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Posts posted by Xelebes

  1. Figure out where all the percussion lay on your array... this will help!

    Now altering tempos can do neat stuff too... like applying a 100 bpm drums to 142 bpm tempo... somehow that always works for me...

    Um... breakbeats... remember my first little note... now imagine the breakbeat you wanna make... arrange the kicks how you want it to be done.... then the snares...

    Sure it's time consuming... but it might be worth it....

  2. I read the whole thing, but I spaced out for a good portion, so if this has already been asked... don't be hating on me :) Er, please.

    -Can you switch Fruityloops to 3/4 time, or even something even more rare like 4/5 time (though I don't expect to be composing in 4/5 for possibly ever)?

    Among other things, putting it in 3/4 time would work for triplets in the drum sequencer, though ye'd have to modify somethin' fierce to the tempo :)

    -Also, with the shuffle bar on the top-right of the sequencer - is there a way to have different shuffles for different patterns? Life would be easier...

    Yes... go to options menu and look at song settings. You'll see something set to 16. That is 16 steps. For 3/4 time, drag it down to 12 steps! I dunno about 4/5 music.... use Finale or something like that... that's the only type of software that lets you do that.

    About shuffles: There is the graphs option... you know that in the step sequencer... okay there is a time shift graph... this is useful, make use of it for practically infinite types of shuffles...

  3. If I knew DSP... I might help you with the phaser.

    But there is a solution to the doubling.

    Okay... open a new project.

    Now, when you start this you'll need to figure out what tempo is being played in your 'main' project. Let's say your 'main' project's tempo is 120 bpm. Now, this 'sub'project will have a tempo of 240 bpm.

    There will be 32 steps in eaxh pattern (assuming you are doing 4-4 music)

    Now load the same snare you are using in your project.

    Now fill in every snare step.

    Play with pan if you want to... it might be fun.... and adds a touch of professionality to it.

  4. Ok...

    I played very few games (or got very far into games to play one) to actually beat the boss.


    Ripto in Spyro 2: Riptos Rage (After a while... it was really cool flying around forever and not getting hit... but you couldn't hit him.... For the first time in games (that I've played)... they actually have a boss that seems to be there, as if it were an actual story and it was .... really cool... cuz it gave you that climax feel (no I'm not talking about sex! perverts) when you read a story.

    Another one was Red Faction... even if the bomb was anti-climatic... but Col. Musake was greatly biased (even if it does seem unrealistic to occur!)

    to death rather than victory.

    Super Mario Bros. 3...

    Okay, that was just fun to do....

  5. Hey, I'm new to this. I've read pretty much all of the other posts, but I got kind of tired areound page 23 :wink: and I didn't get my question answered so I decided to post it. Why can I not hear the sounds when I hit play after I import the midi? By the way, I am not in Song mode- I know better than that. Thanks for your help!

    Open generator channels (either sample or VSTi)

    How many?

    The same number of midi tracks that have midi data shown in the piano roll 'tube'.

    Play around with your selection in instruments (this is, of course, optional).

    Copy and Paste: From Midi Channel to generator channel.

    Now you should be getting something...

  6. Assuming 3.4 here...

    Use Piano Roll.

    Click C5 and double click while your at it. A window will pop up.

    Now you can edit length and starting time.

    Starting Time 0:0:0

    Make the length 0:0:12

    Repeat process in first step (piano roll step i mean)

    Start Time 0:0:12

    Make the Length 0:0:12 (In fact make the length that way through the whole thing.)

    ST = 0:01:0

    ST = 0:01:12

    you know where I am getting with this.

    I just figured this out just two days ago and I was like boo-yeah... this is about as good as Finale now! Woot!!!

  7. short tutorial on effects



    input-how much the first echo gets

    feedback-the reduction in sound(volume wise)

    cut-off-er, well...use this for ambient cool diddies or addinga non-metallic sound

    tempo-the rate

    steps-the rhythm produced by the echo. you'll see when you play pizzicato diddle patterns


    >>distorted guitars!!!!!

    Preamp:x-plodes the sound till it clips, and then clips some more

    x100:x-plodes a hundred-fold

    postgain:reduce this for balance.

    play with other knobs for levels of grunge


    >>hey, you're in one heck of a warehouse!!!

    refer to Help on this one...simply too much for a quick tutorial


    >>super spinny sound that spins you slowly

    refer to Help as this is the same for reeverb


    >>psssst***houston, I'm feeling a little dizzy here![crackle]over****psssst!

    refer to help ""


    >>dark to bright

    cutoff frequency:selects the frequency to start cutting or combing out.

    resonance: crank this only if you want to play with the cutoff


    >>for professional sound quality

    check out presets...they are the best tutorial


    >>opposite of overdrive: prevents clipping

    use presets but having it just on in Master works swell[default]

    This is the basics

    Hope this helps

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