people I talk with.
  2. The problem is that it is so ridiculously hard to get to rank 14 that only a handful of players typically do on any given server. You have to play for at LEAST 8 hours a day, every day, for weeks to months at a time to even have a shot at it. I've heard of people skipping school and taking vacation days from work just to get closer. To suddenly introduce some PVE content that is (apparently) not THAT difficult that easily beats out their hard work is bs. The PVP gear all needs to be scaled better. The nature of the PVP gear is that it is absolutely the best, or very close to it, for PVP. And with AQ, it's not even going to be close to the best. That's ridiculous.
  3. The fact that they made stuff better than Rank12-14 pvp gear (and Rank12-14 takes hundreds to thousands of hours to get to of VERY INTENSE PLAYING) is a massive blunder. Also, now there is really no incentive to do BWL, where the loot is barely better than MC, which is vastly easier.
  4. Looking at some of this shit, Blizzard is out of their minds. A 2h axe that has a 3 second Blind proc, ridiculous stats and 86+ DPS? This is better than Sulfuras and the rank 14 pvp weapons combined. 66.6 DPS dagger with massive attack power, AND stamina, AND +skill to daggers? A priest set that destroys even Warlord's gear in terms of pvp? What the fuck are they doing?
  5. Wow. Talk about unbelievably good loot for casters..
  6. I disagree that DPS is a big part of a class' power. I would also say that Shamans are not particularly overpowered. They are balanced, as Blizzard says. They lack significant defensive abilities, and they are highly mana-inefficient. In PVE, their totems are generally inferior to Paladin blessings (particularly the aggro one). In PVP, they can pull off relatively good burst damage, but their totems can be easily killed with a 1.3s wand shot from a single caster, reducing their usefulness somewhat. They ARE fairly good in Warsong Gulch but Paladins have their strengths there as well - and they REALLY dominate Arathi Basin.
  7. How powerful your class is has nothing to do with how fast you kill a mob. Shamans actually take a very long time to kill mobs as well, unless they blow most of their mana bar. The power of Paladins is their defense and healing abilities.
  8. The "new" Paladins are no worse than the old ones, which were very powerful already. The only reason you'd complain about them is if you try to play them like a Warrior. They are combat healers in PvP, and, if you have BWL-level gear, can pump out fairly nice damage as a bonus. But they're at not Warriors first, Priests second.
  9. No. It's actually a level 70 item planed for burning crusade. It's a drop off of illidan. It's somewhere in the item sets on your wow files' date=' if you know where to look, you can find it. Anyway, whenever I read about good rogue swords, all I hear is "Hunter swords. if I DW them with +15 agility, they will be great." To which I usually want to reply while screaming: "Just dual wield two letter openers with +15 agility."[/quote'] No.. it's a fake item. Trust me.
  10. Hum. In that case, I can't think of much you'd find in ZG that's any good for you. Dal'Rends and Cold Forged Blade/Glacial Blade would be the best combos I can think of in terms of pre-MC gear. Once you do get to MC, however, you get that lovely Brutality Blade, and then you can pick up either Perdition's Blade (ragnaros) or Vis'Kag the Bloodletter (Onyxia) and go nuts.
  11. Just wait until Hakkar and the Fang of the Faceless. It's a dagger that's better than several MC daggers. Eye of Hakkar is pretty sweet too (necklace with I think +1% crit and 40 attack power).
  12. Err, how is that different from what I posted?
  13. Bat + Snake are really, really easy. Bloodlord is easy if you execute the initial positioning right. Spider requires a LITTLE work on the part of the tanks. Panther/Tiger are a step up. Hakkar is VERY easy. Hexxer is the hardest.
  14. 2-3 hours per day over two days is more than enough to make progress in that instance. One thing, though; are you doing this with guild groups? If not, you're fucked. Even my guild had trouble getting used to the instance until I decided to take charge, whip people into shape, and get our collective asses into gear. Unless everyone is on vent, you have at least a core team of 10-15 or so people that are smart + know how to follow orders, and you have a strong leader, you're in trouble.
  15. 4 hours is not that long, for one thing. For another thing, you can get it down more than that if you work at it (I think 2.5 hour clears are possible). Finally, what we did when we were first hashing out strats and figuring out all the bosses, we split it into two or even three nights. Absolutely nothing wrong with that. It's SUCH a good instance.
  16. Yeah, just let me know if you need more ZG strats. We can clear the whole place in a few hours now (usually takes a little longer than 4 total because we wipe a few times doing stupid shit like facepulling 3 groups in a row, but 75% of the time we actually do clear the pulls successfully).
  17. Suzu, grats on your kill. But here is a strat that will make things easier for you. -- Start Positioning: All melees about 30 yards from the "Speaker", a weak elite mob at the base of the stairs the boss is at. The casters hide themselves behind the fence made of spears - you can't miss it, it's an enclosure that houses a group of raptors when you first enter the room. Strat: The Speaker gets pulled and killed quick. An offtank will then tank the raptor pet of the boss, who is relatively weak. The MT tanks the boss. Please note that every time the boss kills someone, he has a good chance of gaining a level. He gets harder to kill every time this happens, and hits harder too. So DON'T let anyone die. Melees should back out and bandage if they need to. This is a relatively long fight (5-6 minutes) and is all about controlled DPS. All melees/DPS focus on the raptor pet first, kill it, then start dps on the Bloodlord himself. He will be temporarily enraged, healers need to watch for that. He has some standard Warrior abilities like whirlwind to watch out for, otherwise, nothing significant on the offense front. He DOES cast something called 'Threatening Gaze' on random people. If you get this debuff, you can't do anything. Stop whatever you are doing. If you do things while he's watching you, he'll kill you. So don't do anything. Very simple! This is one of the easiest fights as long as no one dies (which should not be a problem, as he will not assault the casters who are behind the spear fence). -- The fight is a joke if you do it this way.
  18. RAG DOWN!! Finally! We had a flawless strat this time. So good. Besides Nemesis + Dragonstalker pants, we got Onslaught Girdle, the Crown of Destruction, and - I creamed my pants when I saw this - a Spinal Reaper.
  19. That shouldn't happen. They always drop one of those epic quest components plus at least one other item. ZG rules. Lemme know if you need strats, I have them typed up.
  20. Orc Warriors are pretty awesome. They have some of the best racials in the game and are practically BUILT for PVP. If you're going offense, you have two choices, basically. There's the "Mortal Strike" build which typically uses a powerful 2h weapon, such as an axe, and then there's the "Fury" build which uses two fast one handed weapons to do damage. Most people like the former, but the latter is quite powerful also. Alchemy is cool. You will also want to pick up Herbalism if you want to do that. Being able to make healing potions, rage potions, free action potions, and stat buffing potions is a very cool ability.
  21. My guild cleared Zul'Gurub for the first time a few days ago. We hadn't really been taking it seriously, but I decided it was time for the BS to stop and about 2 weeks ago we started doing "real" runs, hashing out strats for ourselves, bringing our good players, setting up a loot system, etc. We killed Hakkar, the Hexxer, and the Panther aspect 2 days ago, and we just did the entire place (minus Hakkar) in about 4.5 hours tonight. Not bad considering we had about 5-6 wipes total.. not on bosses, but on stupid shit like facepulling 5 groups. To be fair, it's very amusing sometimes, but it did waste a lot of time. That instance is a LOT of fun. Fantastic loot too.
  22. Er, that's not new. Those tutorials have been around for weeks now. Follow KVR more
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