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Posts posted by Xelebes

  1. I have En Sabah Nur (aka DJ Apocalypse) and Mr. Andersen on my MSN list. I'll be sure to contact them when they get online.

    On the matter of the tune I've chosen and been assigned on, I'm finding it more difficult as time goes on the creativity I desire to pursue on the piece is going downhill. This is not good.

    I'll keep trying but it is not looking good.

  2. Hello.

    I've been kinda silent over the last few days. Partied last night andnow feeling a bit tired (8 hours of dancing and 6 hours of work coupled with a few hours of other stuff only to get 6 hours of sleep.)

    Anywho... I'm gonna take another stab it. I'm thinking I'll need a whole new approach on the song. I might try an off-beat techno piece... see if that will do the trick.

  3. :? Reason can be considered a good program for mixagem? To the times I find that it is a short while false program, but of time in when good I have resulted. (It forgives if my way to write will be missed, I does not say English very well).

    If you have difficulties asking questions in English, I shall direct you to a forum that speaks Portugese and Spanish.


    I'll give you more links when I find them. I hope this link will prove to be useful for you.

  4. Are you asking for something that takes a harmonic from a signal and shifts it, ~?

    Edit - oh.

    Ok, hm, that would be an odd thing to calculate as you you would need to break down the fourier series of the signal and then process it from there. It might work if you used a vocoder kind of setup but I'm sure you'd be wanting something with at least a minimum of 4,096 bands in it to do a decent job.

  5. Well, time to do it folks. Make my 10,000th post.

    It's been what? A year and a half on this messageboard? Even then, I've been here long enough to see at least one redesign of the thread.

    Anywho, we've seen lots of changes to this forum as the years slowly trek by. When I started here, Joe Redifier was a moderator and the site was puttering along. Unmod was going to hell in a handbasket and I was still in high school finishing off my courses, offering as much I could here.

    Anywho, I've seen a lot and regulars here will remember the great spam this forum had where Gray was made a moderator of the forum and then the cleaning up of the forum.... and uh... yeah.

    Damn, I thought I was going to type a whole lot more to this post... but I'll get around to fixing up this post. I'm tired right now... yeah that must be it.

  6. This is not techno.

    This is a hybrid between chemical breaks and big beat. Vastly different.

    Okay, aside from the asinine dj-genreing talk (even if it would sound really out of place in a techno set..... ;) ) This is pretty cool though. Though at some points it has this muddy cycle going through with the toms and the mid-bass synths - it would have been better to have exagerated it a bit to help the breakbeats stand out it a bit more.

  7. Your threads get deleted because of these following reasons:

    A) The thread ends up where the users outright attack you or the thread.

    B) The thread is about a discussion that is not suitable for the forums. Though most of those instances are locked with the moderator giving reasons why.

    C) Thread is an accidental double-post. Usually, we'll keep the first thread there.

    D) Thread has been mobed to another forum. Look around to the other forums. It might be there.

  8. Hmmm... long time since I asked a Fruity Question here in this thread.

    Anywho, I'm doing some rather weird experiments testing the sequencing capacities. I'm experimenting with 792,000 triggers per minute (or 13,200 triggers per second) and I'm trying to figger out how to turn off the retrigger functions because I don't want to always listen to a hushed bleep all the time.

    And a second question: To make this task easier, is there a way to convert a txt file into flp file so that I can map this task out in a more user friendly manner and if so, does anyone know the code for it? I remember seeing it somewhere before but I can'r for the life of myself find it again.

  9. Man I should follow this thread a bit more that I have been. I'm feeling a little guilty...

    Anywho, if you should ever decide to pimp out originals once more for the members of OCR, I have a track that you may want to play (or not.)


    Of course, it is slammin hard, squealing-acid line synths and melody that comes in late but I think it does the trick.

    Anywho, as I said earlier, I'm gonna follow this thread a bit more varefully. :)

  10. Use QuadraSID VSTi or use a simple synth with a lofi after it. Works really well.


    Look it up at KvR-VsT, though you'll have to pay for it. Best bet is to use SimSynth in FruityLoops to do it, using a LoFi set at 8-bit to do the whole authentic sound.

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