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Everything posted by PerLichtman

  1. Okay first of all, I just want to say that I can understand where a lot of people are coming from when they complain about arrangements/dubs as opposed to remixes. Second, I'd like to say that this becomes a slightly different issue when significant changes are made in timbre and when production quality is very polished. Blind's version of the theme has very high sound quality and very interesting timbres (it makes me feel the need to step up my own production skills a notch.) As such, I think that the mix deserves more credit than it is getting. Good luck Blind. Maybe next time you'll do a straight out remix and please everybody. [Authors Addendum: Apparently not everybody would be pleased by a straight out remix either, so... : -)
  2. Okay, first of I'll respond to Woffester's post by saying that his spelling is more logical than the traditional spelling of "estrangement." Second, you got my point perfectly EmptyMy, AmiEvil is Swedish just like me. Well, not exactly like me since I can with equal validity claim to be Swedish or American based on lineage and where I've spent my life but you get the point
  3. Cool mix. The sort of thing I like to listen to while chillen out by the old monitor and keyboard or would be happy to play in the background at a party, no explanation neccesary. Songs of this nature can often suffer badly from their emphasis on vocal samples, but I thought this mix pulled it off quite effectively. This is not drama, not metal, etc. Its a slow groovin piece with industrial elements, etc. and I couldn't find anything wrong with it. Some may find it repetitive, but that's really mostly because of the style the piece fits into: the samples keep it fresh. So, fire-it-up, take a seat, and get ready to move out of it in an ever so suave fashion to yet another strong mix by MR_44.
  4. Yet another good reason to learn where Sweden is located. "En hel fräsch låt AMIEvil, en av mina absoluta favoriter."
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