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Everything posted by zircon

  1. I think that's unreasonable. I can see where they're coming from. With the edge games stuff, that was UNREASONABLE because Edge Games didn't produce a product and nobody knew about them. Again, if you search "prophetik", and if they really have been using that name for many years, I can understand why they wouldn't be happy about Brad's site coming up as a top search result. You all underestimate how insanely valuable Google search results are, particularly those 'above the fold' (like top 5-6). Not saying I agree with what they're doing, but it's not as OMGSOBAD as you're all making it out to be.
  2. Yes. I would like to see 80 votes total, so if it hits 80 and nothing else is coming in, I'll cut it short.
  3. It's because if you search "prophetik" you get Brad's site second. I doubt their marketing guys like that.
  4. There are public chat channels in the LoL client and tons of LoL-playing communities (like Reddit) with private rooms, IRC rooms, etc., if you want to find like-minded players. There are also premade 5s and duo-queuing, what more do you want?
  5. Ultimately I wanted to do randomization but couldn't find any service that could do it for <$300, which I'm not in a position to pay out of pocket (already paying for some stuff out of pocket as it is!) I don't think this needs to be advertised outside of OCR. It was a community contest, and the FF6 album is being made for this website. I don't really want people asking their friends to vote, but I also haven't seen much evidence that people are doing/planning that. For what it's worth we have 36 votes already in about a single day, with another 14 votes in progress. I think we can make it visible enough to hit 70-80 votes without much of a problem which is a pretty good amount.
  6. Because when you Google "prophetik", Brad is the 2nd link that comes up. As I have explained, it is much harder to trademark and protect generic, non-distinct words like "prophetic" that are in the dictionary. Guys, trademark (or patent or copyright) infringement does not require commercial use. Again I'm not a lawyer but I do study IP law... I'm sure if Dave's wife Anna chimed in she'd agree with me.
  7. There's no education requirement to start a business. Furthermore, just graduating from high school, or even college, doesn't ensure your linguistic or writing competency, sadly.
  8. It might not be a lawyer; it could just be the owner (or a representative of) the company. That doesn't mean they can't potentially make Brad's life miserable, or that they wouldn't even win if they go to court. This stuff can get real nasty real fast.
  9. Don't be so quick to assume you're not in danger of court action. First of all, if they DO decide to take you to court, you're going to have to spend a lot of time and money defending yourself, even if you're in the right. Secondly, trademark infringement is not just about being in the same industry. Distinctiveness plays a large part in determining infringement: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trademark_distinctiveness For example, the word "penguin" is not as distinctive as "prophetik". A company called Penguin making refrigerators would have a harder time proving infringement by a company called Penguin making cell phones. On the other hand, since prophetik is a made-up (fanciful) word, it is easier to protect, since it's more unique. This isn't a full legal explanation obviously but this is a very important fact that you need to consider.
  10. I would assume it does NOT, so I recommend writing your votes in a notepad file.
  11. Actually, ranked and competitive play is only getting much, much more popular... so I don't think that prediction is going to come true. As for penalizing players for behavior you've coded in, as Riot has said many times, the tribunal is to deal with people who make the game not fun for their teammates. If someone gets reported over and over for refusing to communicate, it's a safe bet that they're mostly just trolling and not taking the game seriously. Also, only a very small percentage of players get punished by the tribunal. It takes a LOT to get to that point.
  12. downloads now enabled, write your votes down as you go as some people are having problems submitting
  13. Well, the intention is for people to listen as they go, hence why I disabled downloading... but since I wasn't able to get randomization working anyway, nor embedded streaming, I guess I will enable it.
  14. 2 hrs and I'm not sure if you can resume... someone should try it after 1 question
  15. Voting now up. http://ff6project.limequery.com/95972/lang-en You have two weeks (ends June 14th, 11:59pm EST)
  16. I'm having trouble finding a survey provider that can do 35 questions with randomization...
  17. People also played D2 for the dueling (PVP), grind to level 99, easier soloing of the super elite-type mobs, and then eventually later, Uber Tristram (which is comparable to Inferno). But yea, the loot hunt was definitely fun.
  18. Haha, I heard about that. Definitely on the border but I can understand if he was repeatedly doing stupid builds/picks that were ineffective. I doubt he would have been reported if he did well, or if he talked with his team first. I've done weird lane setups in ranked before but always talk about it with my team during champ select, and it works out (eg. double ranged AD mid/bot).
  19. So far, for the first three difficulties, it's quite true - and amazing! I'm actually more worried that Inferno will become trivial within the next few months and that there won't be enough to do. I'm sure they will add more content though, and PVP will certainly be fun.
  20. I guess I'll see when I get there At the moment, I'm doing pretty well in Act 2 Hell running a fairly defensive setup. I heard Inferno is like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=IiU-PxTl5u8
  21. How do you guys sell stuff on the AH? For me, it seems like blind luck whether items sell or not... what's the best way to get comparables? Keeping in mind I'm only 54 or so.
  22. They already give melee classes sizable built-in reductions AFAIK, so it will be interesting to see how they plan on rebalancing things. Sounds like the problem is ranged being too strong, not melee being too weak. 20 mins for a barb to kill Diablo in the very hardest difficulty of the game sounds reasonable for an epic fight. 2 mins does not.
  23. http://www.gamemusicbundle.com/ The latest Game Music Bundle just launched, featuring the following soundtracks: * Terraria * Plants vs. Zombies * Dustforce * Ilomilo * Frozen Synapse As with the previous bundles, you can get all of these albums for a minimum, pay-what-you-want price of $1 in DRM-free format. However, for $10, you get a slew of bonus albums: * Offspring Fling (Alec Holowka) * Mubla Evol Ution (Joakim Sandberg) * Cardinal Quest (Whitaker Blackall) * inMomentum (Gareth Coker) * Impeccable Micro (_ensnare_) * Bluescreen (Protodome, a personal favorite) * Beautiful Lifestyle (George & Jonathan, another favorite) * Rise of the Obsidian Interstellar (Disasterpeace) * Deorbit (Disasterpeace) * GunGirl 2 (Josh Whelchel) More albums and bonuses may be added as the bundle progresses; not only that, top contributors get goodies like posters, physical CDs and vinyl. Also, a portion of revenue is donated to the American Cancer Sociey! GO GET IT! http://www.gamemusicbundle.com/
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