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Posts posted by Xelebes

  1. Certain engraved members of the Remix101 forum, being Compyfox, Analoq and I... and a few others (yes, you too Protricity) have been coming across the laziness of newbies to the forum who post the same question over and over, even/especially if it has been posted with their own threads a multiple amount of times.

    I would like to state to all the newbies who come into this forum and make broad questions like "Where are some techno sounfonts?" or "Where are some drum samples?" or things like that. These aggravate the regulars of this forum due to these questions have already been raised and have been answered, and the answers STAY for quite a while. Please make note of that. Techno soundfonts? There are a few threads devoted to this.

    We also encourage finding the soundfonts for yourself and experimenting with each and one of them. Also, do not resort to just soundfonts. There are other sources of neat tools that will produce better than satisfactory results. There are tools like vst, vsti, dx, dsxi, au plugins which either manipulate or generate sounds. Seek them, and make sure you have the right software to run them. (FruityLoops does not run AUs... whish is a pity... that would be interesting to see it in FruityLoops 5 though. Very interesting indeed.

    Also, in this very topic about soundfonts, it is no flaming matter if you bring up a website that has it's own unique soundfonts. Please do share to others this newly discovered resource. Also, please make sure it is new and hasn't been proclaimed on these boards.

    Just remember, we want to reduce the flame wars that happen on this particular forum. Do not spoil it for everybody.

    I made my 5,000th post to point this all out.

  2. dll, xi, sf2, fsc, wav, mid, syn

    all are these are files.

    Now, at kvr-vst, you want to download zips with dll files in them and have vst or dx rating on them. AU does not count.

    Download and unzip to your folder that has vst in the FruityLoops directories. This may take a minute or two for you to find it and locate it.

    Once you do, put it there (duh!). Now open up FruityLoops, and you habe the menu bar (File, Edit View...) and go to the Channels and go to Add one... Then at the very top will say more. Click on more and you get a new window. In the bottom left hand corner, there is a button called ReFresh. Click on it and there are two options. Click the Fast Scan (or which ever one is recommended.) The new plugin will appear in red. Check it with an F in the corresponding box. Then double click it to open it.

  3. Ok... here's my problem. If I load a VSTi generator in the FX panel, can I make a MIDI file to be associated with it so that it plays it? Or does it only accept live MIDI date (of which I can't do cuz my PC doesn't accept my M-Audio keyboard. Anyone know?

    No, VSTs don't only accept live data. Just copy the pattern from one of your imported MIDI channels into a VST channel. (But you probably already figured that out, right?)

    EDIT: Also, see Humanoid Typhoon's post above...you can also just open the piano roll for a VST channel, click the keyboard icon at top-left, and import a MIDI (either the whole thing or a specific channel).

    I know that. But I was putting VSTis in the FX Mixer and not into a channel. I know you can do it in the channel, but U need to make a note that when you want to control particular parameters only when the VSTi is loaded into the FX mixer will it work. If it is in the channel, then those parameters will not function. I have noticed this for a fact with a few synths, not all... so I was just wondering.

  4. remember, LFO over time = f(SongTime())


    sin LFO


    What do you want the LFo to do exactly? As a sub-oscillator that creates audible low frequencies or it to control something like a flanger or a delay or a SVF?

    also check out mda's Envelope vst. Basic Envelope that puts an envelope on audio. The vstis that don't have an envelope are designed to be without them.

  5. first listen:

    nice drum work *clap clap clap*

    reverse kick... ummm.... ;)

    The build between 1:55~2:05 sounds quite weak... I mean it's only drums. Drum roll sounds a tad too cliche.... filtering sweep riser would make me .... make me... go wow?

    Going anywhere? Sounds nice and fluid... I don't know about it going anywhere... but nice variation you got there. Nice nice.

    Pretty good... just that build seems weak at that particular spot.

  6. I still maintain that FruityLoops preset cymbal is the best cymbal sample that I have. There is just something about the other cymbals.... I'm sure it is the general tonality of the song.

    Nice retro feel. I still use fruity preset samples (from 2.7, 3.5.6 and 4.01... making quite a lethal arsenal.) and this has the presets going right. Probably did this whole mix some justice. I'd hate it to be remixed with orchestral soundfonts.

    Hmm... Though it could have used a bit more tweaking here and there.

  7. Visigoth, no. Well, actually you might be able to do something akin to that with a machine called Peer LFO, but I've never used it, so I'm not exactly sure what it can do / how powerful it is.

    Fruity Formula Controller works like that.

    Tis sad when there is no triangular waveform formula.


    I think that is right...

  8. I think I've got the general jist of it now and I'm starting to see where the electronica style comes from :P

    It's a fun piece of software and I think it'll be fun for chiptune like music, but other than high aliased "digital" sounds I'm not counting on doing much else with this. I'm not about to take Cubase back to the store anyway! ;)

    Writing melodies is surprisingly easy and fun, but I think it's real limitation comes in the form of automation. Unless I still haven't found the feature that allows you to calculate smooth changes in, say, filter cut-off, it's pretty limited from that point of view... unless you don't mind typing in every single midi value, that is

    Can formulas be applied to automation?

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