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Everything posted by zircon

  1. Intersting build. So you're going for serious sustained DPS, and the most power vs. armored opponents? Rogues aren't my specialty but I know that a Subtlety-heavy build is really powerful in AB tends to rip casters apart.
  2. I'm pretty sure it'll do that. You make sure MIDI output is enabled, make a "MIDI Out" channel, run a MIDI cable from your computer to the synth, and then write notes in the MIDI Out channel. That will get rendered w/ your project, I believe.
  3. Another weekend, another set of wipes on Rag. boy do I hate my guild sometimes.
  4. ZG is a lot harder than people think. It's not UBRS. It's more like MC in difficulty. In fact, I think some bosses are even HARDER, even if you do know the strats. I would bring people with very good blues at a minimum, preferably epics.
  5. No, BRD isn't that bad. It's easy to the point where you can do most of it with only 2 or 3 people. It has some decent loot, too. The worst dungeon is 5man LBRS. There is nothing good there, and it takes forever.
  6. UBRS is a very easy zone. I think 5man live strat is more difficult. ps. Rag's still not down. No more progress. We're going to try something different next, because apparently our melee DPS just isn't working. We're gonna bring 10 Mages, 5 Warlocks, and 5 Hunters.
  7. Intro kind of threw me off with the simple "effected" crash sample.. but when the melody came in it started to get better. It seems to me that there might be a little too much reverb here, and the mixing is slightly off.. the strings overpower the soft melody instrument in the background. I have to agree with Vig that the synths used here are pretty cool. Good job on the bass, especially - it "moves" in a lot of ways. The percussion is relatively fitting as well, though my personal taste is for something a little "lighter" in this case rather than fast-n-furious sliced dnb breaks. Again, it sounds like the melody instrument is being drowned out with by the other parts. Look into refining that and maybe doing some creative EQing to bring it out. That aside, the production values were strong and I had no problems. My main complaint is the same as my fellow judges; the arrangement sticks too close to the original. I heard some cool ideas, but they really didn't get fleshed out at all. More variation, more expansion of the original, just more rearrangement overall is needed. The ending was weak as well. Work on this and resubmit. NO
  8. Thanks for all the feedback guys!! I really appreciate it, and I'm glad you enjoyed it. In regards to the length.. well, here's how I look at it. I'd rather produce a track that is on the short side and people say "Hey, that was nice, I'll listen to it again" then produce a long track where they say "Well.. the first few minutes were nice, but it's getting kind of boring now, SKIP".
  9. Oops, I should have bothered reading my way through the whole wrapper menu a little earlier, haha. This method is almost as good as a learning function. It has a MIDI learn too. Once you're at the Last Tweaked Parameter menu, go to "Link to Controller", set it to "auto detect" (only need to do this once, it'll remember that setting forever for all projects until you turn it off), then move the knob/slider you want to link the parameter to. It instantly gets set.
  10. I agree that this is not bad. It's fairly solid in terms of arrangement and instrumentation. However, that is not enough for our bar. For example, while you did have some interesting ideas here and there in your interpretation of the originals, there was a lot of verbatim arrangement which I felt could have been changed. Be more creative with the rhythms, harmonies, and transitions early on.. what you have is enjoyable, but it's not much of an interpretation. It's just a re-instrumentation. It does get more interesting as it goes on, which is good; now do that for the whole mix! If you can get that going, I think you'll find that the whole piece will have a bit more life and energy to it than it does now. Your use of samples is pretty good. These sound free to me, and they're used fairly skillfully considering. I guess my main beef is that there's not a lot of panning; everything sounds kind of centered. Try to spread things out like a real orchestra. Also, the snares are definitely not helping the realism factor.. they stand out as being particularly mechanical. Working on the timing, velocities, and even sample layering could benefit your snare line. Refine & resubmit. NO
  11. This is a really good first effort, as I said to the ReMixer privately. He's working with various different samples for the piano, and while this was performed live, it IS hard to find a good piano sample. What you might do is give your MIDI performance to someone here that has a really good piano sample or library (check in ReMixing) and have them just stick that in. You also need to put some sort of compressor or limiter on this somehow, because it DOES clip at some points. Again, the ReMixing forum is the place to ask about this type of thing. I thought the arrangement here was very good, particularly for a first submission, although on the minimal side at times. But that's really a stylistic thing, in my opinion. I would work more on the production end of this - choosing the right sample, for instance, and making sure the volume levels are good. Once again, I recommend visiting the ReMixing forum and asking if anyone can help you with this aspect or studying more on how to have your songs not clip. Great effort, keep it up. Some tweakin and this will pass NO
  12. The sampler is not going to be included. It'll be a separate plugin you can buy, much like Sytrus or Simsynth. It'll be worth it of course.
  13. Uh, hunters (especially after 1.7) are pretty damn awesome.
  14. Hmm.. where would I go to get an appraisal for my account? Or maybe some of you guys could help? This game is too addicting for me right now.. I have no significant alts, my main is a 60 Priest at pvp rank 7 (honored with AV - nearly revered, honored with AB, friendly with WSG). 5 Tier1 armor pieces, 1 Tier2 armor piece, Benediction/Anathema - all with very powerful enchants. A pvp gear switch including an MC epic belt. LOTS of potions (swiftness, greater mana, major mana, fire protection), bandages, other consumables, various ZG coins, 300 herbalism with herbs in the bank, about 185 Engineering.. epic mount.. etc.
  15. Better way: move the parameter that you want to automate. Go to the upper left of the FL Wrapper, to Last Tweaked Parameter. Then go to Edit Automation. Bam.
  16. Rogues are only now making it into the top 10. Rag just keeps killing them. I don't know what the fuck is wrong with our main tanks or what, but we simply can't get him below 53% in phase 1 after over 10 attempts.
  17. No, no one has used fraps yet. I guess I can ask them to use it next time.
  18. Fucking shit. ANOTHER Rag attempt. Got him to 35% - sons phase went better, we still can't do it. It pisses me off every time I read "Rag takes no skill" or "Rag isn't a real raid boss" or "MC is training for REAL dungeons" when my guild is putting their blood, sweat, and tears into this fight.. farming consumables, watching videos, reading strats, etc. It's NOT AN EASY FIGHT.
  19. Ouch, I gotta agree - the balance at :46 is bad. Everything gets very loud and saturated all of a sudden. Too much low/low-mid action; it's overwhelming. The other instruments here like the e.piano and simple squares aren't bad, but they are pretty simplistic. In fact, most of the timbres here are, including most of the drum sounds. I think using some more dynamic sounds here or giving them more "motion" through automation (or whatever) would make a lot of these sections more interesting. On a side note, I would refrain from putting reverb on your bass drum hits. It makes them muddy. Overall, this isn't really a rip or a cover, but your arrangement doesn't do a lot with the two originals besides blend them together and change the sounds used. Work on really giving things your own spin, that's what we're all about. That, plus some tightening up of your production, would make this mix a lot better. NO
  20. Another series of Rag attempts, got him down to 42% at best (AFTER sons, which we are getting better at). No good. Very frustrating.
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