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Everything posted by zircon

  1. Are you asking about sound design or writing ambient music? Or what? It sounds like you don't even know what you want, or how to ask it. You have to give more thought to this kind of thing before you start looking for answers.
  2. I don't really know to tell you the truth. I use FL's slicer for just about everything I do, but it's not the greatest. I plan on purchasing ReCycle sometime.
  3. Nonetheless, ReCycle is used on a regular basis, particularly in the sampling industry. It is the ideal program for taking raw WAV data and turning it into usable grooves which can then be sold. If you already HAVE a loop or a groove, and it's just for your own personal use, then chances are no, ReCycle will probably not be just what you need because often times you will be doing more with the groove then just chopping it. But for purely doing that (and for doing it well), ReCycle comes out on top. Prophet; it's only $200, actually, and it's as low as $100 with an educational discount.
  4. Well, ReCycle is basically THE slicing tool. It has the widest range of features around and very good algorithms for detecting the different transients. I'd say it's a lot more than a WAV -> REX2 converter.
  5. In all honesty, FL is not an application designed for surround sound mixing. You should probably look elsewhere if that's what you want to do.
  6. They don't, really. It's for open source PLUGINS.. ReCycle is one cool slicing program. Phatmatik Pro is another.
  7. You asked for advice on how to make "spacey" sounds. Someone gave you advice. You rejected the advice, saying that it's all about getting the right sound out of the oscillators. I'm saying that even with the most basic oscillators available, with the right effects and settings, you can get the sounds you want.
  8. You don't know what you're talking about. You're saying that you need all of these tools to create 'spacey' sounds, like advanced oscillators. You don't. Spectrasonics' Distorted Reality came out before softsynths were prominent and it's the most popular library of all time - exclusively focusing on spacey, atmospheric, dark (etc) sounds.
  9. No, as important as oscillators are, a good sound designer can turn even simple waveforms into great sounds. Advanced softsynths have only come around over the last few years.
  10. Yes, the soundfonts are both free to use, and royalty-free. You can use them in commercial compositions.
  11. There are few soundfonts I can think of that are NOT copyright cleared. I wouldn't worry about this.
  12. Seems like a JP8080 with more. Also, a key feature is that it has "total integration" like the new Virus TIs..
  13. Yeah, poly evolver was 2005. Maybe it's a new version?
  14. Well, this isn't really the interpretation I would have expected for a quiet tune like this. The style, of course, very cool. It's reminiscent of Joshua Morse and po's stuff, with tight beats and smooth keys + synth parts. The production is definitely cool overall, with lots of changes to the texture and soundscape throughout. I really thought that was a very strong point of the mix, though I heard a *little* bit of clipping towards the end with the piano. Around 3:21 I think you probably could have expanded on the original stuff rather than returning to the lighter instrumentation again. But that's just personal opinion. The vocals in the middle seem completely out of place. The pimp for your website.. uhh.. wtf? That section could have been entirely removed. The repeat of the same clip at the end is pointless and again, really brings down the entire mix. Take em out and put in a real resolution, please! Honestly, PLEASE just remove that and replace them with someting else. The second you do, this gets a YES. NO
  15. Not more than an hour after I posted.. http://namm.harmony-central.com/WNAMM06/Content/SonicImplants/PR/MUSE.html Sonic Implants is releasing a new sample collection in Gigastudio Virtual Instrument format. The age of the sample library is now over.
  16. I'm surprised at the stuff TASCAM did. They stepped up their game and decided to go plugin as WELL as their standalone GS3 Solo/Ensemble/Orchestra. In addition it looks like Garritan will have some competition from the GS Solo Violin.. mmm, exciting! This opens up the doors for Tascam to release a "player plugin" for all the GS3 libraries out there, to compete with NI.
  17. In order to do a cover of a song, you want a compulsory mechanical license. When a copyrighted work is published - in this case, the song by Chris Tomlin - other people gain the right to distribute and reproduce the song also. You do NOT have to ask the artist for permission, in this case. However, if you plan on selling it, you need to compensate him 9.1 cents per record sale with the song on it. The details of this are something you need to research more (or talk to a lawyer about) but this would be the basic concept. Now, if you DON'T plan on selling it, you need to write him a letter (not email) and get his written permission to cover the song and distribute the free cover.
  18. Soon enough we'll be upgrading to a new forum system (vBulletin, I believe) and we will be completely redoing the "ReMixing" section of the boards. One of the changes will be giving Reason it's own forum and dedicated FAQ, consolidating all of the important information out there.
  19. Make sure the license is legit. Where did you buy it from and for how much?
  20. It's cool that you got it for that low, but it's not really anything new. People have been buying old versions and using cheaper upgrade plans for awhile now.
  21. Play on a new server!! Gorefiend Horde Last week, my guild killed Vael after 2 days of attempts. This weekend we killed Broodlord and Firemaw, working on the other two as we speak..
  22. Ok.. just to prove it The following screenshot is about 60s into the song. The clipping indicators are not red, and the maximum volume is not over 0db. www.zirconstudios.com/GWWOW.PNG Here is a visual example of the song waveform 15s near the intro. As you can see, there are no waveform spikes that even approach clipping. www.zirconstudios.com/GWWOW2.PNG Here is Wavelab's analysis results of the mix, just to make sure I didn't VISUALLY miss anything. The max volume comes close to 0db, but doesn't hit it. www.zirconstudios.com/GWWOW3.PNG Another analysis using RMS power instead. Also not in the clipping range. www.zirconstudios.com/GWWOW4.PNG It's NOT the song. There is no possible way it's the song. No clipping exists. Now, is there some sort of faux-distortion that has occured because of the way the sounds interacted somehow? Maybe. I'm not hearing it, but you might be. Just like someone posted in the WIPs forum that they kept hearing an AOL Instant Messenger sound effect in one of my WIPs, when it was actually a palm muted guitar.
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