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Posts posted by Xelebes

  1. Never heard of Psycle but I am assuming it is a freeware sequencer. It works fine with FruityLoops, that I am sure of. Trying to think of a solution for ya but I'll have to get back to you.

    Edit - I'm also trying to download the Aftershock plugin here but I am having some difficulties getting past the license dealie here as it seems to lead to a dead link. Can someone provide me the link to it or is the file actually not on the server?


  2. For classic detuned saws (as I have experimented with my now deceased Poly 800), it usually only takes two saw oscillators at a detuning of 15~20 cents off from centre. I also found that boosting the highs of the raw detuning was needed (ala 4 kHz+) before you started filtering, even using MDA's Degrade plugin after the high boost to have 100 S&&H at 44.1 kHz/16 bit before the filtering to have a really nice authentic classic sound to it. Then after the filtering you can process the sound further with delays, phasers and choruses and then finally a reverb.

  3. They are saved with your flp file. If you want to have a single note fade, then yeah, trigger a secondary pattern with the events desired.

    Recommended: For ease, insert a pattern right after the instrument's part (pattern) by selecting the pattern right after the intrument's pattern and hit Ctrl+Shift+Ins. This adds a pattern and now you can sequence the automation as desired using that loop.

  4. Did you buy it? Pirated versions I hear have that problem, one of the main reasons being is that the program you actually get is a beta. So did you really buy the software?

    No, it's not that it's a beta. I've never heard that one before. It is, however, that pirated versions of FL tend to be missing samples found in the demo projects. I know because it happened to me when I tried to pirate it (for the record I actually did buy the producer edition).

    I do realise this but I also heard the beta also suffered from this, as to discourage pirating the betas, which the pirating of betas is sadly the practice of pirating these days. They are much easier to crack with the betas than the released product.

  5. Hey people. I'm new here, and am a long time remixer...although I've only just discovered this site. I've wanted to submit some of my stuff for a long time, but I've had nowhere to give it. It's nice to have a place like this where one can share their musical talent! For a formal introduction...I'm an 18 year old male from a small town outside of calgary, alberta, and I have a passion for both gaming and electronica. I am a hardcore RPG fan, and spend my spare time in console gaming, creating techno/trance/rave pieces, and doing graffiti artwork (if anyone wants to see my work, I have it posted on my site www.geocities.com/stonedragon17). Some of my game favorites may include:


    -Final Fantasy VI

    -Secret of Mana

    -Ogre Battle 64

    -Metroid: Prime

    -Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles

    -Mario Kart series

    -Legend of Zelda series

    -Final Fantasy Tactics/Advance

    -Final Fantasy IX

    ...and various other titles.

    I am hoping to do some remixes for these games, so wish me luck! :D

    P.S. (I might need some help with submission, so if anyone wants to lend a hand... :? )



    A fellow, Albertan, hello!

  6. Hello orual, and welcome to OCR. If you venture into UnMod it may be wise to leave the whole female thing out for now, we’ve been having a little drama over there the past few days and people are starting to get a little cranky. :)

    Very true. Even I've been snarling, which is very uncommon for me to do. Mind you, it was unmod and I can do that - outside I have never flamed a noob whatsoever. It wouldn't feel right.

  7. Come into a discussion open minded. Be prepared to quickly change your mood. Whether it be about debate, be informative, or a sarcasm smorgasborg.

    If you sense sarcasm but still don't find the humour, stick around a little longer. You'll understand.

    It's just like real life.

    If you want to engage in serious debate, lurk a bit, see who posts in an intelligent manner and check out who he hangs with. If you are here for shits and giggles, find the more humourous people, the people who always talk with their tongue in their cheek.

    If you come here to learn, find people who bring forth knowledge and general know-how.

    Doing this lets you be able to remember names of the posters on the board quicker and not feel so overwhelmed.

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