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Native Jovian

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Posts posted by Native Jovian

  1. I first ran into this game way back in the day when Criken posted some videos of it.  I've played a few rounds but never really gotten that deep into it.  I feel like it'd be fun with a team you knew, but it didn't quite grab me enough to get me to play on my own.


    If you want to set up something where we can get OCR games going like we still do for TF2, I'd totally be down for that.

  2. The problem is, of course, that the point of the event isn't to be convenient for fans, it's to get people to go to Gamestop so that oh hey, while you're here, would you like to preorder Medal of Duty 16?  No?  How about a copy of Pokemon Sun and/or Moon?  I mean, I live within walking distance of a Gamestop and I haven't bothered to get any of the codes from them.  Of course, I'm probably not the best example, given that the only reason I even get the online ones is because this thread reminds me to, but still.  (And I did just get my Shiny Yvetal.  I've only beat the first gym and at this point I'm one short of being able to have an entire party of level 100 legendaries.)

  3. 17 minutes ago, Daemos said:

    My personal suggestion is to wait a month or two. Nvidia just announced the release of the Pascal based cards and they are supposed to SCREAM. Even if your not looking at them they will bring the price down for other cards, to some extent anyway.

    Came here to say this.  New hardware is on the horizon -- unless you absolutely need a new card now, you're better off waiting a bit and seeing how the market gets shaken up.

  4. I don't have a PS4 yet, so I'm holding off until we get more information about the rumored new version.  I'll probably get that rather than an original, assuming that the launch date isn't like two years from now or something.

    If I had a launch PS4 already, I probably wouldn't bother, though.

  5. 23 hours ago, Thin Crust said:

    I clicked the link and saw "An extensive look at FF15's first chapter" and I thought, why would I ever want to look at that?  Why would anyone want spoilers?  The first chapter is supposed to be jaw dropping and get you hooked.  Reading spoilers will just ruin the experience.

    You...  you realize that not everyone feels that way, right?  I mean, it's fine if you do (I feel the same way, generally), but some people get hyped about stuff by voraciously consuming any and all information they can find about it, spoilers included.  It doesn't ruin the experience for them because having information about the experience isn't the same thing as experiencing the experience.

  6. The only real problem with the draw system was that drawing 100 of a given spell the first time you ran across it was necessary in order to make your characters more powerful, but it was boring.  Having to spend an hour or so just grabbing spells from monsters sucked.  The concept (steal spells from monsters, attach spells to stats to make them more powerful) was interesting, but the execution was tedious.  Maybe make it so that using the draw command once filled your stock of that spell up to max?  Or make it so that junctioning a spell to a stat didn't depend on how many of the spell you had stored, just on which spell it was?  (ie, junctioning fire to strength has the same effect whether you have 1 fire or 100 fire stored up.)

  7. Kojima is certainly allowed to cast whoever he wants as Snake, but I don't think that Hayter is unreasonable to be a little salty about it given that he's voiced the character for like five games and 15 years.  David Hayter is Snake for a lot of people, so giving him the boot at this point seems like a terrible idea, and I don't think Hayter is out of line for saying he was disappointed and upset by it.  It's not like he was screaming abuse or swearing up a storm or anything, he was just giving his thoughts on the subject, and his thoughts were "that sucked, I didn't like it".

  8. I'm definitely interested, but I haven't bought the game yet.  Probably would have picked up the special edition (or tried to, at least) but by the time I heard about it that ship had sailed.  I was actually pretty irritated until I realized that you could get all the same content for the same price, it's just one cart plus two DLC rather than all three being on-cart.


    Anyway, I'll probably pick it up eventually.  I'm always trying (and usually failing) to chip away at my backlog of unfinished games, so I intend to beat what I'm playing now before picking up anything new.

  9. On 12/21/2015 at 9:54 PM, Neblix said:

    Why would you want a "heroic character"? Heroism is a one-dimensional concept.

    I don't watch Star Wars for its nuanced observations on human nature.  This is the franchise where you can tell the difference between good space wizard knights and evil space wizard knights base on the color of their space laser sword.  When the movie I'm watching has Star Wars in the title, I want to see Heroes fighting Villains.


    4 hours ago, WillRock said:

    Also, there are complaints that Rey is a mary sue? w/e \O_O/

    The complaint there is that she learned to use her powers too quickly.  Luke got some actual training from Obi-Wan, and still didn't use the Force except in a passive sense (he made a difficult torpedo shot, he didn't start flinging stuff around with his mind) for the rest of the movie -- and even then he had to be talked through it by Obi-Wan's ghost.  Rey, on the other hand, never receives any training, outright rejects the idea of learning to use the Force (as opposed to Luke who is gung-ho about it from the start), and still manages to pull off stuff like holding off Kylo's mental probe (and indeed, turns it against him) mind tricking a guard, yanking a lightsaber out of Kylo's force grip, defeating him in a lightsaber duel, etc.  Yes, there are extenuating circumstances (Kylo is wounded, he's supposedly only half-trained himself, etc) but it still comes off as the movie wanting to make sure we know how much of a super awesome badass Rey is.  I think the "mary sue" claim is a bit much, but I don't think the idea that she's more powerful with less training than anyone else in Star Wars is wrong.

  10. I thought the movie was good, but not great.  Some of the things I had problems with (Rey being stupid-good at the Force despite having zero training and only knowing she was Force sensitive for like 20 minutes) other people had already mentioned, but one thing that bothered me no one else has brought up yet.

    None of the main characters feel very heroic.  Okay, well, there is Poe, but he doesn't get much screen time.  Finn is a good guy but would rather run than fight.  Rey is a good person as well, but is more worried about getting back to Jakku than anything else.  Both of them had the potential to suck it up and sign on with the Resistance, but neither actually does it.

    Finn was all ready to leave and do his own thing, but makes a detour to save Rey after she's captured.  He helps the Resistance because that will lead to Rey getting rescued, and actually lies to them in order to make sure that he can rescue her.  He might have changed his mind by the end, but he's unconscious by that point so we don't know what he thinks.

    Rey gets pulled into the conflict by Finn (the stormtroopers see them together when they're after him, which he points out makes her a target too), tries her best to stay alive without getting any of her friends killed, consciously rejects the idea of becoming a jedi and fighting the First Order and mostly just wants to go home, but she's captured and spends most of the rest of the movie escaping.  There's the bit where she goes to find Luke at the end, but honestly given that there's no dialogue it's impossible to say why exactly she's doing it.  (To bring him back to help the Resistance and save the galaxy?  To get answers about the visions she had?  To embrace her destiny and train as a jedi?  To get his help in healing Finn?  Because he's her father?  To return his lightsaber to him so she doesn't have to carry it around anymore?)

    Han is deliberately avoiding the Resistance (and has been for years, apparently) and even when he does get involved again, it's clear that his relationship with Leia and his son are his real motives (and what he's been running from until then) rather than any particular calling to help the Resistance or fight the First Order.

    None of these would have been problematic on their own, but when every main character is like that, it leaves things feeling a little flat.  If either Finn or Rey had been eager to sign on with the Resistance and fight the First Order (thus leading the other to do the same because they're important to each other), then it would have solved the problem.  But they don't, so it seems like they end up being heroes basically by accident instead of because they're heroic characters.


    Now, things that were really good:

    The dynamic between Finn and Poe was fantastic.  The (sadly few) scenes where they're on-screen together are some of the best in the film (even the "Damn, that's one badass pilot" scene where Finn is watching Poe from the ground without realizing who it is).

    The return of Han Solo was great, and they really nailed the sense of "older and wiser, but still getting himself into trouble".  Harrison Ford's wisecracking was amusing without being overdone.

    Finn and Rey were both well-acted.  My issues with their character arcs aside, I have no problems with the way their dialogue was written or executed.  I see what some people mean about Finn being Jar-Jar light (he's certainly not as smooth as other Star Wars protagonists), but I disagree with that characterization.  Seeing him get flustered made for an interesting contrast to the other main characters, who are generally unflappable.

    On the same note, the relationship between Finn and Rey was also done well.  They clearly care for each other, and it was developed much better than the standard "love at first sight" or "I publically hate you but secretly love you".


    Things that were less good:

    I didn't particularly care for the performances by Poe or Kylo.  They weren't horrible, but they weren't especially compelling, either.  (Except when Poe was with Finn, anyway.)

    Kylo wasn't especially impressive as a villain in general.  They humanized him too much, too quickly.  If you want a villain to carry a movie like that, then he needs to be a genuinely impressive threat.  Instead he gets beaten up by a wookiee, an ex-stormtrooper, and a girl with Force sensitivity but not an ounce of training.  Really, the whole climactic duel with Kylo (and Han's death preceding it) feels like it should have been the end of the second movie, a la Luke vs Vader at Cloud City.  Without the first act building up the character, it felt like a bit of a letdown.

    They kept it a bit too close to the original trilogy at times.  We start on a desert planet that's not Tatooine, after the band of plucky do-gooders that's not the Rebellion gets some important information that's not the Death Star plans and sticks it in a droid that's not R2 because the rebel that's not Princess Leia is about to be captured by the evil force user that's not Darth Vader.  The droid ends up with the skilled pilot local kid who's not Luke, who ends up having to leave the planet after stormtroopers chase them off on the Millennium Falcon.  The middle bits (first with Han and Chewie, then with the old-lady alien) were great; they hit the Star Wars feel perfectly without seeming derivative... then it's back to rehashing the attacks on the Death Star -- launching from the no-longer-secret Rebel Resistance base to attack the superweapon's weak point with X-wings and blow it up before it can destroy the Resistance base's planet, while another team does a ground assault to bring down the shields and make it vulnerable.


    I see you eyeing the quote "fundamental gameplay concepts", but I maintain fundamentally it's a gameplay concept that did not serve the game well and placed a barrier on the immersion. So I see changing it is a plus, and I see that change is allowed in something called a remake and not really in something called an update or remaster (and remaster has very specific technical definition).

    So you're quoting a dictionary definition at me, then ignoring the part where that definition undercuts your own argument by saying "whatever, the new version will be better anyway".
    Well, I'm convinced.  /s

    The bottom line is I don't think they were dishonest about how they portrayed this game (they said from the very beginning combat wouldn't be the same), so I don't see people having a right to feel like they've been lied to. Anyone who feels like they're being lied to has just not been keeping up.

    I'm not suggesting that people should feel like they've been lied to or tricked.  I'm just saying that it's legitimate to be disappointed that what they're getting (a FFVII remake that plays like the original FFVII) is not what they're getting.

    And I don't see a right to be angry at all, since beyond feeling like you were lied to, it's now purely just "I want the game to be my way and there's no point in them making it if it's not going to be my way because the game is pointless if it's not complete the same as the original just with better graphics even though there are swaths of people who hated the old way and the entire current generation doesn't have the patience for menu turn-based combat"

    And what you're saying is "I want the game to be my way and I'm happy because it's going to be my way and no one else has the right to be disappointed because it's going to be my way and that's a good thing because it's my way".


    I'm not saying that you have to agree with my opinion about the game.  I'm just expressing my own opinion about it.  You're confusing "I'm disappointed that it's not going to be this way" with "I demand that it be this way and Squeenix is evilbadwrong for doing it any other way!".



    Changing the combat style is a miniscule aspect if you consider that they're projecting to retain the narrative (even quoted the guy saying that the Cloud cross-dressing scene is going to be in there). Sure it changes the genre but I guarantee you that most of the reason people like FFVII is because of its characters and its music, not because it has some meaningful iteration of turn-based combat and they won't actually really care if now it's more immersive and they have more direct controls of their favorite bad-asses with cooler camera work..

    See, this is the part where you go back to stating your opinion as fact.  Stop doing that.  The gameplay aspect of Final Fantasy is important to me.  I don't think it's an improvement to go from FFVII's original system to something more like modern FF games.  You're free to disagree, but telling me that "I won't actually really care" is dumb and wrong and you should stop saying it.



    You're trying to imply that I'm functionally saying you're being unreasonable. There's no need to, because I explicitly think you're being unreasonable. I think being mad that Squeenix is making a game in a way that you don't want them to is unreasonable, since 1) it's not your IP, 2) you have not already bought into the game yet, and 3) they have not at all lied to you about what it's going to be. (They're not destroying something you own, you're not losing money, and they're directly telling you what they're doing long before you have the chance to buy it and be disappointed)

    Because being disappointed with something I thought I might enjoy turning out to be something I don't think I'll enjoy is unreasonable.  /s



    What are they internalizing? The belief that women are weak? The belief that women are sexual objects, or that their value is decided by breast size? And that these new beliefs translate to sexist actions in the future?

    Pretty much, yes.  If the only women you ever see in video games (or Hollywood movies, or whatever) are damsels in distress who immediately shack up with the (inevitably male) hero upon being rescued, then yeah, the idea that women are unable to take care of themselves and thus exchange sexual favors (or romantic love, if you're feeling more idealistic) for protection is more or less the message being sent.



    Didn't we just have an argument where you said you can't influence peoples' belief and motivations to make them not do sexist things, but now you can when you DO want to make them do sexist things? So peoples' minds and "invisible" characters ARE "intangibly" malleable, but only inevitably to make them worse? And suddenly now these new internalized beliefs matter when you just got done telling me we don't care about sexist beliefs/attitudes, only actions?

    No, my whole point was that environment (the way people around you and the media you consume affects you) leads to attitudes, attitudes lead to behaviors, and behaviors lead to environment (the way you affect people, both through personal interaction and any media you may create).  By calling out sexist media, you hopefully reduce the amount of sexism in that media, which leads to less sexist environments, which leads to less sexist attitudes, which leads to less sexist behaviors, which leads to less sexist environments and the whole thing is self-reinforcing.


    The thing about caring about behaviors rather than attitudes was because behaviors are what cause harm.  I don't really care if you believe in the deepest part of your soul that women are inferior to men as long as you don't act on that belief.  This is nigh-impossible, of course, and changing people's attitudes is the easiest way to change their behavior.  But if we can change the behavior without changing the attitude, then that's preferable to changing the attitude without changing the behavior.


    Or do you believe that in conjunction with your belief that sexist media makes sexist people (who do sexist things in real life) that progressive media makes progressive people (who do progressive things in real life). I feel like to have a reasonable point of view, you either need to believe both or believe neither. I believe neither, and if you believe both, then yes, I can agree to disagree

    I believe both, yes.  Your environment shapes your attitudes, for good or bad.  Someone in a sexist environment is more likely to have sexist attitudes, and thus more likely to engage in sexist behavior.  On the flip side, someone in a feminist (or "progressive" or "pro-equality" or whatever you want to call it) environment is more likely to internalize those attitudes and engage in that behavior.


    It's never actually that simple, of course.  People's environments are complex and never simply "sexist" or "not sexist" but rather a mix of both.  Ditto attitudes ane behaviors.  But you get what I mean.

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