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Everything posted by zircon

  1. If it's not happening on render I can almost assure you it's a problem with CPU or memory usage. Depending on your soundcard and drivers, you can have clicks, pops and stutters before you hit 100% on your CPU meter. I bet if you were to solo or remove some of the Omni tracks the distortion would go away. Likewise, I bet if you were to increase your buffer size quite a bit, it would help.
  2. D2 potions did heal over time, making it hard to cheese your way out of death... except for rejuv potions. Those were really the only problem. But more often than not, even in Hell, your problems would more be getting stunlocked or brutalized by a single explosive mob or something.
  3. Can you render some MP3s of this distortion? Does it happen even when Omnisphere is soloed?
  4. No, the faders could be set to +20 dB and it wouldn't matter - internal processing within FL or its plugins won't cause clipping. Only output on the MASTER track can cause clipping/distortion. Your problems are coming from somewhere else.
  5. I actually use The Glue and TLs Pocket Limiter now, but TRacks 2 is still awesome.
  6. I actually don't have a problem with it. I have just a few requests: 1. Delete the thread by the time the contest is over. 2. Don't post your remixes publicly on your sites, soundcloud, YouTube, etc. until the results are in (after all, if you end up on the project, we want it to be a surprise!) 3. Don't ask *me* or McVaffe for feedback. THAT would be unfair.
  7. You can't do conversions or comparisons like that. Clockspeed is honestly a useless number unless you're comparing two processors that are identical in ALL OTHER possible respects. For example, a Pentium 4 running at 3.6ghz is substantially less powerful than a Core 2 Duo at 2.5ghz, and a Sandy Bridge dual core at 2.4ghz is much more powerful than a Core 2 Duo at 2.5ghz.
  8. Pros of a workstation: * Tactile control and response. You get high quality keys, knobs, faders, LCD screen, pitch/mod wheel, all that fun stuff. Many people prefer this to using the mouse, or to linking MIDI controller knobs/sliders to various VSTs. * Universally high quality sound design. Workstations just sound great out of the box with 0 editing. That's what they're meant for. * Portability / live performance. If you want to gig or otherwise perform live, workstations are of course preferable to laptop + interface + MIDI controller. * Easy to use. Just turn on the keyboard, select a patch and play. Can be more inspiring than futzing about with VSTs. Cons: * Most don't integrate as well as VSTs when working on a computer. You will have to set up MIDI/audio routing, patch recall per project, record your parts in live, all of which can be a pain if you're used to offline rendering. * Harder to get external/expansion sounds without paying lots of money. * Much more expensive. * Acoustic sounds other than keyboards (piano, organ, e-piano) typically are not as realistic as modern sample libraries. They might sound very good, pleasing and playable, but they simply won't have the fancy features of something like LA Scoring Strings, Hollywood Brass, and so on. For film scoring in particular, modern samples are way ahead. Pros of plugins: * Inexpensive, relatively speaking. * Easy integration - use as many instances as you want, offline rendering, etc. * Easy to download new presets, updates, expansions. * Most realistic acoustic sounds anywhere. Cons of plugins: * Quality can be variable. Some synths have poor presets and you must make your own or find good expansions/preset packs. * Harder to just "plug and play". You must deal with serial numbers, dongles, authorization, setting up templates in your projects, etc. * Entirely reliant on the power of your computer. A plugin like DIVA might sound great at 1/10 the price of a virtual analog hardware synth, but you might not be able to run it on your 5 year old computer. -- My opinion? I've owned a number of workstations and hardware synths. However, I find them hard to integrate into my work. I generally prefer plugins.
  9. I don't necessarily agree with you here. You could easily argue the limitations of, say, solo guitar, solo piano, or any given monophonic/limited-polyphonic synthesizer are equally restricting. Or solo clarinet, string quartet, etc. An ENORMOUS part of the popularity of chiptunes is the nostalgia factor and cultural/social element. There are tons of primitive synthesizers out there but the chiptune culture only really started to become a less-than-niche 'thing' around the time when anything retro or nerdy was becoming popular. Please note I'm not saying anything about whether it's a "good" or "bad" style of production, I love chiptunes and have done some very poor attempts at them myself. I'm just talking about the popularity of them vs. the popularity of any arbitrarily picked production style or set of instruments.
  10. Ah sorry man, I'm told that Testflight does not support jailbroken devices. To everyone else: if you've played the game, please remember to do the little follow-up survey! It's very important to us in order to gather feedback.
  11. JMR, can you reproduce this bug 100% of the time? Does it always crash/not run like that?
  12. Can you expand on what you mean by this? I think to almost all listeners these days, it doesn't matter what tools are being used to create a piece of music, as long as it sounds good in the end. This is pretty true regardless of genre. I hang out on some forums like KVRAudio and Gearslutz (among other places) which are built around discussion of gear, but even there I don't see people getting slammed for using or not using certain pieces of equipment. Of course the producers themselves are often quite interested in equipment but again, even on these forums, the #1 advice I see passed around is "it doesn't matter what you use, as long as it sounds good." Really, the one technology that is fetishized to an extreme - ironically - would be anything producing a chiptune sound. LSDJ, trackers, etc. That's the one thing that I've observed even non-producers go crazy over PURELY because of the technology used to make the music. I would say with a good deal of confidence that if you took any given chiptune song and arranged it for real instruments, not nearly as many people would be interested.
  13. Don't forget the random uniques like Pindle that dropped amazing stuff. I remember studying those loot tables and drop rates quite a bit. Even ran a bot ("Pindlebot") to farm for me while I was in school.
  14. No, it's not 100% done yet - but we have an internal milestone deadline for May 30th. So, May 21st + 1 week of voting should, in theory, give us at least one (and hopefully more!) awesome tracks to add to the project that will meet that deadline.
  15. My understanding is they initially sought to release for older versions of iOS but realized they would not be able to properly optimize to make the playing experience smooth. I do believe it will run, just not well (at this point).
  16. Hey everyone, For the last few months I've been working with Firestarter Games on an awesome little iOS game called Globulous, and we're really proud of it. It's a 3D spatial puzzle game; if you've played Tetrisphere you'll be right at home! Jeff Ball and I created all the audio in the game, which includes over 40 minutes of music. Firestarter is now looking for people to help test the game. We'd love if you could take a few minutes to play it - you'll need an iPhone (gen 4+), or an iPad (gen 1+). After you create a TestFlight account and sign up your device, it may take a day or two to get a build. An email will be sent your way automatically when you're all set. Sign up at TestFlight for the Beta Build: http://bit.ly/y7AvAo Once you're done, we'd really appreciate if you'd give feedback via our very short post-play survey: Post-Play Survey: http://bit.ly/JTKu0B Thanks in advance on behalf of the Firestarter team!
  17. They can all be in one email. Also, to be clear, the deadline is May 21st not May 14th. So, three weeks!
  18. Nope! I should have added that you can submit up to three entries.
  19. The Results Are In! I want to congratulate all the winners, whose ReMixes I absolutely loved! However, I also want to thank EVERYONE for participating - I enjoyed all of your submissions. McVaffe and I will be discussing who we'll be inviting to the project, but suffice it to say we have many more than these top entrants on our list. Should you choose to look at the full rankings, keep in mind things were quite close overall. The point spread was pretty tight, and the lowest score (180) was still almost double the lowest POSSIBLE score (91). That being said, whether you placed below or above your expectations, you should feel proud of your hard work, and be motivated and inspired to continue practicing and improving. With that, the results! 1st Place: XPRTNovice - "Gobble Snarf Snap" 2nd Place TIE!: DDRKirby(ISQ) - "There's Nothing Like Flying" and Rexy - "Gestahlian Sonata" 3rd Place: Sole Signal - "Throne Reborn" Full rankings available (click here!) Contest Facts & Figures: * Total votes: 91 * Score range: 180 to 343 pts (a fairly close spread!) * Average score: 264 * Median score: 275 * Total amount of music submitted (hours:minutes:seconds): 2:10:29 * Most popular source tune: The Gestahl Empire (9 remixes) * Least popular source tune: Locke (0 remixes) -------- Hello all! I'm the co-director of an upcoming Final Fantasy VI remix project tentatively titled "Final Fantasy VI: Balance & Ruin". Along with my co-director McVaffe, executive producer djpretzel, and a long roster of incredibly talented musicians, we're hoping to create a legendary multi-disc album to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Final Fantasy series. Now that the project has been underway for about half a year, we're opening it up for anyone to participate in via a remix contest. Much like how we ran a Final Fantasy VII remix contest for "Voices of the Lifestream", anyone who participates in this contest will be considered for inclusion on the project, regardless of whether they win or not! Of course, the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners will not go without some nice prizes either... read on below for more details! Overview Remix any Final Fantasy VI source tune from the list below and submit your entry by EMAIL (ff6@zirconmusic.com CC to aaversa@gmail.com) before 11:59PM EST, May 24th. After that date, there will be a one week period of public voting to determine the winners. The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners will receive prizes, while ALL entrants will be considered for inclusion on the project itself. Eligible Sources Johnny C. Bad Blackjack New Continent Rest in Peace Rules * Try to adhere to OCR standards of production and arrangement. * Collaborations are OK - some prizes must be split per your discretion (such as physical products or one-off licenses), others, like album downloads, will be given to each winning participant. * You must predominantly use at least one of the above sources. More than one is OK, but one source should be the focus. * You may use other sources from the FF6 soundtrack, again as long as one of the above is the primary. * Any style of music is OK. * You may submit up to THREE entries. Voting The contest will be voted on by the general public. Anyone can vote, including entrants. Voting will take place within the week after the contest entry period ends. Voters will select their favorite entries (top 3, 5 or 7 depending on number of entries.) Higher-ranked entries will receive more points, eg. the first pick in a top 3 vote would earn 3 points, the second pick 2 points, and the third pick 1 point. The final scores will simply be a tally of these numbers. Prizes 1st place: FL Studio Signature Bundle OR $300 IL VCash, Set of MXL 990+991 mics, entire zircon discography, any three Impact Soundworks libraries, physical copy of the FF6 album 2nd place: Image-Line Harmor synth, entire zircon discography, any two Impact Soundworks libraries, physical copy of the FF6 album 3rd place: Image-Line Poizone synth, entire zircon discography, any Impact Soundworks library, physical copy of the FF6 album Good luck!
  20. I've designed several sample libraries (guitar + bass) meant to be used in rock and metal music: http://impactsoundworks.com/products/instrumental/shreddage http://impactsoundworks.com/products/instrumental/shreddage/shreddage-x http://impactsoundworks.com/products/instrumental/shreddage-bass-picked-edition
  21. Another fun fact. Some samples have built in PITCH data which will also mess things up on playback. To fix this, go to the Misc tab and look at the mini keyboard. This is where you can set the root pitch/transposition. Simply right click on the space above the C5 key to reset.
  22. Fun fact: The reason that happens is because some samples have built-in tempo data. FL reads this data weirdly sometimes and tries to stretch the sample to match the project tempo. You WANT this to happen for things like drumloops, but not oneshots.
  23. Trigun is really good. It is actually quite serious and dark as it goes on, so don't be turned off by the comedy elements in the first.. half or so (I personally enjoyed them, but others may not.) Though that is important in setting up the rest.
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