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Posts posted by Xelebes

  1. The scratches are too soft, muffled and not... not.... sharp enough for this track. The scratching sounds like pulling a bullroar through the wind... it sounds quite cheap.

    However, this way it is orchestrated could have possibly a nice crisp hiphop drums going on here, but it wasn't carried through. Mostly due to the fact that the scratching did hamper the potential of the drums. The synths were well chosen and actually pleasant to listen to, like that often heard in French hiphop (which pwns the English/Ebonic variation.)

  2. Hmmm.... *looks at clock* yup... Brave New Waves is on... I think Andrea will like this one. Out of nowhere mixing this up with samples out of everywhere... very much I high quality sound-lab piece... from a guy with a bit too much time on his hands to figure what each knob does. A nice dose of random in every corner.

    Hmmm... makes me wanna do a gabber remix of some game music... I'll think of doing a Medal of Honor mix now... :twisted:

  3. The low kick was a nice touch. However, I find the snare just a tad weak for my liking.

    The square-based synth and the saws are a nice contrast. But I like how he cut off the delay from the square-intro synth.

    The saw-pads are nice, saws they may be but of the right texture to make it not grating. The pipe-organish synth (I think its a saw?) is pretty good.

    But what I like is the tinkling off the leads... how nice and laid back they are.

  4. :( sorry TBF, I have no idea about any of this technical stuff. Why don't you try... I don't know. Really, you should probably just hope someone who is better fit to answer that comes up to the task.

    DarkeSword, I wish I knew the answer to that :? . The Piano Roll Chopper is a useful tool, but I always feel like I'm cheating when I use it with one of the presets. So sorry, I can't answer your question either.

    I more than make up for my lack of question-answering ability with question-asking ability, though. :?

    My question is more on the technical side. I'm not getting any errors or anything. My problem is that FruityLoops cannot handle the size that my more recent projects are starting to encompass. I have a 2.0 Ghz Pentium 4, with 512 MB of RAM, and on my current project FL underruns for a few seconds just when I move the mouse! Not to mention what it does when it's actually trying to play the whole song, or even just a pattern. I've tried it with polling and hardware buffering on, I've tried it with hardward buffering on and polling off, and vice versa. I have it on the maximum buffer-size. But it's just not enough...

    All this is without anything open. I close AIM, I close all Internet Explorer windows, I even go through my Processes section of the Task Manager to weed out what I know is safe to weed out. What can I do to make FL work more efficiently? Is there some patch out there, or something, that can override the default limitation on buffer size?

    I do use quite a lot of VSTi's, and several large SoundFonts, but it's not like I'm messing around with it and trying to see how many I can fit, or am just adding them and not using them. Does anyone else have this problem, or am I just doing something wrong? And, of course, does anyone have a solution?

    Ok... the problem is the complexity of the actual songs. To get over that would be to get a dual-processor with like 1 gig of ram. Seriously, it all has to do with the sheer processing capabilities of the computers. You are using lots. I know from experience as I have done songs with like 9 reverbs, 10 delays, 8 flangers, 4 phasers, 4 compressors, 5 EQs and 8 filters and 5 disdtortions. Not to mention all the other VSTis I run. Sometimes my songs run 225% of CPU capacity.

    My advice is to test each track by itself and use smart disable. That will reduce your load and you will be able to hear the song. Then to hear it all together, doing mixdowns will require paper. Use the Fruity dB meter to measure each tracks' volume, record the highest peak on paper (in dB). To do the math, just sum up all the maximums (loudest peaks) and then divide by half the number of tracks. This has worked for me for telling how much compression you will need. I suggest that you have the compression dampen the actual sound by turning the Gain down to -1 or 2 dB. Then apply the 7 band EQ (preferably use this one over the parametric, you only use the parametric EQs for separate tracks.) Here you must balance the changes you make. For example, you'll want to up the bass a bit (for techno pieces) but you might want to not tweak that knob too much. Instead try dampening the middle fequencies just a tad. To adda little bit more snap to your drums and hihats you will want to up the higher frequencies. Making sure you have this all balanced out, render to mp3 and give a listen. This is the best way to approximate what you are doing, without having the hassle to re-render lots of times.

    But a tip that will help you save you from many renderings, get used to the 7 Band EQ. The more you are familiar with it, the less guessing you will have to do.

  5. Do you use Studio... wait no you don't. You need Studio to do such time signature changes.

    Okay, can you find the midi? If yes, the click on it, drag it a half a centimetre. A window will pop up. Click ok. A whole new swack of channels appear and they have these funny bars in them and lines too. And it looks pretty glossy too, as opposed to the higfhlighted buttons.

    Hit Piano Roll (obviously you know where this is.) and now for the fun part, editing!

  6. I doubt this is a demo right?

    Anyhoo... is there any fuzz while you are playing it in FruityLoops? Like as an flp? If there is, then use a compressor.

    If not, are you playing it in Winamp, Musicmatch, (fill in any other program that gives you access to equalisers)? Make sure you got your EQ's are level and the volume set at or below 0 dB. This might remove clipping. I'm pretty sure this is the problem, because you eq to your liking in FruityLoops, but when you double the EQing you get distortion which is bad, it's like too much of a good thing.

  7. I"m having trouble making a good lead trance synth, everything i make with the 3xosc or simsynth doesn't have the feel i want. Either it's to sharp and resonated that it will break your eardrums or too filtered that all you hear is a low wet blip sound, i can't get that trance sound that's all resonated and it's powerful yet it's not high and pitchy so it will kill your ear drums. That's what I have trouble doing. Other people tell me just to buy FM7 or another synth but I think anything is possible using the default fruity generators and effects. It's easy to come out with very different sounds. If someone could send me some kind of .flp with good trance synth's in it I would greatly appreciate it or at least give me a couple tips.

    I find the SVF filters very useful when making those fat sounds. Also, try using chorus and/or flanger (this is even explained in a Fruity Loops tutorial, though I forget which one right now.)

    Personally I stick with a combo of triangles and squares for the phat leads, saws and squares for bubble-synths (TB-303 sounds and all that...) and I use a round-saw, triangle and sine combos for bass when using 3xOsc and SimSynth.

  8. I have an older yamaha psr keyboard and i just got a midi cable today but i'm having mad trouble getting it to work in FL or whatever. I thought you can control the synths with it or something, but the red midi light does not come up and I am at a loss as to what to try next. please help me fellas

    Control what? Notes on/off? (i.e. write music just for sheer pitch and time values?)

    Modwheel can only effect the modulation. However it might be the other way where the computer is trying to control the keyboard.

    But the best bet is the drivers. You probably need to install the drivers. And make sure Yamaha has drivers that are compatible with the keyboard, as I am taking it is like 4 or 5 years old.

  9. I've got a silghtly technical question as far as FL goes. I used to do music with it on this computer of mine, but it just started locking up on me all the sudden. So I did that "Reset Settings" thing but I still get shafted each time I try it. I reinstalled it and it still locks up on me. Is my computer just messed up or does it hate FL? Heh, thanks.

    What version?

    Do you got DirectSound going?

    Audio drivers for your Soundcard installed?

    Do you use 24 bit display (I think it requires you to use 16 or 32)

    Let me think of more as I try to get my computer all up and running.

  10. I'm liking the intro.

    My only qualm is the pad that gets started right before the guitar. Makes me wanna ask why that was even put there... seemed a little jarring to put in there.

    However... the acid line is interesting and pretty cool. And the mid-section between acid line and guitar with the robo-disto was waay cool.

    Light post-funk this is... but it doesn't set in a scenario, but it is nonetheless groovy and I could only see this in a shot-backing lounge.... nothing else. Unless that was what Analoq was going for, then I say "Yay!"

  11. I have yet to see one remix done by an actual orchestra. Otherwise this is pretty good. The reason I make this point is that it doesn't carry a weight that a real orchestra could. Though, I must say that such low-budget artists like us cannot afford to get a real orchestra or do not have the clout to get an orchestra or a choir to do such.

    This is very good with the resources you got and I must say you did a great job!

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